
How to create a function with return type map<>?

Fairly straightforward question. I have a map that I wish to initialize by calling a function like so: map<string, int> myMap; myMap = initMap( &myMap ); map<string, int> initMap( map<string, int> *theMap ) { /* do stuff... */ However, the compiler is moaning. What's the solution to this? EDIT 1: I'm sorry, but I screwed up....

javascript function won't stop looping - It's on a netsuite website

I need to change the shipping carrier drop-down and shipping method radio button once via a javascript function, not forever. However, when I use this function, which executes when on the Review and Submit page when the order is < $5, it goes into an endless loop: function setFreeSampShipping(){ var options = document.forms['checkout'...

how big should function length be (lines of code in a function)?

Possible Duplicate: How many lines of code should a function/procedure/method have? I would like to know how many lines of code should be function have? How many lines is too much. I read this a while back, it around 10 or 20 lines but it was because the screen would only accommodate so many lines. Now as the screen size bec...

Question about DBD::CSB Statement-Functions

From the SQL::Statement::Functions documentation: Function syntax When using SQL::Statement/SQL::Parser directly to parse SQL, functions (either built-in or user-defined) may occur anywhere in a SQL statement that values, column names, table names, or predicates may occur. When using the modules through a DBD or in any other con...

nested function

I just came across that ANSI(ISO) ain't allowing nesting of function.. i want to know what makes gnu c ito implement this functionality(why such need arise). If a function say(a()) is define with in another function say(b()) then the lifetime of a() would be whole program? Will the storage for a() ll be created in a stack allocated to f...

Make function declarations based on function definitions

I've written a .cpp file with a number of functions in it, and now need to declare them in the header file. It occurred to me that I could grep the file for the class name, and get the declarations that way, and it would've worked well enough, too, had the complete function declaration before the definition -- return code, name, and par...

F#: Advantages of converting top-level functions to member methods?

Earlier I requested some feedback on my first F# project. Before closing the question because the scope was too large, someone was kind enough to look it over and leave some feedback. One of the things they mentioned was pointing out that I had a number of regular functions that could be converted to be methods on my datatypes. Dutifull...

python simple function error ?

Here's a simple function to do simple math operations, when i call this from other program using import, output i get is none. When i remove def function, everything is working fine. What's the problem with defining this function? I'm new to python. def calci(a, op, b): if op == '+': c = a + b elif op == '-': ...

VS 2010 SDK - Get function and class name when carret change, with c#.

Hi experts. How can i get the name of the function and its class when the caret change position i a code file, using VS SDK 2010? I am using Editor Text Adornment template as an start and c#. Thanks. ...

how do i return arraylist from a function?

Hi guys, I learnt example from msdn to populate a listbox control with arraylist. I want to create a function which will give return the USStates arraylist and use the returned value as datasource for listbox1 Dim USStates As New ArrayList() USStates.Add(New USSta...

When to use () with classes?

This is really starting to confuse the hell out of me. When do I use them, when don't I? For example I was reading a .cpp on linked lists whose class declaration was: struct CarPart { long PartNumber; char Partname[40]; double UnitPrice; CarPart *next; }; class ListOfParts { int size; public: CarPart *head; ...

Pass temporary object to function that takes pointer

I tried following code : #include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; string f1(string s) { return s="f1 called"; } void f2(string *s) { cout<<*s<<endl; } int main() { string str; f2(&f1(str)); } But this code doesn't compile. What I think is : f1 returns by value so it creates temporary, of which I am taki...

Default values on arguments in C functions and function overloading in C

Converting a C++ lib to ANSI C and it seems like though ANSI C doesn't support default values for function variables or am I mistaken? What I want is something like int funcName(int foo, bar* = NULL); Also, is function overloading possible in ANSI C? Would need const char* foo_property(foo_t* /* this */, int /* property_number*/); ...

Warning: implode() [function.implode]: on Wordpress page

I just moved a wordpress site from one server to another, and I keep getting this error. Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Invalid arguments passed in /home/finer/public_html/wp-content/themes/barely-corporate/template_portfolio.php on line 41 I have been on the Wordpress support site but couldn't find a solution. Can someone ...

function with array variable

How do I pass an array through a function, for example: $data = array( 'color' => 'red', 'height' => 'tall' ); something($data); function something($data) { if ($data['color'] == 'red') { // do something } } how can I get the function to recognize $data[color] and $data[height]? ...

I am not able to inlcude NTDDk header!

hello all,I am trying to include the header but its unreconized..Do I need to change any project me please!! ... - Does a return statement in function stop the function?

Given the function 'Returns true if no cell is > 1 Function isSolutionValid() As Boolean Dim rLoop As Integer Dim cLoop As Integer For cLoop = 0 To canvasCols - 1 For rLoop = 0 To canvasRows - 1 If canvas(cLoop, rLoop) > 1 Then Return False End If Next Next Retu...

Variable function name Javascript.

I'm sorting array: myArray.sort(comparators.some_comparator); and I have several comparator to choose from: comparators = { asc_firstname_comparator : function(o1, o2){ ... } desc_firstname_comparator : function(o1, o2){ ... } etc... } I want to write function which returns certain comparator depending on ...

callback function for php preg_replace_callback not getting called on linux CentOS 5.4

I have used the preg_replace_callback as $string = preg_replace_callback($pattern,'CreateTemplatesController::callbackhandler',$string ); I have called the callbackhandler function with the class name as this function is a private static function. Problem is "callbackhandler" function is not getting called. Please post if any one k...

Dynamic SQL and Functions

Hi all, is there any way of accomplishing something like the following: CREATE FUNCTION GetQtyFromID ( @oricod varchar(15), @ccocod varchar(15), @ocmnum int, @oinnum int, @acmnum int, @acttip char(2), @unisim varchar(15) ) AS RETURNS DECIMAL(18,8) BEGIN DECLARE @Result decimal(18,8) DECLARE @SQLStrin...