
Sharepoint edit task from outlook on windows7

I have sharepoint approval workflow on Moss2007. Windows XP users are able to approve the task from their outlook. But in windows 7, outlook would not open the task edit form at all and no error message either. is there anything need to be turned off/on in windows 7 outlook in order to approve an item from their inbox? ...


The EN_PROTECTED notify message is sent to the parent of a rich edit control when there is an attempt to change "protected" text. This works for me and I've tried it with both richedit20 and richedit50. Any change to this protected text immediately triggers the EN_PROTECTED message. (Its a little complicated to set it up, but I've don...

Excel Forms Edit Only

I have this excel sheets + a vba part with 3 forms that interacts with the sheets (read/write data, xml export, etc). I have some data verification in my forms' code, so I would like to be able to modify values in the sheet only through the forms, not through direct "on-the-sheet" editing Is that possible? When I lock the cells I want ...

Bespin php backend how to?

Do any body know how to use bespin php backend? mean how can i use it , i want to edit php files like an online php code editor.http://launchpad.net/bespinphp here is the url!! ...

Instant Edit Help With Button Integrate JavaScript

Hi. I have worked on a script, that will makes so when you click on a text it changes to a input field and a submit buttom. In the input field you can change the text, and the submit button to "apply" the new changes. Now i cant get it to work, when you press the submit button. When you click the submit button it just changes the input f...

Edit/Review/Save scenario in mvc

I am looking for clean approach on the "Edit/Review/Save" scenario in asp.net mvc: Our customers can "edit" their accounts information which will affect their monthly premium, but before saving the information we need present them with "review" screen where they can review their changes and see a detailed break down of their monthly pre...

set the style of a edit button from a table view to plain (iphone sdk)

Hi all, How can I change the style of a edit button from a table view? I tried it with the following code but it doesn't work. self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = self.editButtonItem; self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem.style = UIBarButtonItemStylePlain; Thanks in advance. Sean ...

Editable Label Controls

Hi All Does anybody know how I could go about creating an Editable Label Control? I need my users to be able to Edit Labels (Also change parts of its style info), but have found no helpful info anywhere online. Any help at all is appreciated Thank you ...

Drag a bezier curve to edit it.

You will understand what I mean if you use graphic editing programs like Gimp or Photoshop. To edit a curve on those programs (which probably is Bezier Curve), we can click on the curve, drag the mouse and the curve is changed accordingly. I suspect all the things behind this mechanism are concerned with vectors, but I couldn't find any ...

Editing list properties using DataGridview

Ok, I have my custom class: public class FileItem : INotifyPropertyChanged { int id=0; string value=""; public int Id { get { return id; } set { id = value; Changed("Id"); } } public string Value { get { return value; } set { ...

cakephp dropdownlist

hi, this is the dropdown list link in my edit page when editing it selects the friend automatically, but i want it shows 'select your exiting friend' by default(whenever the page loads).. echo $form->input('PostCard.friend_id',array('label'=>_l('Friend Name List'),'empty'=>_l('Select Your Existing Friend'),'options'=>$friends)); ...

Speeding up PDE edit-compile-debug cycle

Are there any low-hanging fruit regarding some more efficient way to run and test Eclipse-plugins (within the PDE)? Besides slimming down the Eclipse-configuration, which has already been done. Thanks! ...

php forms submit button

Dear All, I am relatively new to php. I have the following problem. Suppose I have a page with a form with two fields x, y and two buttons: submit and clear; a table that shows the db records for x, y with two buttons, edit and delete when I enter values in the form fields and press button, submit inserts the data in the db; data is ...

RepositoryItemCheckEdit to get value

Hi I have a GridView that has a column with RepositoryItemCheckEdit as ColumnEdit. I want to go get the value "True" and "False" once user click on the check box. what event should i use and how to i get the value. please if anyone can help is urgent. ...

Edit Distance in Python

I'm programming a spellcheck program in Python. I have a list of valid words (the dictionary) and I need to output a list of words from this dictionary that have an edit distance of 2 from a given invalid word. I know I need to start by generating a list with an edit distance of one from the invalid word(and then run that again on all ...

How to build a tabbed Edit View for a big ViewModel in ASP.NET without JavaScript?

I've got a big ViewModel for a ContactViewModel with several addresses (default, invoice, delivery). This ContactViewModel I would like to edit within a DefaultAddress tab, etc. and I would like to know how to handle this without JavaScript? Is this possible? ...

How to edit the first line in a text file in c++?

I have a text file looks like this : 100 50 20 90 4.07498 0.074984 37.1704 28.1704 20.3999 14.3999 48.627 35.627 .... I need to edit this file so that everything is kept the same except the first line, 3rd item. The ouput should look like this: 100 50 19 90 4.07498 0.074984 37.1704 28.1704 20.3999 14.3999 48.627 35.627 .... How can...

complete tableview with data tutorial posted on youtube

there is a great tutorial about tableview posted on youtube that contains 5 parts. Unfortunately, I reload videos and checked several times the code and application keep crashing. link 1st part: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMo8T1uh77E Anybody that also follows this tutorial to discuss possible failure? thanx ...

Asp.net grid view

Hello @, I am nt able to edit the details in gridview. When i click on Edit link(Command Field), row editing event is fired but when i click on update link , row editing event is fired again and update event is not getting fired at all. Any suggestions ?? ...

BlackBerry - Scrolling fixed size text edit with static label on the left side and border

Hello everyone I am new to blackberry and I want a textfield that scroll it's text i.e greater than the preferred width horizontally , also able to show label out side the text draw area ( e.g. on the left side). Please help me. ...