
.NET 2.0 C# Treeview Drag/Drop within TreeNodes

I am interested in capturing a drag/drop event that will start with the user dragging an existing TreeNode somewhere within the TreeView. While the user is dragging the TreeNode around, I am interested in capturing when the node has been dragged between two tree nodes. When the user does this, I wanted to display a hash mark in-between...

How can I use an Image List to draw C# dragging outside of my own windows

I am using C#'s inbuilt drag and drop via Control.DoDragDrop(). I use an Image List and ImageList_DragMove and friends to move a semi-transparent image around, tracking with the mouse. (See my reply in this thread for more information). How can I make the ImageList track the mouse when it is outside my windows? I only receive mouse p...

Call to GetData fails silently in DragDrop event

Hello, I am building a Winforms application with drag and drop support into a TextBox. The TextBox should allow files and text to be dropped onto it. Its AllowDrop property is set to true. This is the event handler for its DragDrop event: var validFile = e.Data.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.FileDrop); var validText = e.Data.GetDataPrese...

iPhone SDK Scrolling Game Area with Dragging Cards

We are starting a new game and while I have a few months experience with iPhone SDK, I'm not quite sure the best approach to take for this project. Basically, our card game requires more real estate than the iPhone screen allows. What we ultimately need is about 480x600 pixels so some of our gameboard will be off the screen sometimes. ...

Problem with file drag-and-drop in Cocoa

I'm experiencing some difficulties here. I have a drop zone (custom view) with it's own class. Everything works great so far with it. The problem is that I can't get the result from the drop operation outside the class of the drop zone. I read everything I found in the net. For instance, I would like my drop zone to count the lenght o...

HTML5 drag and drop between windows

Hi, is there anyway with the HTML5 Drag & Drop functionality or/and the File API to drag an jpg image from one window to another? The idea is that I could drag and image from Facebook to a different browser's window with a custom HTML that would get that image. Or, at least, a way to drag from the Desktop to a browser? Thanks a lot ...

Drag and drop same item from TreeView to multiple ListBoxes in Silverlight 3

Hi, I understand I can use a TreeViewDragDropTarget to wrap the TreeView and the ListBoxDragDropTarget to wrap the ListBox and then I can drap and drop items from one to the other. But I am not sure how I can drag an item from the TreeView to the ListBox and don't actually remove the item from the TreeView, as I might need to drag the ...

MacOSX Promised files drag&drop howto?

It's not clear to me how to do drag&drop to Finder with dragPromisedFilesOfTypes:fromRect:source:slideBack:event: (NSCollectionView) I call the above method from mouseDown:, but(NSArray *)namesOfPromisedFilesDroppedAtDestination:(NSURL *)dropDestination isn't called at all. Any ideas how this should work (MacOSX 10.6, project compiled ...

Drag and Drop to a Sprite in Flex

Hi, I need to detect when a user d-b-n-d an object into a sprite. I'm adding the 3 event listeners I need, but only one of them works: ontainer.addEventListener( DragEvent.DRAG_ENTER, dragEnterHandler); container.addEventListener( DragEvent.DRAG_EXIT, dragExitHandler); container.addEventListener( DragEvent.DRAG_DROP, dragDropHandler); ...

Implement lazy drag & drop

I am trying to implement a lazy drag and drop operation. I want to show a listview with files to my user, when the user drags a file and drops it into a folder the content should be downloaded and delivered. I am using the IDataObject interface, but my problem is that the GetData() method is queried way too early. For instance a drag ov...

Rails: " Draggable_elements" not working inside table elements

Hello - We are trying to implement a functionality in our ROR application such that we are able to drag and drop rows between different tables. We tried using Scriptaculous Drag and Drop method but it does not works inside the table tags. Can you point us to other alternatives like JQuery etc which might be useful. Thanks Supreet ...

Flex dragmanager tween speed

Is there a way to control the speed that the dragedobject is tweened back to its original place when dropping it in an illegal drop zone ? (using flex DragManager class) Thanks ...

draggable iframe

Hi I am trying to create one draggable iframe and got success in that but problem is if i pass pdf or doc file to iframe location like parent.frames.iframe2.location='file://test.pdf' am not able to move iframe from position and iframe not showing selectable area for drag. ...

Anrdoid - Drag and Drop Between Views

I've found a number of code examples for implementing image, or view drag 'n drop in Android, and have implemented one that should go sme way to meeting my requirements. However, I need to be able to drag images from View A to View B (on the same screen), with a check that if the user lets go of the image anywhere outside of View B, the...

Is there an easy way to make anything draggable in Silverlight XAML?

My target is an entire listbox clipped in a canvas, but I guess there should be something that can work for all controls? How to make a control draggable and even attached x or y constraints? ...

Looking for JQuery drag and drop features

Here's what I want to achieve. I want to be able to have a list of words, which I can drag over an input field and drop into the value. I want to be able to do this multiple times possibly with the same word, to go in more that one input field. Basically I'm sorting words into groups. If anyone could point me at a JQuery library that ...

JQuery droppable problem

I'm having trouble with the JQuery's droppable feature. I have modified JS from here: http://jqueryui.com/demos/droppable/ <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $("ul.draggable li").draggable(); $("div.droppable").droppable({ drop: function(event, ui) { alert('Hello World'); }...

Silverlight 4 suppressing drag-and-drop image

Background: I have two usercontrols, each with a DataGrid wrapped in a StackPanel. They're stacked in the Default.xaml vertically. Added the PanelDragDropTargets to both user controls. We can drag and drop the datagrids so one that was at the bottom can be at the top. (for user's preferences) Works great. Only issue... when you do a ...

sortable.create: option "dropOnEmpty" not working inside a table with tbody element

I am trying to implement drag and drop functionality using "sortable.create" among 4 tables. The drag and drop functionality is working perfectly fine but is a particular table is empty then I am not able to drop anything inside it even after providing the option "dropOnEmpty: true". Let me know if you have encountered a similar problem...

jQuery mouse events on underlying objects while dragging image

I'm trying to implement a simple drag/drop of images between panels using jQuery. While dragging I create an thumbnail image that I position under the mouse. This part all works but since the mouse now always has the thumbnail under it I don't get mouseenter/leave on the underlying drop target panels. I was hoping to use these events t...