
c# : how to easily display a Dictionary<string, int> ?

I have a dictionary that I want to show in a form. What's the easiest way to do this ? Preferrably I'd like to show a control where I can sort using the int-value. I've tried a DataGridView but nothing shows up, I must be doing something wrong... Code: mDataGridView.DataSource = mWordCount; /*Where mWordCount is the Dictionary<string...

Sifr 3 file is showing up as just white - no text

I have downloaded the most recent files sifr3-r436. I made my flash file and when I open the published swf it reads: "Rendered with sIFR 3, revision 436" in the typeface I've selected. I added the css and js code to my html page and configured the js, but what happens is bizarre. I can see the original html text flash and then it is cov...

Flash is not displayed in IE8 (in ASP.NET MVC application )

Here is my code in Site.master <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=8,0,0,0" width="980" height="337" id="flashheader" align="middle"> <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDo...

View .aspx page in separate design and source tabs in Visual Studio

We have three options to view any .aspx page in a tab Design Source Split How can we view Design and Source in separate tabs for a any aspx page ? Or if this is impossible!! can we use split option by Vertically splitting the Design and Source ? if later one is possible, I could stretch the view onto two monitors like here as sugge...

How do you display something from a function onto a display window in a GUI in MATLAB?

I have a function sumsurface that I use in the following code to display certain values in the command window: if sumsurface(i) < .01 && sumsurface(i) > -.01 disp(sumsurface(i)); disp(pH(i)); end However, I instead want to display sumsurface(i) and pH(i) on a display window in a GUI. How can I do this? ...

WPF & Linq to Entities: How can I dynamically display data where it is changed by another user?

Hi, apologies in advance for the noob question, I've only been using WPF for a few weeks and SQL Server for a few days, but I can't find out how to do this anywhere on the web so far. I have a database on SQL Server with one table in it 'User', and have an application that can display data (Username) from that table in a ListView using ...

Display image based on date in PHP

Somewhere on my computer I had a PHP script for displaying an image based on the date, that would allow me to display different images on specific dates, or between selected dates, and display a default date if the current date wasn't one listed with a specific image to display. I recently had a problem with one of my hard drives though...

Display input element when select option

I have a select element in the form with different options. On property of the 'select' is onchange="testRecurrence(this.form)" and the js function it's just: function testRecurrence(form) { if(form.repeat.value != "N") { form.endR.style.display = 'inline'; } return true; } Being 'repeat' the select and 'endR' the...

How to detect the current display with Java?

I have 2 displays conected, so I can launch my Java application in the primary or secondary display. The question is: how can I know which display contains my app window? Is there a way to detect the current display with Java? ...

Inline Blocks and Text Wrapping with CSS

I want to display a checkbox, followed by some text that wraps around below itself. The HTML without any CSS looks as follows: <input type="checkbox" checked="checked" /> <div>Long text description here</div> I want it to display similar to: X Long Text Description Here It currently wraps around like this X Long Text D...

Displaying Query data in a TextInput Field in Flex?

I'm trying to display query data into multiple TextInput Fields in Flex. <mx:TextInput id="stagInput" text="{acContacts}" width="170" x="120" y="74"/> This is what I'm trying but all that displays is [object Object] I think I need to define the database field I'm wanting to display, but I'm unsure how to do this as TextInput fields d...

How can I find out a web page viewers pixels per inch?

Can anyone think of a way I can discover a users pixels per inch? I want to ensure that a image displays in a web browser exactly the size I need it to, so using a combination of resolution (which I can get from the user agent) and pixels per inch I could do this. However, I'm not sure if there is any way to discover a users pixels per...

Cannot display variable from controller in erb file

Hi, I begin learning ruby and rails this week. So I follow some tutorial in the book I found in my school library. I get to the point where I have main_controller.rb: class MainController < ApplicationController def welcome @my_var = 5 end end and for my welcome.html.erb: <h1>Welcome to the My Application</h1> We currently h...

To display permission page in facebook of iphone

hi, I am new to iphone development, i want to display the permission page after logging facebook. buttonIndex is the index of my actionsheets. if(buttonIndex == 1) { session = [FBSession sessionForApplication:@"My App key" secret:@"My Key" delegate:self]; FBLoginDialog* dialog = [[[FBLoginDialog alloc] initWithSession:sessio...

PHP - how can I show \n \0 \t \x0B \r

How can I show these characters on a webpage? ...

jQuery: Tooltip Visibility

Hello, I currently have the following Javascript on my page: function tooltip(top, left, speed, easing, callback) { $(".tooltip").css({"margin-top": top, "margin-left": left}); var state; if(state!="1") { if($(".tooltip .anchor").css("display")=="none") { var state="1"; $(".tooltip .anchor")...

web app debugging in Eclipse

I have a Java Struts app in Eclipse and I'm looking for a way to see the values of request and session's variables (as the NetBeans display them), when running the app on Tomcat. For some reason, the "Variable View" in debuggin mode is always empty, no way to fill it with variables I need to follow. Internal or external browser, no diff...

Using Verilog Parameter keyword

I am using the parameter keyword to define a state ie RESET = 5'b00000. If I want to use $display to printout the state name instead of the binary representation, or display the state name in my simulation wave viewer, how can I do this? It doesn't work to try to print it out as a string (as you would expect), so I'm wondering if this ...

Displaying a document in SyntaxBox

I have been trying to display a file using SyntaxBox components (http://code.google.com/p/alsing/wiki/SyntaxBox). I dropped the SyntaxControlBox into a basic Windows form but I haven't figured out a way to get a file there. I created a button to use OpenFileDialog so I can find the file I need, but I haven't figured out how to take the ...

Why is FF3 rendering an <h3> inside an <a> incorrectly?

Hello, first post (question) here… Take a look at this page in FireFox. Feel free to navigate to any of the top six product categories to see more of the same type of code. If you are [un]lucky enough to see the glitch, you will see at least one product box expand it's height to epic proportions. Here's what the actual code is: <div ...