
jquery draggable - Get containment to only contain handle

I'm using jQuery UI's draggable() to make some elements on my page draggable. I've got a handler and a containment set for the elements, but I'd like the draggable element itself to be able to hang out of the containment. I only want the handle to stay inside the container. Like below, pretend the * is the handle. +-------------------...

Is there a workaround for "dataTransfer setData multiple formats does not work in Chrome for Windows if one of the types is 'DownloadURL'"?

I submitted a bug to Chromium here: dataTransfer setData multiple formats does not work in Chrome for Windows if one of the types is "DownloadURL" This bug is probably not going to get fixed anytime soon. Is there a workaround for this issue? ...

Eclipse text-editor drag-and-drop mouse click key combination

In the Java source editor in Eclipse, you could select a block of code, pick it with a mouse click and drop the block of code into another area of the code. You can't do that for other text editors like XML, HTML, etc. I had to press a key combination before I could use the mouse to move and drop the selected text. I have a new Eclipse ...

Qt Drag&Drop with own widgets?

I created a little widget on my own, including a QProgressBar and a QLabel in a QVBoxLayout. It has also a function which returns the text of the label (self-created). Now in my MainWindow I have two other QHBoxLayouts and I want to drag and drop my widget from one to another. It also works when I click on the little free space between t...

WPF Image : Let user drag the image to the desktop

Hi, I have a WPF user control hosted in a Windows Forms Application and the control contains a WPF image ( among other things ) and was wondering whether it is possible to let the user drag this image to outside the app ( to windows explorer, to the desktop , to a folder) ? Regards, MadSeb ...

Customize the look of the Silverlight Control Toolkit drag / drop.

Is there a way to override the template of or restyle the carrot (and even completely remove as I need in one case)? The carrot being the position marker where the drop will occur. I'd also like the ability to change the icons used during dragging - I've seen an infinity symbol, an arrow, and a strike-through circle, for which all I'd li...

How to POST files from HTML5 Drag-Drop to a Rails 3 App & Paperclip?

I'm trying to get some html5 drag-and-drop functionality in a Rails 3 app with Paperclip. So, basically: One or more files are dragged and dropped onto a DIV Files are POST'ed to a Rails action (together or one at a time) Rails action saves each files as a new attachment in Paperclip Right now the only way I can get this working is b...

WPF drag and drop from a ListBox that has SelectionMode=Extended

I have a ListBox and want the selection-mode to be extended. Also I want have to implement drag and drop functionality. The problem now is, that if the mouse is clicked on a selected item, it will be immediately be selected as single selection instead of waiting to the mouse-up-event for doing this. Due to this behaviour, start dragging...

How do you drag and drop a file from Explorer Shell into a VirtualTreeView control in a Delphi application?

There is extensive drag and drop support in VirtualTreeView by Mike Lischke, and I am using TVirtualStringTree, which has some on-drag-and-drop events, but I can not figure out how to get it to accept a shell drag-and-drop of some files from the windows explorer shell, into my application. I want to load the files, when they are dragged...

Pass object pointer in drag/drop operation

Is it possible to pass the pointer to an object in a drag and drop operation? Here is the scenario... I have an 'NSArray' of custom objects. For arguments sake we'll say this is a list of person objects. The list is tied to an NSTableView via an NSArrayController. The NSTableView is a drag source and I have an NSView as a drag destina...

Drag scrolling on web

how to make scrolling like this: http://na.blackberry.com/eng/devices/blackberrypearl.jsp ...

file drag and drop event in win forms

Guys, Is there a way to tap windows file drag and drop events using WndProc() ?. I want to tap file drag and drops from one folder to another in WndProc. Thanks ...

kickstarting a touchesMoved/UIPanGestureRecognizer mid-move for a new view

Hey all! Concept is that a user taps on an icon in a view, a copy of the icon pops up under the user's finger, and they can drag it around until they lift their finger. To do this, I desire the following icon has touch event add transparent whole screen UIView and paste a UIImageView containing the icon on it. track touchMoves or a u...

Get drop index in Silverlight drag / drop.

This article shows how to implement a copy operation on a drop event. I'd like to do the same but I want my dropped item to appear in the collection according to where it was placed on the UI. So I need the StartIndex much like on a NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs when an ObservableCollection changes. In the article you'll see that even...

wpf - problem with DragAndDrop between two canvases

Hi I have strange problem with drag and drop operation between two canvases. I wanted to drag my custom control from one canvas to another. I started dragging operation with this code DataObject dragObject = new DataObject("CalendarBlock",block); DragDrop.DoDragDrop(this, dragObject, DragDropEffects.Move); In second ca...

Enable drag&drop from explorer to Run-As-Administrator application

I built a winforms application, and implemented drag&drop functionality. this functionality works great in WinXP or in Win7 from Run-As-Administrator applications. The problems become when tring to drag from non-admin application in Win7 to my program, it just not working. I understand this because the OS filtering the messages. I foun...

javascript widget to display a book catalogue. (need re-ordering and persistent)

A book has several chapters, and each chapter has several sections. This could be deemed as either a two-level tree or a nested list. Now I need to display the catalogue of the book. And the user can drag-and-drop to re-order chapters and sections. Do you know any good javascript widget for this? After the re-ordering, the new orde...

Best way to implement drag and drop upload Google Gears or HTML 5

What would you recommend for supporting drag and drop upload - that is being able to drag a file icon from the desktop onto some "zone" on a web page and have it uploaded to the server. THe options are Google Gears,HTML 5 or anything else you can recommend. The criteria are: should work on as many browsers as possible should work into ...

How to handle D-n-D to a Sprite?

Hi, I need to detect when a user Drag-n-Drop an object into a sprite. Here's a sample app that illustrates the issue. It never gets to the alert: tks. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com...

DoDragDrop from standard Label not working

I can't figure out why attempting to drag text from a standard Label to Notepad (or any other control accepting text) doesn't work. I've looked at documentation and examples and I'm not seeing the problem. The cursor remains a circle with a line through it and if I register a FeedBack callback the event is always NONE. Creating a stan...