
JavaScript: display div on index.php

Information: I have a site that has a design on index.php, and then you browse other pages(video.php, news.php) inside a frame on index.php. What i want to do: After a action(inserted to mysql.query) has happend inside the frame(video.php), i want to show a #box that is on index.php. How should i do this? And is it possible to do like...

style.display='none' doesnt work on option tags in chrome, but it does in firefox, anyone know why? or a workaround?

ok, heres some sample code that demonstrates the problem. if i click the button in firefox, the first option disappears. if i click the button in chrome, nothing happens, or rather if i inspect the first option, it does have the attribute "style='display:none'" but the option itself on the html page is not hidden. <form> <select> <optio...

Using prototype/scriptaculous to hide the previous row

I dont know if this is even possible, but I have a situation where I need to be able to hide the previous table row onload. Situation: <table> <tr> <td>1</td> <td>a</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td>b</td> </tr> <tr id="removeabove"> <td>3</td> <td>c</td> </tr> </table> Now again I dont know if this is even p...

jquery count div that has a display:none attribute

I want to count the div that has a class name "items" and has an attribute "style=display:none". <div id="skills"> <div class="items" style="display:none">1</div> <div class="items">2</div> <div class="items">3</div> <div class="items" style="display:none">4</div> <div class="items" style="display:none">5</div></div> the output should...

CALayer and obtaining currentcontext of its UIView

I try to learn the drawing process in UIView in iphone. as I understand the drawing process accurs only if the method [UIView drawRect] exists. it starts with [CALayer display] and from within that method [UIView drawRect] is called (to be precise :first [UIView drawLayer:layer inContext:context] is called and from within this method ...

To display the title for the current loaction in map in iphone

Hi, I am new to iphone development. I have created map applications and i displayed the cuurent locations and drop a pin to the current location. now i want to display the title and subtitle of the current location when i am clicking the pin. Please help me out. Thanks. ...

Is there an android application (or method) which can increase the display size for all other apps?

Looking to see if there's an existing method or application to increase display size for all applications for people with bad vision. Thanks! ...

using cakephp, how do I display a series of data without using for each loops?

The application I'm building is a tennis draw, which has a list of matches organized by round. I've also given the matches a position number as a way to order them and manage matches that are at the top of the draw. In a 32 player draw there are 16 matches in the first round, with match positions ordered from 1 - 16. The draw is laid ou...

What is the difference between Android SDK 1.5 and 2.0 in terms of rendering?

I am nearly finished with the development of an Android application. But there seems to be a problem. When I started working on the project I used only the default 1.5 device resolution which is 320x480. But now when I am in the testing phase I started testing in 480x800 and 480x854 in both 1.5 and 2.0. These resolutions are not defined ...

WPF datagrid binding

Hi, I have the following domain: public class FileInformation { public String FileName; public String CreatedBy; // name of user who created the file public String CreatedComments; public String CreatedDate; public String EditedBy; // name of user who last edited the file public String EditedComments; public String EditedDate...

Get text from a reapeater object - flex

I have a label that is using a repeater to get information form a database. Now I'm trying to pass the information in that label to another label component, but I haven't had any luck. if I do a trace on the label in the repeater eg. trace (Gotid.text); I get this error in debug mode warning: unable to bind to property 'user_name' o...

How to display posted XML data in ASP.Net

I am trying to setup a test page that will display an XML Post from a gateway but can not find any examples of how to do this. Every example I have seen has been posting information FROM a page or reading an XML FILE but nothing relating to dispalying a (I think its called) xml stream that is posted to a page? The idea is this: User sub...

display old inactive data in dropdown

I have a dropdown which displays some programs (active and inactive). I have a column (isActive) in the programs table in the database which either has a value N or Y. Now I want to filter the dropdown to display only active programs. So, I will just do a sql select to get all programs which are active. Everything is fine up to here. N...

How to display only text enclosed within a certain span tag using css

Please, have a look at the html below. The first sentence is enclosed by a span tag with the class "highlight". <p><span class="highlight">The Document Object Model (DOM) is a programming interface for HTML and XML documents.</span> It provides a structured representation of the document and it defines a way that the structure can be ac...

Browser displays page without styles for a short moment (visual glitch)

I have observed that, very infrequently, Internet Explorer (7 or 8, it does not matter) displays our web pages (www.epsitec.ch) a short time without applying the CSS. The layout appears completely broken, with everything displayed sequentially from top to bottom. When the page has finished loading, everything finally gets displayed prope...

Image Upload Servlet not working in Chrome, but works in other browsers

I have tested this servlet and it works well, except in Google Chrome it jsut doesn't display image. What could be wrong in this example code that makes Chrome not to display image? http://balusc.blogspot.com/2007/04/imageservlet.html ...

displaying labels in marathi language.

i am tring to display lable of form in marathi language for that am creating marathi.js this my mararhi.js if(Ext.app.formPanel) { Ext.apply(Ext.app.formPanel.prototype, { selectUser:'नाव' } ); } and my other js file contain this var Ext.app.formPanel = ...

HTML colspan in CSS

Hi, I'm trying to construct a two row table similar to following: --- - where the bottom is filling the space of the upper row. Is this possible using CSS? In HTML I can do things like colspan. ...

How to pass a parameter to a javascript through a url and display it on a page ?

For instance, I have a url like this : www.mysite.com/my_app.html How do I pass a value " Use_Id = abc " to it and use javascript to display on that page ? ...

Actionscript Receiving Mouse Events For Lower Indexed And Partially Covered Display Objects?

i have 2 sprites on stage. bottomSprite is added to the display list first, followed by topSprite. topSprite partially covers bottomSprite. i've added an event listener to bottomSprite for MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVED notifications to simply trace the mouseX and mouseY coordinates. however, the notification doesn't work for the parts of bo...