
.NET DataGridViewComboBoxCell behaviour on losing focus

I have a DataGridView bound to a DataTable. Once the binding is done, I manually search through all the cells of the DGV and replace a single regular DGV cell with a DataGridViewComboBoxCell instance. The cell has its own data source bound to it. The problem I'm having is that when the user makes a selection in the DataGridViewComboBoxC...

insert and display image in vb.net from sql server database

i need to upload and display images to and from database. i have written this code for uploading and it uploads fine. except 1 problem. It crashes when i dont select an image. can someone help me fix it for null value? also how do you display an image in IE? code for inserting image - Dim imageInfo As FileInfo = Nothing Dim data() As B...

PHP not displaying errors

I have a small script which im using to test PHP mail(), as below: <?php error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set("display_errors",1); mail('[email protected]','test','test') or die('could not send') ; echo "Mail Sent"; ?> When I run this script I get no output at all. I don't get an error, I dont get anything echoed, I view the source, nothing. Ive...

Determining Screen Positions in Objective-C (NSScreen)

Using [NSScreen screens] I'm able to get all of the screens attached to the computer and their sizes, however I'm trying to find out their positions relative to each other (like in Arrangement in the Display preferences). Is there a way to do this? I've looked online and through the class references on Apple's developer site and found no...

Change Layout Of Text Created In Java [Android]

Ok right , i asked how to create a random number from 1-100 for android and i came to this TextView tv = new TextView(this); int random = (int)Math.ceil(Math.random()*101); tv.setText("Your Number Is..."+ random ); What this does is create the default kinda "hello world" style text view and says "Your Number Is.... [Th...

Displaying name instead of ID PHP MySQL

Hi, I need something simple; I have page where a user clicks an author to see the books associated with that author. On my page displaying the list of books for the author, I want a simple HTML title saying: 'The books for: AUTHORNAME' I can get the page to display author ID but not the name. When the user clicks the link in the previo...

DataBinding: ComboBox.Text not updating when SelectedValue changes?

This is the relevant designer code for the ComboBox: Me.ProbationComboBox.DataBindings.Add(New System.Windows.Forms.Binding("Enabled", Me.RegistrationBindingSource, "IsRegistered", True)) Me.ProbationComboBox.DataBindings.Add(New System.Windows.Forms.Binding("SelectedValue", Me.RegistrationBindingSource, "ProbationID", True)) Me.Probati...

How to redirect page

Hi i created one java application in which i tried to open my company's standard login page and i planned to redirect the link to open my own design page. Standard login page is displayed, instead of going to my own design page as usual its going to mail page. After sign out the mail page i'm gettting my own design page. But my need is,...

MooTools Sortables with horizontal list having problems

I am having problems sorting list items using the Sortables class when the list items are displayed horizontally. Removing this style fixed everything: display: inline Created an example on jsfiddle. This works. Check the stylesheet for .countries li - it does not display the list inline - http://jsfiddle.net/Wgpqw/ This does not wor...

WPF: Create your own screen-saver if your running application is 'idle'

Hi, Is there a way to create a window (similar to a screen-saver) that will be displayed once your running application is not 'interacting' (or being idle) with the user, meaning to say, no mouse movements happening on the application. Some of my friends suggested to use a Timer for this one. Any suggestion for a good head start? Thank...

Display contents of file as binary.

Is there a good way to display the contents of a file as binary? I am creating a program that needs to save and load a 2D arrays from a files. When loading a saved file the result appears different. I need to be able to view the contents of the saved file in plain binary to tell if my problem in in my save or load function. Is there a ...

How to set the image into fit screen in the image view

Hi, I am new to iphone development. I want to display the actual size of the image in image view. I have created image view by using Interface builder and set the properties. Now the problem is, I have set into "Scale to Fill", then the image will be stretched in the full screen. Now i want to display the actual size of the image will be...

The best way to display data in a table view?

Hey guys, I'm trying to display nutritional information in a table view but am struggling about the best way to show the info. I don't want to create unique views for each page as that would take up a lot of space. My ideal avenue would be like a website having links to data pages instead of individual views for each page. How would I b...

Push a new <tr> into a GridView?

What I'd like to do is create a second row that spans the others within a GridView. The idea is that it is data within the GridViewRow, say a long varchar() in col 4. But when translating to HTML, how would I put that in a second row? <table> <tr> <td></td> <th>ru sure?</th> <th>date</th> <th>catego...

Display Individual Pixels in WPF

I have an application that needs to highlight individual pixels on an image. I don't want to edit the image, I just want to temporarily display red dots on top of certain pixels in the image. So far I have been using a Canvas to draw a whole lot of really small rectangles to highlight those pixels, but that has performance issues, and I ...

Suggestions for displaying code on webpages, MUST use <br> for newline

Hi, I want to post code snippets online (wordpress.com blog) - and have its whitespace formatted nicely. See the answers suggested by this other SO question: Those would be OK, except that I like to copy code to clip board or clip entire pages using Evernote - and they use either the <pre> tag or <table> (or both) to format the code. ...

ruby on rails photo upload problem

Hallo rails version 2.3.5 I'm learning rails and I run into a problem. I'm doing some nesting forms from the railscasts tutorials. I changed the text area into a data field to upload photos and everything is working. Now i have to display the uploaded pictures and i simply can't do it. I Tried everything I could find on the net but...

PHP: Cyrillic characters not displayed correctly

Recently I switched hosting from one provider to the other and I have problems displaying Cyrillic characters. The characters which are read from the database are displayed correctly, but characters which are hardcoded in the php file aren't (they are displayed as question marks). The files which contain the php source code are saved in...

Display a number on the screen Iphone SDK

does anyone know how to display a number on the screen/iphone simulator? I can load the data and create a x/y graph. Now instead of showing the graph, I load the data value from a text file, and I want to display the number on the screen. Does anyone know what function i can use? NSString *data =[myText objectAtIndex:i]; output_data_val...

How to turn off particular monitor with .NET?

OK, I know there are quite a few posts on this topic. However, none of them provide the solution to my issue: I don't want just to turn off my monitor(s), I wish my code to turn off a specific monitor. The URL the most people refer to, http://fci-h.blogspot.com/2007/03/turn-off-your-monitor-via-code-c.html, doesn't help here, as it turns...