
Making a generic MovableGameEntity Class for my 2D game?

Hello, I have come to a point in my 2D game ( I'm writing the whole engine myself for learning purposes ), where I need to create some kind of class that Inherits from my GameEntity class that will contain Entities that actually move somehow in my game. For example, that class ( MovableGameEntity ) could contain an enemy, so it would ha...

Solitaire game design

All, I have been asked to build a solitaire game in C++ for my project. Here's what I have come up with: Card class Properties/members: Suit,Rank,Color(All of these can be enums) Actions/Functions: Flip card, compare card, print card Rules Class: Would contain the rules of the game and also validate each user action/command to check if...

what are the recommended methods to create online 3d gaming engine ?

i want to create an online 3d game of roads and city buildings (supposed to have good graphics). i would prefer that it will work for all major Os's (linux,windows,mac). I know that for example adobe shockwave can do that, but unfortunately there is no linux support. ...

How can I turn an open source game into an open source community?

Related question: How do I attract developers to an Open Source project? Coding an open source Browser-Based-Game I code the game/site Recently we (me and my friend who mainly admins the server these days) open sourced the code (and creative commons share-alike'ed it). I really love working collaboratively on code, and...

Good framework for the game of Go (weiqi, baduk)?

I enjoy the game of Go (also known as weiqi in China or baduk in Korea). I want to create a program (an evaluation function) to play it. I would prefer if the framework handled two important tasks: Handle rules for the game, including captures, ko rules, and final scoring. Handle communication between a server like KGS and my program...

Objects do not retain the frame that I give then when using CGAffineTransforms with Core Animation

Hi, I'm making a game where when a card is touched, it grows so that it is focused, and when you 'let go', it goes back to its original size and place. This seems pretty standard, however, when I add cards and move the hand around to accommodate different numbers of cards, touching the card makes it go to its original place, and not to...

Overlay 2d weapon sprite over character sprite ?

Hello, I'm working on a game where my character needs to be able to have different weapons. For that I think that somehow overlaying the weapon over the moving sprite would be the correct choice, but I'm not sure about how could I do this. Assuming my Character spritesheet looks like this: And my preliminar weapon spritesheet ( haven...

Simple game dev question.

I'm writing a simple game with javascript/html5, and I'm trying to implement "gravity". The code I have is sort of like this: gravity = 4; acceleration = 1.1; function gameLoop(){ gravity = gravity*acceleration; if (characterPositionY < 600) characterPositionY = characterPositionY + gravity; setTimeout(gameLoop,1000/30);...

How could I apply a genetic algorithm to a simple game that follows rollercoaster tracks?

I have free-rein over what I do on a final assignment for school, with respect to modifying a simple direct-x game that currently just has the camera follow some rollercoaster rails. I've developed an interest in genetic algorithms and would like to take this opportunity to apply one and learn something about them. However, I can't thi...

Game platform/engine for inexperienced/solo developer?

There are a number of discussions on about what is the best iPhone game platform/engine. My question is not necessarily what is the best, but what is the best for an experienced iPhone developer but not not experienced in game design. This will also be a solo project plus a graphics designer. Consider I will be worki...

Game engines for iPhone vs. native iPhone sdk development

What are people's opinions and/or experiences with game engines such as Unity or Torque Engine? If one were new to iPhone game dev is it worth it to learn one of the engines? What is the performance difference between apps generated by those engines vs a natively built App using the sdk? ...

Performance improvements for the Open GL ES code in the CrashLanding sample code?

I'm making an iPhone game based on the CrashLanding sample code. The sample code includes some Open GL ES stuff (Texture2D and MyEAGLView). What are some ways to improve the performance of this code? I'm fine w/ making certain trade-offs to improve the performance... but I don't what these trade-offs might be. For example perhaps o...

Collision detection

I am doing a project where there is a room filled with objects with different shapes. I am drawing the room in paint, being the picture all white and painting all the walls/obstacles red. I am drawing each movable object in a different file, also using paint. Now, I load both the map of the room and the objects as matrix of 1's and 0'...

What features would you like to see in a game programming DSL?

Me and my friend are in the first stages of creating a domain-specific language designed for game programming, for his thesis paper. The language will be fairly low-level, it will have a C-like syntax, optional garbage collection, and will be geared towards systems that have little memory or processing power (ie. Nintendo DS), but shoul...

Why rubygame and gosu are slower than pure opengl ?

I'm looking for a good graphic framework to make a nice 2D game in Ruby. I made 3 very simple test to see which graphic Ruby framework is faster between Gosu and Rubygame. The test creates 1000 instances of a "Square" class that move and draw a red square by the simplest way using the framework's method. The 3rd test is the same thing bu...

Can you program a pure GPU game?

I'm a CS master student, and next semester I will have to start working on my thesis. I've had trouble coming up with a thesis idea, but I decided it will be related to Computer Graphics as I'm passionate about game development and wish to work as a professional game programmer one day. Unfortunately I'm kinda new to the field of 3D Co...

Jinput init's controllers with up and left as true

I tried using it on this simple code, and JInput makes the controller automatically go up and left! IT seeems that input.isControllerUp(Input.ANY_CONTROLLER) starts out as true! How can I fix this? import org.newdawn.slick.AppGameContainer; import org.newdawn.slick.BasicGame; import org.newdawn.slick.Color; import org.newdawn.slick.Game...

Intuitive 3D Math Resources

I have been trying to find some well presented and explained Vector and Quaternion resources recently to brush up on my 3D skills, and have been having some trouble. Most of the resources I have found tend skip over the high-level reason that performing a particular operation is useful, and dives straight into jargon and proofs that te...

Learning C# / XNA as a first language for indie games dev

Hi all, I'm really wanting to get into game development (childhood dream!) and i think I'm now in a position to finally invest enough time into it. However i have a few questions and I'd really like some feedback from some guys already involved in development, so i thought i would ask here :) How easy is it to learn? I have some progr...

Do you know of any Flex Point and Click game Libraries?

I'm looking for a game library for Flex that supports such features as: Movement Inventory Items Does anyone know of any libraries that might be suitable? ...