
Jquery fade and swap an element when clicked which will also relate to an accordian menu

You will notice when you click posture 1 the description drops down and images appear on the right. Now when you click posture 2 or posture 3 the images and description change as they should. view website What I need to do now is - If posture 1 has been clicked and then posture 2 is clicked the posture 1 menu needs to close so that th...

jQuery fadeIn fadeOut pause on hover

I have a little jQuery snippet that will fadeIn and fadeOut a group of divs over a select interval. I now need to pause this fadeIn fadeOut on hover, then resume on mouse out. Any help is appreciated. Here is the relevant code. The following is what is located in my body <div class="gcRotate"> <div class="gcRotateContent"> ...

jQuery - fade out when clicking on parent element (and not the parents children)?

I've got the following code on my page, and what i'm trying to do is that when a user clicks outside the #loginBox, i want the entire #loginOverlay to fadeout. But i can't achieve this effect without having the fadeout triggered by clicking on #loginBox... It's placed on the bottom of the page, and i have a link on the page that trigger...

jQuery fadeIn fadeOut - IE8 does not fade

Can anyone tell me why a .jpg would not fade in or fade out in IE8. Right now it is just disapearing and reappearing with no opacity changes. I have this set up locally and on a publishing server, strange thing is the images fade in and out just fine locally, it's only when I go to the publishing server that they cease to fade. Just w...

trying to fade out a top div on hover to reveal working links in text below using JQuery

I need to fade a div (and image) to reveal a div underneath (text with clickable links) using jQuery. <script> $(document).ready(function(){ $("img.a").hover( function() { $(this).stop().animate({"opacity": "0"}, "slow"); }, function() { $(this).stop().animate({"opacity": "1"}, "slow"); }); }); </script> Used the above code and all w...

reload masonry when div has fadeout onclick?

Hi, I'm using masonry for layout. I have set up a filter for the divs using the following code: $("#logo").click(function() { $(".box").fadeIn(); $(".box:not(.logo)").fadeOut(); }); when I select an item, I want masonry to reload the layout so that the items are reshuffled and that there aren't blank spaces. Ideas? thanks ...

How can i use a duration setting on .animate if it is inside the callback from a .fadeOut effect?

I am trying to just fade the content of section#secondary out and once the content has been faded out, the parent (section#secondary) should animate 'shut' in a slider animation. All this is working however the durations are not and I cannot figure out why. Here is my code: HTML <section id="secondary"> <a href="#" class="slide_b...

Function Triggered before fadeOut(); is finished

Hi I'm new to javascript/jQuery this really has me stumped. What I'm trying to achieve here is On toggling a#sameDayTab jquery will look for .changeAlert and fadeOut it's container div, when toggled again the div will fade in (this works well.) Each toggle will also call a function that tells me how many .changeAlert's are present o...

jQuery fadeOut() function doesn't ALWAYS work in Chrome, Firefox, IE

Sometimes, the slideshow on my website, which uses fadeOut and fadeIn to cycle through three main images will fadeIn a new photo without fading the old one. This doesn't happen every time the page loads though. My site is here (the slideshow will take 7 seconds to change): http://codersarepeople.com/v2/ The code I use is this slideshow...

Fadeout a tiled background image in load using JQuery

Hi, I've used JQuery in the past to fade divs in and out successfully. However, I have encountered a situation I can't quite wrap my head around: I am coding a site for a designer who has based the formatting of all the elements on a grid pattern he's created. As he wants the pattern elements to be the same size independent of the brow...

JQuery fadeIn fadeOut loop issue

I am trying to create a jQuery fadeIn fadeout effect for my page content using the code below. $(document).ready(function (){ $("#main").click(function(){ $("#content").fadeOut(800, function(){ $("#content").load("main.html", function(){ $("#content").fadeIn(800); }); }); }); $("#gallery").click(fun...

Autocomplete causes jQuery hover to fade out (Demo included)

Demo: http://www.christianbullock.com/so-demo/ (I know it's a bit rusty). Screenshot: http://i46.tinypic.com/2rh7fgn.png Hover over the blue rectangle to reveal the login panel. It works exactly how I'd like it to, with the exception that if you double-click one of the input forms to reveal the previously-entered usernames, by hovering...

Jquery mousemove() gets activated without a mouse movement

Hi I am trying to do a google.com like fade in (Cept i want to fade out text) <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt; <script> $(document).ready(function() { $("html").mousemove(function () { $("p").fadeOut("slow"); }); }); </script> With that code, my fade out gets automatically ...

Using fadeIn() & fadeOut() with jQuery and Prototype at the same time

Hi there I have a webpage which I'm updating, this page uses Prototype together with Lightbox. I would not like to change the current page to jQuery-only as I'm not sure what else uses Prototype and would break subsequently if I don't include Prototype anymore. My problem is the following: I have a few TD's which I would like to fade ...

jQuery fadeOut/fadeIn interfereing with jCarousel

I am using fadeOut/fadeIn to fade out a particular DIV and fade in another which contains jCarousel. Once the DIV has faded in, only the first jCarousel Item displays (there are 7 in total), but all other jCarousel elements display correctly. When running jCarousel alone in a separate file, it executes perfectly. Below is the code I am...

jQuery is behaving really odd

I have a jQuery script that fades in and fades out between containers inside their parent container. Depending on the button (design, web) clicked, it determines which container (#design, #web) fades out and which one fades in in its place. Now, the crux is here, both these containers (#design,#web) differ in height, so when I fade out ...

jcarousel not loading in Safari and Chrome after .fadeOut

I have a page that displays a particular DIV which fades out using .fadeOut revealaing another DIV which also then fades out, revealing a 3rd DIV which contains a horizontal jCarousel (strange I know, but given the constraints I am working with this was the optimal solution). After all of this .fadeOut business finishes, the jCarousel ...

jquery FadeOut for a Class, Runs Multiple Times, instead of Simultaneously, y?

I have a page with the several divs like: By default all are display:none, and I let the user click to show a certain card. Every time the user clicks to load a card I run the following JQUERY: $('.carditem').fadeOut( function() {alert(1) // Animation complete show correct card $('#' + toogleID).fadeIn(); }); What's s...

Android alpha animation fadein fadeout with delays

I want to do a very simple alpha animation but I cannot find a valid way. The idea is to perform this animation over a view: alpha from 0 to 1 of 1 second hold alpha at 1 for 5 seconds alpha from 1 to 0 of 1 second hold alpha at 0 for 5 seconds. start again on 1. I've tried to implement that with an AnimationSet as: AnimationSet an...

Using .fadeOut(), but I want it to STAY faded?

I am using this code to make a certain div (#extras) fade out. $(document).ready(function() { for(var i = 1; i <= pageLimit; i++) { $('body').append('<div id="page' + i + '" name="page' + i + '" class="touch"></ div>' ); } $('body').append('<div id="extras" class="showUp">..all cont...