
lookup Data in Excel

I have a 2 variable 100x100 data table in excel. I need to have a function that returns all the possible sets of variables that yield a given target value. What I am looking at is some kind of a reursive 2 dimensional lookup function. Can someone point me in the right direction? ...

Browse for a File from Excel VBA

How can I put up a "File Open" dialog from some VBA running in Excel? I'm using Excel 2003. ...

How to tell if Excel Application is in cell-edit mode?

I'm writing an Excel Addin using COM Interop from .net. I have a command that pops up a dialog, and from the dialog I do some work like collecting data from the used range of several sheets. The problem is that if a cell is in edit mode, some of the calls that I need to make will throw exceptions. I would like a way of determining before...

Insert cell comments in excel programmaticaly.

What's the better way to insert cell comments in excel 2007 files programmaticaly using c# and .net 3.5? ...

Convert CSV file or Excel spreadsheet to RESX File

I am looking for a solution or recommendation to a problem I am having. I have a bunch of ASPX pages that will be localized and have a bunch of text that needs to be supported in 6 languages. The people doing the translation will not have access to Visual Studio and the likely easiest tool is Excel. If we use Excel or even export to C...

Need ActiveX control to embed Excel into a dialog

I'm building an "import from Excel" function. It has to be in a DLL, called from a non-MFC app. Has to provide an image of the spreadsheet that users can drag a select box around (to select cells), then click an IMPORT button, and have the right thing happen. Having trouble getting the spreadsheet up, having a button adjacent to it, an...

.NET - Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel and Interop.Excel DLL

Hi, When I add a reference to Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel on my computer, Visual Studio adds this to the project file: <COMReference Include="Excel"> <Guid>{00020813-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}</Guid> <VersionMajor>1</VersionMajor> <VersionMinor>5</VersionMinor> <Lcid>0</Lcid> <WrapperTool>primary</WrapperTool> <Isolate...

Exporting an MS Excel 2003 workbook to PDF via VBA

I have an Excel 2003 workbook that contains a macro to copy certain of its sheets across to a new workbook, then save and close the new workbook. It does this several dozen times, with slightly different sheet selections each time. I would like to add an extra step to the macro to export the secondary workbooks' spreadsheets to PDF. T...

How do I export Cisco IDS V6.1 signatures to Excel?

I'm interesting of exporting the Cisco IDS signatures version 6.1 to Excel format. ...

Can I reliably create Excel documents from a PHP application on a Linux server?

What is the state generating Excel documents from a PHP application on a Linux server? I am interesting in creating Office 97 (xls) Excel files. My limited research on the subject has turned up this Pear package. It appears to be in beta status since 2006. Can you share your success or failures in generating Excel files from PHP? Is...

System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException: Invalid internet address. How do you connect to excel files located on a webserver using OleDb

I'm trying to create an OleDb connection to an Excel file that is located on a SharePoint server. The example code I'm playing with at the moment throws an OleDb exception "Invalid internet address": public static void ConnectToRemoteExcelFile() { string connectionString = String.Format("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=...

syncing two lists with VBA

What is the best way to sync up two lists each of which may contain items not in the other? As shown the lists are not sorted - although if necessary sorting them first would not be an issue. List 1 = a,b,c,e List 2 = b,e,c,d Using the lists above, I'm looking for a solution that will write out to a spreadsheet in two columns: a b ...

What does "Shift:=" mean in this VB6 code?

I've run across the following line in a VB6 application. mobjParentWrkBk.ExcelWorkBook.Application.Selection.Insert Shift:=xlToRight Unfortunately Google and other search engines have not been very useful as they seem to omit the := part. What would be a C# equivalent? ...

Merge Excel Sheets Using VBA

I have a Excel Sheet(Say OG.xls) which has some data already in it with some 5000 rows with headings in the first row and Upto "AN" Columns. This No of rows(5000) doesn't change for a whole year. Now i have 5 XL files(Say A,B,C,D,E) and the data from these files has to be appended to this OG file just starting from 5001st row every time....

how to load csv files faster in excel vba?

how to import the data/files in csv format to excel vba in a much faster way? so far,i could get the files n display in excel but it is one by one. this will take a lot of time. how do we make it in faster way? ...

how to close the opened file?

hi all i opened a csv file and copy the contents. i activated an excel file and have the copied contents from csv file pasted into excel file. now,how do i close the csv file programmatically? ...

Ignored columns using vb6 to extract from excel

I am trying to extract a table of values from an excel (2003) spreadsheet using vb6, the result of which needs to be stored in a (adodb) recordset. The table looks like this: Name Option.1 Option.2 Option.3 Option.4 Option.5 Option.6 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Name1 2 ...

Feeding an Excel QueryTable object from memory

Greetings, The VBA code below will create an Excel QueryTable object and display it starting on Range("D2"). The specific address of this target range is immaterial. My question is -- is it possible to manually feed in values to an in-memory Recordset, and then have the table read from it? In other words, I want to specify the table ...

Saving different csv files as different sheets in a single excel workbook

Related to this question, how to save many different csv files into one excel workbook with one sheet per csv ? I would like to know how to do this programmatically in Java. ...

How to print faster in Excel VBA?

The print functionality of Excel (in VBA) is extremely slow, I hoping someone has a way of speeding the printing up (without using the Excel 4 Macro trick). Here's how I do it now: Application.ScreenUpdating = False With ActiveSheet.PageSetup -various setup statements which I've already minimized- End With ...