
Masters Degree to assist both Technical and Leadership?

All, I currently have 3.5 years of professional experience and am going to start my masters part time. My bachelor is in CS and I am bit undecided when it comes to my masters. The roles in my current position is that of a leader in both technical and business areas. My question is, has anyone completed or know of a masters that mixes i...

Schools Interoperability Framework (SIF) integration into application

Does anyone know of any good resources that will help me get started with understanding SIF and how to integrate it into a web-based application? Thanks! ...

What are the best strategies and examples for teaching C++ memory management to early college students?

So I'm teaching a 2nd semester freshman level C++ course at a university in an upcoming semester. The students have used arrays (though only statically allocated) and have some notion of references and pointers (but probably not much). In general, they have not done a whole lot of dealing with dynamic memory allocation and management. I...

Advanced textbooks in Algorithms and other areas

I've been going through textbook Introduction to Algorithms, and it's pretty much one of the best I've read. However, I'm at the point where it's not a big challenge. It's definitely far above trivial, but there seems to be a difficulty gap (even though it's more advanced that most undergrad tailored texts) between it and books like Conc...

Any advice for a PM wanting to go back to development

I have been an interactive project manager for about 7 years now and considering going back to my first passion which was HTML. As a producer I am up to date on how technology has progressed in the 7 years I have been away from TextEdit but my development expertise in now pretty much gone. What should I do to make the move back? Does t...

Is there a Python-Challenge for beginner?

The known Python-Challenge is quite difficult. Is there a much easier alternative for training my programming skills? ...

How do you teach a senior developer how to be more efficient?

We have a couple senior (i.e. older) developers on our team that have no interest in improving. They write solid code, but they don't want to add unit tests or improve their efficiency. They are old-school C programmers using .NET, but everything they write is purely procedural. When confronted about their development speed (most code...

What is the best website solution for playing specific parts of online mp3 files?

Back in 2000 I made an educational website in which we had hour-long audio files of lectures on a RealAudio server, then I generated hundreds of little SMIL .ra files e.g. lecture002part053.ra: ... <audio src="lecture002.wav" clip-begin="554s" clip-end="612s" /> ... then in the HTML I had links like this: <a href="http://nnnnn.e...

What are my options for a career-path involving cryptography and security

Hey, I'm a student reaching a critical point - I've got to start looking for a job. The thing I'm most passionate about is applied cryptographic protocols and I've somewhat centered my education around learning as much as possible in this area. As a fresh grad I don't expect to find many opportunities to work in this field but I still w...

When should a child programmer move on from Alice or Scratch

Background: I have been teaching a short course for 12-14 year olds interested in learning how to program video games. We have been using Alice now for 3 years. In this time we have used both Alice and Story Telling Alice. Question: When is the right time to move on from Alice (or Scratch if that is what you prefer) and move the stude...

How to teach a training course on TDD?

I've been asked to run an internal training course for a handful of our developers on Test Driven Development. What advice do you have for me, as someone who has never given a training course before? I'd like advice on the delivery of training, as well as your thoughts on what content I should include. Anybody who has been on a similar...

Good Overview, Introduction and Education of the Zend Framework?

Where is a good starting point for learning the Zend Framework? The introduction from left me wanting more, and really wasn't enough for me. ...

Enterprise architecture certifications

Do you know of well known acknowledged international enterprise architecture certifications? We are going to educate several architects within our organization. We want the certification to be a personal goal for each consultant and also use it for sales/marketing purposes. I have heard about the TOGAF 9 certification by The Open Group...

Online course advice

I'm currently working as a C++ developer but am looking at expanding my skills with an online course into web development. This is the course I am currently looking into, but I have found very little material on the net reviewing or commenting on the quality/satisfaction with various online courses. So I thought I would ask here and s...

Drupal 6: Using Organic groups for Educational page

I am working on a departmental website within a big university and want to add different types of functionality for different users depending on their roles. There are 3 main types of users: Publicly listed Alumni (listed but based on different fields and using a custom template file) Others (users on site but not listed) Right now ...

Relation between web design, interface design and web development in the professional world ?

Hello, I'm a student from france, and I'm passionated by building websites. I don't care if it's about interface design, web design or web development, I love them all! Although these domains are very related to each other, the educational world seems to make a huge difference between them so there are no studies having all of them (in ...

how would you like computer science classes to be taught?

hello I am a graduate student now, and hopefully someday I will teach. my interests are C++, Python, embedded languages, and scientific computing. Meanwhile I daydream about how I would teach. I was not quite happy with my undergraduate university as I found many computer science classes lacking. so I would like to ask you, if you w...

Is speed reading good for technical / programming books?

I will register as graduate student, and my friend has suggested I attend a speed reading class. (He is MBA student). I don't know whether it is good to attend this course or not, but at this moment almost of my textbook required time to think about its content. Has anyone applied speed reading with technical books? Is it good to atten...

What implementation of Scheme would you recommend to learn the language?

I am going to read the classic "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs" link text and it utilizes the Scheme language to teach its material. Does any one have advice about what Scheme would be easy to use (on Windows) and complete? Thanks! ...

How can an experienced programmer learn CS fundamentals?

Possible Duplicates: As a programmer without formal CS training or a CS degree, what am I missing? How to make up for lack of a computer science degree? I have 7 years experience as a computer programmer doing high level languages like C#, VB, Java and Ruby on Rails. I know these technologies pretty well, but I got into pro...