
How to Modify the HTTP Response Using Filters in

Modifying the HTTP Response Using Filters ...

how to clear the wireshark filter combo contents

Does anyone know how to clear the filter drop down (combo) contents in Wireshark? Are the contents stored in a file somewhere? For the life of me, I can't figure this out. And, the Wireshark help file only tells me "The entries in the pull down list will remain available even after a program restart." ... mvc - one door filter

I need fire a filter method with all string in GET or POST value from http request before it was bind into controller action Can i do it in Global.asax.cs? and if yes, can u give me more details or example (great) about this? ...

How do you properly detect the browser's support for opacity?

I've got some javascript code that applies an alpha transparency. Before it does that it attempts to detect what type of transparency the browser supports and stores that in a variable for use later. Here's what the code looks like: // figure out the browser support for opacity if (typeof != 'undefined') op...

BindingSource Filter by date

Hello. I want to filter values from database based on date. Date in a database contains values like this: 2008-12-28 18:00:00. And my class has a DateTime variable depending on which I want to filter. Ideally it would work like this: myBindingSource.Filter = "DATE(myDateField) = myDateTime.Date" + adjusting myDateTime.Date format as ne...

Visual Studio Filter Debug Output

I have some code that causes a bunch of exceptions (which can safely ignored) but it floods my debug output window. It always has the same form and would be easy to filter out. How do i write a macro(?) to filter out these lines in realtime ...

How do you filter a TableAdapter's FillBy based on two tables?

I'm using VS2008 C# Express and the Northwind database on a Windows Form application. I used drag and drop to set up the master details binding (I used the Orders and Order Details) for the two datagridviews. At this point, everything works as expected. So as not to return every row in the table, I want to filter the Orders table ba...

filter to reverse lines of a text file

I'm writing a small shell script that needs to reverse the lines of a text file. Is there a standard filter command to do this sort of thing? My specific application is that I'm getting a list of Git commit identifiers, and I want to process them in reverse order: git log --pretty=oneline work...master | grep -v DEBUG: | cut -d' ' -f1 ...

Filtering a complete date in django?

There are several filter methods for dates (year,month,day). If I want to match a full date, say 2008/10/18, is there a better way than this: Entry.objects.filter(pub_date__year=2008).filter(pub_date__month=10).filter(pub_date__day=18) ...

how to restrict or filter database access according to application user attributes

I've thought about this too much now with no obviously correct solution. It might be a real wood-for-the-trees situation, so I need stackoverflow's help. I'm trying to enforce database filtering on a regional basis. My system has various users and each one is assigned to a regional office. I only want users to be able to see data tha...

.NET: Possible to change XPath() expression based on URL parameters?

I'm setting up a simple page that just displays the contents of an XML file and allows the user to filter by keyword. I'm a serious .NET newb, but I've got an XmlDataSource set up: <asp:XmlDataSource ID="RSSFeedDataSource" runat="server" DataFile="test.xml" XPath="/rss/channel/item[contains(title,"theKeyword")]"></asp:XmlDataS...

Quartz 2D/OpenGLES geometric distortions on images (preferrably using CGImage)

What is the preferred method for implementing such geometric distortions as pinch/fisheye/etc. using the iPhone SDK? I know that the Core Image library for OSX has all these types of filters built in, but not for the iPhone SDK. I can create a displacement map at a specific location and radius given the original source bitmap data, but...

Office iFilter and Embedded Documents

Hello, Does office iFilter (offfilt.dll) support extracting content from embedded documents i.e. Excel Spreadsheet or PowerPoint in Word? If not, do you know if other iFilters do? Thanks, Kesha ...

Get bounds of filters applied to Flash Sprite within Sprite

I have a Flash library with Sprite symbols composed of other sprites with design-time applied filters. I'm embedding those symbols into a Flex application like so: <mx:Application xmlns:mx=""&gt; <mx:Script> <![CDATA[ [Bindable] [Embed(source="Resources.swf", symbol="Squ...

How to write a nice Low-Pass-Filter in Scala

I needed a Low-Pass-Filter in one of my Scala projects and came up with this: def filter(numbers: Seq[Double], filterSize: Int): Seq[Double] = { assert(filterSize > 0) val ringBuffer = new Array[Double](filterSize) var ringBufferIndex = 0 => { // update ring buffer ringBuffer(ringBufferIndex) = x // i...

Algorithm to filter/normalise bad signal

Working on a tracking application using GPS. It is all fine, but sometimes because of the closed areas or bad weather I get inaccurate points. When you plot them, it just doesn't look right, with lots of hops/jumps. What algorithm should I run to filter out the bad signals It looks like an application of a blurring algorithm to me, but...

How to output a binary document based on a HTML document using filters in Java

This may be a little confusing but I having some trouble. My goal is to take an input HTML document and then process that document and use the HTML data to output a image document. For example, a user will request a URL, with some action=png in the querystring and then the filter will get invoked for the URL and output image document. ...

Algorithm for separating nonsense text from meaningful text

I provided some of my programs with a feedback function. Unfortunately I forgot to include some sort of spam-protection - so users could send anything they wanted to my server - where every feedback is stored in a huge db. In the beginning I periodically checked those feedbacks - I filtered out what was usable and deleted garbage. Th...

How to implement custom proxy server?

Ultimately, I want to block downloads in .NET WebBrowser control, effectively restricting it to displaying HTML, images, scripts and the like, but never, ever display a "Save as" dialog to the user. The solution proposed in an answer to that question was to hook up a custom proxy server that checks the responses and filters out anything...

MDX: Filtering a member set by a measure's table values

I have some numbers in a fact table, and have generated a measure which use the SUM aggregator to summarize the numbers. But the problem is that I only want to sum the numbers that are higher than, say 10. I tried using a generic expression in the measure definition, and that works of course, but the problem is that I need to be able to ...