
Disabling buttons problem on C#.

Ok so I'm trying to move items from one listbox to another by using multiple buttons i.e I have 2 buttons cmdRight and cmdRight2 which are both disabled on form load If the user selects a single item on the first listbox a cmdRIght button enables but cmdRight2 is still disabled , if the user selects multiple items on the first listbox ...

view state in asp.net

I can disable viewstate of each control, but not entire page. Is there a way to disable viewstate in whole page? ...

mootools inject disabled element

I can't seem to figure out how to inject a disabled element. Any help will be appreciated. I apologize, as I made several mistakes posting this. First of all, i was applying the attribute to an h3 element (how do you disable that??, you don't). Also, I'm afraid I have tried a : with still no effect. Please forgive my error, and here is ...

How to disable stack trace generation in a java program?

I want to disable the stack trace getting generated when an exception is thrown. I have used, Runtime.getRuntime().traceInstructions(false); Runtime.getRuntime().traceMethodCalls(false); but still i could see the trace getting generated. How can you do that? Also i need to detect whether some one is debugging my class. I want to di...

Mixing server & client controls, event handling

This is a recurring question on many forums, and I have a working solution, but it is ugly. I need to disable buttons after a click to prevent double-submission of a form. I do this by changing the css class, which will disable and dim the image. Because the JavaScript consists of both litteral and generated parts, and I am mixing clien...

Prevent selection in HTML

Hi, I have a div on a HTML page and whenever I press the mouse and move it, it will show that "can't drop" cursor like it selects something. Is there a way to disable selection? I tried CSS user-select with none without success. ...

jquery disable multiple input children of a div

I want do do something like below from a checkbox, There's a checkbox on every row, and I'd like to disable all the inputfields on a row with the class .room when the checkbox is clicked. function toggleStatus(link) { $(link).closest(".room").children(':input').attr('disabled', true); } also tried function toggleStatus(link) { ...

Disable Anchor tag and remove underline also in javscript

I have a anchor tag which I would like to disable or enable depending upon some condition. I am able to achive this using the following function function disableEnableAnchor(obj, disable) { if(disable) { var href = obj.getAttribute("href"); if(href && href != "" && href != null) obj.setAttribute('...

WPF Enable Disable Controls.

Hi, When I disable a control in WPF, like say a Menu item, like MenuItem aMenuItem = ... aMenuItem.IsEnabled = false; the text in the MenuItem is still active, that is it is not grayed out as you would expect when items are disabled. Is there a simple way to do this not only for Menu items but for any WPF control? Thanks ...

Questions about javascript and flash

Hi, I have a website to develop for a company and, in their instructions, the website must work even the javascript is disabled. Before beginning the development, I visited this company's main website and it works even the javascript is turned off. But, they are using Flash on their main page and it still run even javascript is turned of...

How to avoid debugging of code in java?

I need to stop debugger applications from debugging my code. For this, i am using the following code in the constructor of my classes: RuntimeMXBean RuntimemxBean = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean(); java.util.List<String> arguments = RuntimemxBean.getInputArguments(); //System.setErr(null); for ( String str : a...

itemrendrer checkbox in datagrid

How can i make the checkBox click as disable in itemRendrer in a datagrid? ...

How to disable UIWebview horizontal scrolling?

I've tried disabling it by inserting: <meta name="viewport" content="width=320" /> into my HTML string, and a dozen variations of the above in the vain hope that I just screwed up the tag syntax... but nothing seems to stop UIWebView from scrolling horizontally. And yet there are apps that manage to do this (like MobileRSS), and presu...

how to hide webpart from a group?

can i hide (not by code) a webpart ONLY from a specific group? ...

How do I disable logging for CVSROOT in loginfo?

I'd like to disable logging for the module CVSROOT. I tried: ^CVSROOT /bin/cat > /dev/null but that fails with this error: /bin/cat: >: No such file or directory /bin/cat: /var/cvs/globus/base2/CVSROOT: Is a directory It seems CVS appends some default parameters when I don't specify anything. But I can't use /bin/cat ${sVv} because...

Zend/PHP: How to disable webpage behind popup ?

I am working on zend framework, PHP and jQuery. I am working on popups sometimes. When any popup is open on the screen, we can still clicks links on webpage behind popup which causes some unexpected behaviour. How can I disable a webpage behind popup. I have seen some web application in which when popup appears then webpage behind popup ...

Disable a textbox using CSS

How to disable a textbox in CSS? Currently we are having a textbox in our view which can be enabled/disabled depending on a property in the model. We are having asp.net MVC view; depending on the value of the Model property we need to either render a textbox or readonly textbox. we were thinking of doing this by applying CSS to the view ...

Disable Days in Jquery FullCalendar

I'm using FullCalendar as a large date picker with added features, and need to disable all Sundays and various other days throughout the year. Jquery UI date picker allows you to create methods for disabling dates. Is there a similar setup for FullCalendar? ...

In MFC, how do I tell if a CComboBox is enabled?

I see that you can enable/disable using the EnableWindow method, but how do I get it's current state? ...

disable event-bubbling c# wpf

Hi, I'm having the following problem: When I got two labels into each other: <Label x:Name="First" MouseUp="Label_MouseUp"> <Label x:Name="Second" MouseUp="Label_MouseUp_1">This is a label into another label</Label> </Label> And the following code: private void Label_MouseUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { Console.W...