
SQL error: String or binary data would be truncated

I got a table variable @RQ, I want it updated using a table-valued function. Now, I think I do the update wrong, because my function works... The function: ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[usf_GetRecursiveFoobar] ( @para int, @para datetime, @para varchar(30) ) RETURNS @ReQ TABLE ( Onekey int, Studnr nvarchar(10), Stu...

How to create Automation Add In Formula/Function and Excel Add In buttons (vsto) for them together?

Ok, let me explain it little bit better. Here is one example how to create formula/functions I implemented something like that, I even added values in registry, so that this Automation AddIn doesn't have to be added manually in Excel, but automatic...

jquery hover pass variable to callback function

I am trying to remove a title attribute for a link on hover and then add it back on mouse out. I would like to pass var hoverText to the hover out... Here is the code I have. Any ideas? $(".icon a").hover(function() { $this = $(this); var hoverText = $.data(this, 'title', $this.attr('title')); $(this)...

Help with Oracle SQL Count function! =)

Hi guys.. The question I'm struggling with is this: I have a list of helicopter names in different charters and I need to find out WHICH helicopter has the least amount of charters booked. Once I find that out I need to ONLY display the one that has the least. I so far have this: SELECT Helicopter_Name , COUNT (Distinct Chart...

Code-Golf: one line PHP syntax

Explanation PHP has some holes in its' syntax and occasionally in development a programmer will step in them. This can lead to much frustration as these syntax holes seem to exist for no reason. For example, one can't easily create an array and access an arbitrary element of that array on the same line (func1()[100] is not valid PHP syn...

Why does isNaN(123.) return false?

Hi, Why does the Javascript function call isNaN(123.) return false? (notice the dot (.) after 123). Is this a universally acceptable number or will it cause errors downstream? I'm validating whether a value is a valid decimal using isNaN along with split. Are there cross-browser issues with isNaN? Should I use a bespoke implementation?...

android call an outside function from a thread

hi.. say for example I have this code in my activity: public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.main); Thread cThread = new Thread(new Runner()); cThread.start(); } private NotifyMe(){ //do something here } and this is my Runner class: ...

How to insert custom function in tinymce,

i'd like to know how i can make my custom function in tinymce. assumed that my function named as A. The function is inserting form html tag such as ", etc". From this function (button) people who dont know even any tag of HTML, can insert the tag without editing the text mannualy. i want A appear as a button in tinymce toolbar.My functi...

Passing variables from a function to a query string on link click

Hi Guys. I need to pass some variables in a query string after it's run through a function once I click on a link. So this is what I thought should happen: <a href="/Print.aspx& + 'vars'" onclick="collectPrintOptions();" target="_blank"><strong>PRINT MY COVERAGE OPTIONS</strong></a> And my javascript function: function collectPrin...

When click on title, make information appear on another div for the information?

I'm looking for a jQuery solution for this. When I click, let's say on a artist name. Theirs another div beside that has the information showing up. (possibly in a animation/fading way) Can anyone help? ...

What is this strange function definition syntax in C?

I've seen a few function definitions like this recently while playing with GNU Bison: static VALUE ripper_pos(self) VALUE self; { //code here } Why is the type of self outside of the parenthesis? Is this valid C? ...

Simple to program yet computationally difficult functions

I need an example of a slow Excel sheet that could exist in the real world. Problem is I'm not sure what sort of functions are computationally difficult. Are there any sort of (maths?) functions that are easy enough to program that they can be used in Excel, yet computationally expensive? Something which has a real world application is...

How can I call a function from a dll ? (C/C++)

How could I call a function from a DLL ? I tried to declare a void pointer and to store in it the result of GetProcAddress... but didn't work. I also wanted to declare an unsigned long int ( I saw it somewhere on the internet ), but then I didn't know how to continue on. :D So, would anybody mind giving me a hand ? ...

Type hinting for functions in Clojure

I'm trying to resolve a reflection warning in Clojure that seems to result from the lack of type inference on function return values that are normal Java objects. Trivial example code that demonstrates the issue: (set! *warn-on-reflection* true) (defn foo [#^Integer x] (+ 3 x)) (.equals (foo 2) (foo 2)) => Reflection warning, NO...

Javascript object binding problem inside of function prototype definitions

Hi all, I am trying to figure out the right place to bind a function prototype to be called later. The full code of the example can be found here: My javascript example is very basic: function Obj(width, height){ this.width = width; this.height = height; } Obj.prototype.test = function(){ ...

Is it possible to have too many functions in a PHP application?

Can a PHP application have too many functions? Does the execution of a large number of PHP functions hog memory and resources? My WordPress theme in-development has a lot of functions (probably more than 100 by the time I'm done) and I'm concerned that I might have too many. ...

Extract function information from c++ dll.

Hello, i have c++ DLL and 1 program (not code) , that program calls 1 function from DLL, i know only name of that function, now all want to call that function from my application(C#). Is it possible? Thanks ...

ActionScript Encapsulating a Static Function

i would simply like to encapsulate a function in it's own .as file, but i can't quite get it. package { public class NumberAdd { public function NumberAdd() { public static function myNumber(val:Number):Number { return val + 2; } } } } this i would call it like th...

Is there a utlity function in Joomla 1.5 for rendering HTML tables? if so, please share

I am new to joomla, so I was wondering if there is a function wherein I pass an array of headers and a two dimensional array for data(cells) and get the html markup required to display the same as a HTML table. I am assuming since this approach works with javascript frameworks, it should be available in Joomla too. Thanks ...

F#: any way to use member functions as unbound functions?

Is there a way to extract member functions, and use them as F# functions? I'd like to be able to write the following: mystring |> string.Split '\n' |> Array.filter (string.Length >> (=) 0 >> not) The code above works if you [let] let mystring = "a c\nb\n" let stringSplit (y:char) (x:string) = x.Split(y) let stringLength (x:string) = ...