
Displaying Multiple RSS Feeds with PHP

Does anyone know how to do this? I know how to display a single feed as a simple list, but it gets more complicated. I want to display a list but have multiple sources, with each source having the list-style-image be specific. Example: (img1) This is data from rss feed 1 (img2) This is data from rss feed 2 Thanks so much for the hel...

JQuery. Hide elements before they rendered. Best practice

Hello everybody, I want to generate html layout with areas (divs, spans) that can be shown/hidden conditionally. These areas are hidden by default. If I call .hide method with jquery on document.ready these areas may blink (browsers render partially loaded documents). So I apply "display: none" style in html layout. I wonder what is t...

Converting a view to Bitmap without displaying it in Android?

Hi, I will try to explain what exactly I need to do. I have 3 separate screens say A,B,C. There is another screen called say HomeScreen where all the 3 screens bitmap should be displayed in Gallery view and the user can select in which view does he wants to go. I have been able to get the Bitmaps of all the 3 screens and display it i...

java double[][] - display as image

Hi all, just wondering if there is a simple way in java to display the contents of say 16x16 array of doubles [0..1] as a greyscale image (ala matlab)? using an unfamiliar matrix library, so I'd like to check that I'm on the right track. don't really care if it is slow or ugly, or if it requires external library - it's just there for a ...

WWW::Mechanize::Plugin::Display - Always open a new window

How can I configure WWW::Mechanize::Plugin::Display, so that the plug-in always opens a new window and not only a new tab? ...

Display options for email

I am displaing one particular mail message. I wonder if i can change display preferences. I want to change options to display pictures embedded in mail body. I access to mail in that way: Outlook.Application outLookApp = new Outlook.Application(); Outlook.Inspector inspector = outLookApp.ActiveInspector(); Outlook.NameSpace nameSpace = ...

Can someone add fundamental reasons why appending html markup to field variables is wrong

html += '<tr style="display:none;"><td class="leftval">ID:</td><td><span id="' + _uniqueId + '-id">' + one + '</span></td></tr>'; html += '<tr><td class="leftval"><label for="' + _uniqueId + '-itemdesc" title="This is the descriptive text that will actually appear in the email.">Description: </label></td>'; html += '<td><input...

Error: Current Displayable is an Alert

I get the following error: Illegal Argument java/lang/IllegalArgumentException Current Displayable is an Alert I'm not sure what is means and why this exception is fired. ...

Set background color for a field depending on its value

I have a Customer table and one of the fields here is for Status....I want to have the background colour of the cell containing this field to be set according to it's value e.g green for the status "Closed"; yellow for the status "Pending" and so on. What's the best way to do this...possibly something that'll be easy to modify if need ...

Ladder word-like game GUI problems

Ok so I've written my own version of game which should look like this : http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/6859/lab9a.jpg but mine looks like that : http://img444.imageshack.us/img444/7671/98921674.jpg How can I fix this ? Is there a way to do the layout completely differently ? Here's the code : Main.java : import java.util.Scann...

Screen Text size in .NET

Is there a way to know if the text size is at 125% from .NET/C#? The setting comes from Control Panel\Appearance and Personalization\Display ... ...

Conflict between some JavaScript and jQuery on same page

I am using a JavaScript function and some jQuery to perform two actions on a page. The first is a simple JS function to hide/show divs and change the active state of a tab: This is the JS that show/hides divs and changes the active state on some tabs: var ids=new Array('section1','section2','section3'); function switchid(id, el){ ...

Preventing float wrapping without setting parent width

I would like to have several items stack horizontally infinitely (in one row), without setting the width of their parent container. I'm fully aware that setting the container div to width:1000px; will make them stack, but for various reasons I do not want to use this solution. Are there any alternatives? <html> <head> <style type="text/...

How can I reference a file in my drawable folder to put in WebView in android?

For example, I want to make an image appear in webview to utilize the zoom functions. I would use this line of code: this.myWebView.loadUrl("file://"); I just need to know what to put after file to reference the image. ...

Displaying the website's content (html) through the specific browser - is it possible to realize?

I'm interested is there a possibility that could allow to display website's content or to say exactly an HTML through a specific browser installed on the web server? I mean something like a module for a web server may be, that can display the website's content through the built-in browser, ignoring the clients browser? If this possibil...

How can I know the displayed text in the UILabelView?

How can I know the displayed text in the UILabelView? I have a large text and I am going to have 3 uilabels that represent 3 columns of an iPad App like NYTimes one. When I put the large text in the first column (UILabelView) I need to know how much of the text is displayed there.. If U suggest another solution please let me know. Char...

How to use JavaScript to measure how bright a users monitor is ?

I've noticed that the brightness of computer monitors drastically varies between computers. As such, this changes the look of web pages greatly. Is there a way to use JavaScript to automatically detect how bright (or dark) a users monitor is so that I can adjust my web page colors accordingly? UPDATE Please note that I do not want ma...

dismissing search display controller keyboard

Hi, I am using search display controller and a search bar. When i click inside the serach bar the keyboard appears. When i navigate away to another page , the keyboard does not disappear and stays in the same page. Can you please help me ? Thanks, Andy. ...

PHP, manipulating images and thumbnails?

I am using php and mysql. I allow my registered users to upload photos, the photos are store in filesystem format, then I will keep the original/max size of : width: 1600px and heigh: 1200px. In the user profile page, I would like to display the image, it maybe one of the 5 types of thumnails: 500x500, 300x300, 200x200, 100x100 or 50x50....

Select Text In Android

Is it Possible to Display some text say a story, in an ANDROID app which also enables the user to select some text and perform some operations on that text.. the main idea is to display some text and when the user selects some text(a word or a sentence) i need to get that text for some further operation on that text. we cant use text v...