
problem in accessing the path involving pagination using display tag

Hi All, I am using display tag for pagiantion and display of the data in table format the code is like <display:column title="Select" style="width: 90px;"> <input type="checkbox" name="optionSelected" value="<c:out value='${userList.loginName}'/>"/> </display:column> <display:column...

Toggle problem pls help me

Hy I am a uber nube to jquery my question is like this: if I have multiple toggle on same page and the div I`m toggleing must be desplayed in the same div. For example I have in div 'box' 6 divs named '1' '2' '3' '4' etc and all are hiden if I click on a 'a' tag named 1 it will display content div 1 in div 'box' if I click tag 'a' na...

On Linux, how do I run a GUI app from a terminal shell under a different login?

Here's the deal. I logged into a Linux box (CentOS, but that shouldn't matter) as user A. I had to build a program as user B, so I started up a terminal shell, logged into that shell as B, and built it. When I try to run the app, I get this message: "connect to ":0.0" refused by server" Most likely because the current X Windows session...

display:none doesn't work on outlook 2007

I want to send some msg from our manage system to customers. but i wanna some tags hidden to them. i set css : .hidden{display:none;} , but this does not work. ...

How to get QWebKit to display image?

Okay, I have a Qt executable in the same directory as a file logo.png. I call the following: QString msg("<html><body><img src='logo.png' /></body></html>"); webView->setHtml(msg); where webview is the QWebKit pointer However, when I execute the program, the image does not display. I am executing the program from the directory that...

JW Player: cross-browser "display:none" player behavior

Is there a simple, upfront method to have FF and IE treat hidden JW Players the same? I am placing different instances of the player dynamically in jQuery generated tabs. In effect, switching tabs hides the parent div of each player. In FireFox, the tab switch and accompanying "display" change stops the player. This doesn't happen in IE...

Display dynamically created php image after POSTing data

I have a php script which outputs an image, how can I POST data to it and display the resulting image without refreshing the rest of the screen, so far I have got the code below which returns a png. function go(){ $.post("test_image.php", $("frm").serialize(), function(data){ //alert(data);//proves a png image is returned. ...

Java JTextPane JScrollPane Display Issue

The following class implements a chatGUI. When it runs okay the screen looks like this: The problem is very often when i enter text of large length ie. 50 - 100 chars the gui goes crazy. the chat history box shrinks as shown in this . Any ideas regarding what is causing this? Thank you. PS: the attached class below is complete co...

Mirroring a portion of the screen to an external display (in OSX)

I would like to write a program that can mirror a portion of the main display into a new window. Ideally this new window could then be displayed on an external monitor. I have seen this uiltity for a flightsim that does this on a pc (a multifunction display extractor). CLick here for a screenshot of the program (MFD Extractor) This w...

page content not displayed in Explorer

The beginnings of a site here: http://qaa.miltonfame.org/ html and css pass validation tests Page displays fine in all Mac browsers I have tried (Safari, Firefox, Camino) Page displays fine in Windows 7 FireFox Nothing but background renders in Explorer 8 Windows 7 (and in other Explorer versions via screenshot services.) View Source sho...

Cocoa: Display HTML from string

How can I display properly formatted text from an NSString, that just happens to be HTML. The html is coming from the stack overflow API. ...

Display Blog in Iphone

How can i display blogs from a URL in my XCode iphone applicaition? ...

opengl es color picking on android without screen flashing

i have written a object selection algorithm which picks the objects by their color. i give every object an unique color and then i just have to use the glReadPixels method to check which object was selected this works fine and is really fast but the problem is that the frame is displayed on the screen with all the picking-colors so the ...

Display swf from another website into a div.

I’m trying to display a swf from another site into mine. I’ve got permission from the other side to do so I’m just having problems figuring it all out. I’d like to display just the swf not the entire page that swf is on. I’ve tried this – but it only seems to work with content and I haven’t had any luck getting the swf to appear. <?p...

Display all images from outside web root folder using PHP

Hello, I want to display all images that are stored outside my web root folder. Please help me. I am only able to display one image repeatedly. For example, if I have 5 images in my folder, only one image is displayed on my browser 5 times. Please help me on this. I've been working on this problem for over a month now. I'm a newbie. Hel...

Edit what displays in an iframe.

I'm trying to display content from anther site on to mine using an iframe. I'm just wondering if its possible to only display certain parts (divs) of this external page in the iframe. Thanks! ...

c# resize window over display resolution

I am total newbie in .Net programming so be patient, please ;-). I have problem with resizing window. I want to resize from my app other app's window and take screenshot of it. I do resizing based on this example: http://blogs.geekdojo.net/richard/archive/2003/09/24/181.aspx. But I have a problem. I work on a laptop with 1024x640 pixels...

problem in displays data in one page

hi ,,,,, I have a problem in the following code ... The following code works as follows displays the invites for each member so that if he had five invite from supposed to be displayed all on one page But before you code that does not function Proper image is the only display one invite on the page and until the approval or rejecti...

Enabling multiple monitor support on guest operating system using Windows Server 2008 with Hyper-V

Having installled Windows Server 2008 R2 and enabled Hyper-V with two monitors working successfully on the WS2008 host, I would like to enable multi monitor support on a Windows 7 guest operating system. Can I do it? If so, how? ...

set oracle user Display so i can install

running oracle enterprise linux the Oracle installer keeps telling me that my DISPLAY variable isn't set. however echo display clearly prints ":0.0" logged in as root I am able to run xclock to launch the app, but when I "su oracle" and then run xclock it refuses [oracle@devsebl ~] xclock Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server X...