
Adding folders to a zip file using python

I want to create a zip file. Add a folder to the zip file and then add a bunch of files to that folder. So I want to end up with a zip file with a single folder with files in. I dont know if its bad practice to have folders in zip files or something but google gives me nothing on the subject. I started out with this: def addFolderTo...

Is there a way to get a list of VS 2005 project files into text or xml format?

Does anyone know how or where I can go to quickly extract a list of all of my project files from VS 2005? I need to bring the file names into Excel/Access/SharePoint for Project Management duties (i.e. update logs, etc.), so XML or some other text/delimited text format would be ideal. I want to get the actual file names (i.e. Default1....

What is the best VB.NET control (standard/custom) for displaying list of files?

I'm developing a Desktop Search Engine in VB.NET and I'm looking for a powerful, flexible and feature-rich control for displaying the search results i.e. list of files. ...

What's the best solution for file storage for a load-balanced ASP.NET app?

We have an ASP.NET file delivery app (internal users upload, external users download) and I'm wondering what the best approach is for distributing files so we don't have a single point of failure by only storing the app's files on one server. We distribute the app's load across multiple front end web servers, meaning for file storage we...

Biztalk Splitting a file and the use of

Hi! In Biztalk 2006 I have a custom pipeline that split a file into many files, before each file get mapped. In the send pipeline I use "Use Temporary file for writing". My question is: When splitting messages and use "Use Temporary file for writing", will every one of the splitted files be moved to the out folder from the temp folder a...

How many files in a directory is too many?

Does it matter how many files I keep in a single directory? If so, how many files in a directory is too many, and what are the impacts of having too many files? (This is on a Linux server.) Background: I have a photo album website, and every image uploaded is renamed to an 8-hex-digit id (say, a58f375c.jpg). This is to avoid filename...

Best way to copy millions of files between 2 servers

I have roughly around 5 million small (5-30k) files in a single directory that I would like to copy to another machine on the same gigabit network. I tried using rsync, but it would slow down to a crawl after a few hours of running, I assume due to the fact that rsync has to check the source & destination file each time? My second thoug...

Set OpenFolderDialog to a special folder

Hi, I know it is possible to set the current folder of the OpenFolderDialog to a special folder, like "Program Files" or Desktop? But where do I find this? ...

How many classes should a programmer put in one file?

In your object-oriented language, what guidelines do you follow for grouping classes into a single file? Do you always give each class a seperate file? Do you put tightly coupled classes together? Have you ever specified a couple of implementations of an interface in one file? Do you do it based on how many lines of code the implementati...

Filename is different to the filename that exists in DB even though a session is being used

Hello all, I save a file with part of the filename as the session_id using PHP, like this: $newFileName = 'upload_160687_'.session_id().'_160687_'.$originalFileName; I then save the filename as a string using PHP in the DB and it looks like this: upload_160687_l4eef6nqlekhbirv2pvmuf5660_160687_Apple_Microsoft_desktop1-1.jpg Howeve...

Way to have compiled python files in a separate folder?

Is it possible to have Python save the .pyc files to a separate folder location that is in sys.path? /code foo.pyc bar.pyc To: /code /code_compiled foo.pyc bar.pyc I would like this because I feel it'd be more organized. Thanks for any help you can give me. ...

Can't paste Java source file into IntelliJ IDEA

I recently moved to IntelliJ IDEA. And I need to add several files to one of the packages in my project. The problem is I couldn't paste these files into that package. I also tried pasting the files in Explorer and pressing F5 in IntelliJ IDEA, but it did not work. How to copy the files into IntelliJ except manually creating these sou...

Detect duplicate MP3 files with different bitrates and/or different ID3 tags?

How could I detect (preferably with Python) duplicate MP3 files that can be encoded with different bitrates (but they are the same song) and ID3 tags that can be incorrect? I know I can do an MD5 checksum of the files content but that won't work for different bitrates. And I don't know if ID3 tags have influence in generating the MD5 ch...

How can I tell if a file has changed through .NET?

Hello World! I am looking for a way to determine when a particular file has changed, through .NET. (What I ultimately want is functionality that makes a copy of the file as soon as it has changed.) How can this be done? ...

How to quickly find added / removed files?

I am writing a little program that creates an index of all files on my directories. It basically iterates over each file on the disk and stores it into a searchable database, much like Unix's locate. The problem is, that index generation is quite slow since I have about a million files. Once I have generated an index, is there a quick w...

How can I tell when another process has stopped writing to a file in Perl?

I have a system which is writing files to a folder using FTP. I need to copy those files, but only when they FTP system has finished. How do I tell when the first process has finished writing. ...

ProgressBar when Scanning a Hard Drive

So, I'm doing a simple scan to get a list of all folders on a hard drive (c:\windows and c:\windows\system32 are considered separate entries). If I wanted to provide a progress bar for this 1-2 minute task, how would I do so? That is, I know how to make the progressbar but am not sure how to determine how much of the work for it is don...

Editing shortcut (.lnk) properties with Powershell

I've found a nasty VBS way to do this, but I'm looking for a native PoSh procedure to edit the properties of a .LNK file. The goal is to reach out to remote machines, duplicate an existing shortcut with most of the correct properties, and edit a couple of them. If it would just be easier to write a new shortcut file, that would work to...

file offsets on windows

Is there an easy way, preferably with a scripting language or a small tool that could be called through a batch file, to operate on a text file, mark an offset, and put everything after the offset into a new file? I have a text file added to nightly, and I would like to make it so that the end of the file is marked, then after new data ...

Can Intraweb Run More that 65,536 concurrent sessions?

Im trying to build a web-link to a busy social networking website using intraweb. Intraweb creates temporary folders for each session to store temporary files, which auto-delete when the session expires. If hosted on Win 32, the limit is 65,536 folders - which means only 65k concurrent sessions are possible. Is there a way to turn off...