
Gmail freezes on display:none

Hi, I have a "div" which i insert in everypage, inside which resides my plugin. In certain pages where i might not need to use the plugin, i do a display:none on the div. This seems to work perfectly fine in all browsers. The only exception to this seems to be the "google.com" pages. Whether it be the search page or the gmail page, it s...

How do I display each view once as they are loaded, in Android?

I have an Android application that works off of a smaller database, around 300 entries. To view the database, I have created a custom view that contains individual rows of data. Then I query the database, and add each line to a newly created custom view. The problem is that it takes a little white for all of this to be created/loaded, s...

Splits and windows in vim/emacs/etc.: can we have buffer-specific splits?

I'm using Charles Campbell's MPage[0] plugin to get multiple pages open, so I have vertical splits open for one buffer. My question is: can I have another display without splits open for another buffer, and switch back to the display with splits, without opening another instance of vim? It's easy to do so using tmux or the like, bu...

jqGrid display default "loading" message when updating a table / on custom update

I have a case where I need to update a jqgrid based on some search criteria which the user selects. I can get the data to update , but I would want the loading message to show while the new data is being fetched. Can someone please let me know how to get that working ? Current code follows var ob_gridContents = $.ajax( { url : '/Dis...

Best practice to display POI in iPhone's MapKit?

Assuming I have a database of POI with their respective coordinates (longitude & latitude). What would be the "standard" way to display the POI as annotations around the user's current location? To elaborate: Given a zoom level, I guess I have to search through the database for all POI whose distance to the current location < a certain...

How to get screen DPI (linux,mac) programatically?

Hey, I need to know active screen DPI on Linux and Mac OS. I think on linux xlib might be useful, but I can't find a way how to get currect DPI. I want this information to get real screen size in inches. Thanks in advance! ...

How to display a DateTime with chosen date parts, but in the order of the FormatProvider?

I want to display the date in the order that the culture provides, but with the elements I want only. The DateTime.Tostring() method has a list of patterns that are very useful but I would like a very small change in it. The CultureInfo used in the following the following code are chosen as example, I don't want to rely on a specific l...

Changing the admin edit window display values

I have a database table with e.g. a weight value e.g. CREATE TABLE product ( id SERIAL NOT NULL, product_name item_name NOT NULL, . . weight NUMERIC(7,3), -- the weight in kg . . CONSTRAINT PK_product PRIMARY KEY (id) ); This results is the model: class Product(models.Model): . weight = mode...

White screen between Canvases

Hello everyone, I am having, what i believe is a minor issue. I am developing a J2ME application which predominantly uses canvases for display. The problem is I have set all these canvases to fullscreen and when i navigate from one class to another i am first given a white screen and then taken to the canvas i intend to go. I am not un...

[jQuery] Animate hidden hyperlink to display:block

Hi guys, given a hidden hyperlink (hidden by setting display: inline in a css file), how can I achieve to animate this hyperlink to 'display:block'? Neither show() nor the following code .animate({ display: block }, { duration: 500 } do work! Anny suggestions? Cheers, cube ...

CSS Tables & min-width container?

<div id="wrapper"> <div id="header">...</div> <div id="main"> <div id="content">...</div> <div id="sidebar">...</div> </div> </div> #wrapper { min-width: 900px; } #main { display: table-row; } #content { display: table-cell; } #sidebar { display: table-cell; width: 250px; } The problem is that the sidebar isn't always at...

rails- display certian number of characters from a textfield

I running a rails project and I am displaying a textfield that can often be too long. If there any things I can call to only display 20 words or 120 characters on the the view page ?? ...

sqlite COUNT in flex returning [object Object]

I'm sure this is an easy questions and I'm just doing something stupid but I'm really new to all this code. I'm trying to run a sqlite query in flex to count the total number of records I believe its working fine but I just can't figure out how to display the results - all I get back is [object Object]. private function overviewOne():...

PHP - How to get, and display the biggest values from a database?

Hello. Can anyone tell me how to get and display the biggest values from a database? I have multiple values in my database with the heading "gmd", but how would I get only the first 3 biggest ones to be displayed? How would I do it in this example: $query = "SELECT gmd FROM account"; $result = mysql_query($query); while($row = mysql_...

PHP - How to display other values, when a query is limited by 3?

Hello. Can anyone tell me how to display the other values, when a query is limited my 3. In this question I asked how to order and limit values, but now I want to show the others in another query. How would I go about doing this? Here's the code I used before: $query = "SELECT gmd FROM account ORDER BY gmd DESC LIMIT 3"; $result = mysq...

fullcalendar Cannot display the new event when switch month back.

Hi guys, I add a new event to fullcalendar, it display well, but when I go to next month and switch back, it disappear! but the old event will display, why? and How can I display all events? thanks a lot! the detail like: I have two events: event1, event2 coming from a database and when FullCalendar initializes, I add them to the Cale...

Passing the DISPLAY argument into a GNU screen command to run Selenium

I am running a multiserver Selenium testing environment using headless VPSs. I have nearly everything automated except for a specific need to declare the DISPLAY=:1 argument when starting Selenium within a screen session (due to running VNC server). Here is the command I'd like to work: screen -d -m DISPLAY=:1 java -jar /root/Desktop/...

[struts2] What is a preferred way of displaying result as a table?

I have an action that populates the result from the DB. Right now, I see a way of doing it and that is to make the Action ServletRequestAware, set the populated list as a request attribute and show it in jsp. Since a lot of improvements have been introduced into struts2, is there any other way of doing that? The first thing that comes ...

How to delay to load the button on image view in iphone

Hi, I am new to iphone development. I have created a view controller and sets the button on the view. On clicking the button, it navigates to the next view and loaded the image in the view. Now i want to display the button on after loaded the image. The button will be shown after 3 seconds on the image view. Please help me out, Thanks...

Removing UITextField from superview does not make it disappear on screen

I have the following code // Breakpoint here [label removeFromSuperview]; [label release]; label = nil; stepping through it with the debugger outputs (gdb) po [self subviews] <NSCFArray 0x476af70>( <UIImageView: 0x47581a0; frame = (0 0; 232 81); opaque = NO; autoresize = W+H; userInteractionEnabled = NO; layer = <CALayer: 0x476b3d0>>...