
Building A Team

I'm trying to put a small team (about 5 members to start) together here in Honolulu to work on some hobby-projects members and myself may have, and am having trouble finding other members who are interested. Basically am just looking for people with skills in JavaScript, JQuery, AJAX, PHP, MYSQL, and anything else in that realm. I've pos...

Best technology layer to start with

When I first started out in programming, the first technology I learned was C++. I got a little disheartened with it because I had to put in a lot of effort to get a rather crappy result. Once I learned PHP however, that quickly became my favourite language because I could get stuff to render on my web page straight away and get some co...

Why is GW-BASIC still taught in schools?

I dunno about the US of A and the United K , but in India , schools still teach GW-BASIC. Yes, it's the one in which you could do this: 10 PRINT "HELLO WORLD" 20 GOTO 10 As far as my experience goes, even writing assembler is easier than this mess of a language. It could easily be replaced by something like Python. Also , when last ye...

What are the best freely available university courses on Data Structures and Algorithms?

Hi, I am willing to learn in detail about Data Structures and Algorithms. What freely available university courses are there that cover data structures and algorithms? Thanks. ...

will reading compiler construction increase my programming skills?

will reading compiler construction increase my programming skills? ...

Scottish Higher Education Descriptor, What do these terms mean? My class has just been discussing the course descriptor for the SQA Higher National Unit specification (Scottish higher education unit), We’ve been waiting for a response from the exam board for a few weeks and none has been forthcoming, per...

What type of Math should I study to prepare for game programming?

Next year I will be starting a degree in game programming. I have been told to brush up on my math. Which chapters of math text books should I read over? The course is described as: The Qantm Bachelor of Interactive Entertainment (with a Major in Games Programming) focuses on specific areas which are critical to developing kno...

Should Marketing departments have basic HTML skills?

Working within an organisation as part of the in-house site development team, a lot of my team's throughput is driven by the colouring-in (marketing) department. It is their responsibility to provide approved content and imagery for the features or enhancements that we include on each iteration of the company site. One thing I've notic...

How can we convince the administration of our university that computer science is important enough to retain it as a discipline?

The university where I teach is currently restructuring in a major way. Alas, we have been told that we have one week to respond to a current plan which includes discontinuing computer science as a teaching discipline, and breaking the current computer science department between mathematics and electrical engineering. Merging the who...

Is it ok to learn computer science/programming concepts on your own outside of those being learned in class?

I realize that the answer to this question might seem obvious at first(who wouldn't recommend learning more?), however what I am asking is whether it is a good idea to learn concepts on your own when there is a high possibility you will cover it in class in the future. I am specifically referring to concepts covered in classes that are a...

Which CS curriculum to take?

I'm currently planning to do a transfer right now and my area of interest is Software Development. I've been thinking a lot about these two curriculum and I want to ask advice on which one would benefit me in my future career (I'm thinking long term). This is from a university:

Should latest programming languages be introduced in colleges

College students pursuing their engineering in computer science are not being exposed much to the present day programming languages. The only understanding they have about these languages is from the coaching the take from private institutes. Do you guys think that present day programming languages should be a part of the engineering cur...

Is it worth getting an MSc in Computer Science?

I finished my Audio Engineering degree two years ago, and since then decided that I want to do programming as a career. I'm worried that my lack of a relevant degree will be a hindrance when I start looking for a job, so I've been looking into my options. I really don't want to do another degree - too much time and money. I've seen that...

Best textbook for PowerPC assembly and arch?

Does anyone know of a good introductory textbook on the PowerPC architecture and assembly language that I could recommend to people on my team? Our company now mostly targets a particular PPC platform for our realtime application, and some of the younger programmers on my team are struggling a bit with release-mode debugging and use of...

Uncle Bob style OOP in VB.NET: how to learn?

I’ve been professionally writing VB.NET software for seven years. However, I don’t have a strong computer science background – four courses while studying education at university in the 90s that gave me some CS basics and exposure to Pascal, C and Lisp. Anyway, there are a whole bunch of practices that I’m missing – testing, patterns, ...

Best C# Tutorials for a newbie?

Were there any awesome C# tutorials you found that helped you learn it? Or any books that you thought were particularly successful? Any that should be avoided? UPDATE: Tons of good answers, thank you all! To clarify the earlier question, hobbyist with only light programming experience previous. Working through online tutorials curr...

Is this really "correct" and unambiguous?

For one of my beginning CS classes, we are going over "truth functional logic." My question pertains to English translations. Note that ^ is AND; v is (inclusive)OR; ~ is NOT. -> is IF Well, we had this: "RENT being paid is a necessary condition for staying in BUSINESS" RENT -> BUSINESS Whenever we graded everything this was wron...

How did you learn & master C# LINQ to SQL?

A book? An online tutorial? Stackoverflow? University? Trial and error? I have been using LINQ to SQL and I want to learn how to use it better because I feel like I can only do very basic things and I don't really understand how to use the good features. For example I have no idea what this means: public static IOrderedEnumerable<TSour...

Returning to Programming - thoughts

This has probably been answered before in various incarnations, but I think there's enough uniqueness to this question to warrant a new one. If not, please vote to close as a duplicate :) I spent several years as a developer/programmer in my younger years. A couple of years professionally in COBOL, a few more years professionally in D...

What should I learn over Christmas break?

I am a college student going home for a five-week Christmas break. What would be the best thing for me to teach myself before next semester? Options: Reviewing/cementing things I've already learned. I've taken classes in C, C++, HTML/JavaScript, SQL, and Discrete Math, some going into more detail than others (obviously). Learn somethin...