
Hiding objects that obscure the player in a 3D scene

I'm designing a 3D game with a camera not entirely unlike that in The Sims and I want to prevent the player character from being hidden behind objects, including walls, pillars and other objects. One easy way to handle the walls case is to have them face inwards and not have an other side, but that won't cover the other cases at all. W...

Algorithm for solving the "Unblock Me" puzzles

"Unblock Me" is an iPhone game (screenshot here: I was wondering how would one go about solving this programmatically and what class of algorithms help out here. Has anyone cracked this? ...

Estimating Flash project hours

Hi. I'm trying to estimate the hours required to build a group of 5 simple children's games in Flash. They will include such things as having kids drag and drop healthy food items into a basket; choosing the healthy and unhealthy food items by marking them in some way; etc. I have no experience building games in Flash, but I have progr...

Will Datasnap be appropriate for up to 8 non-communication intensive bi-directional multiplayer game?

I am building a small multipliplayer which will need the following: it must be written in Delphi must support Internet connection (not only LAN) work over HTTP support some encryption of the packets (it may be custom) be able to send commands to the server be able to receive responses from the server be able to connect up to 8 players ...

Django-based skill implementation

I'm working on a RPG using django and am considering different options for implementing part of the skill system. Say I have a base skill class ie, something like: class Skill (models.Model): name = models.CharField() cost = models.PositiveIntegerField() blah blah blah What would be some approaches to implementing s...

Handling touch detection in iPhone with C++?

I'm working on a game for the iPhone, for several reasons most of the code is in C++. I need to write a TouchesManager for my Game, I know about the methods touchesBegan: touchesEnded: and touchesMoved: I would really like to make a manager in C++ so I can subscribe some classes to this manager, so they can handle touch events in my Gam...

How do I represent a hextile/hex grid in memory?

Say I'm building a board game with a hextile grid, like Settlers of Catan: Note that each vertex and edge may have an attribute (a road and settlement above). How would I make a data structure which represents this board? What are the patterns for accessing each tile's neighbors, edges and vertices? ...

Check for two adjacent bits in 2D array (Java)

I am writing a tic-tac-toe game in Java. I have a 2D array representing a 3-by-3 grid, and need a method to check if there are 2 bits set in such a way that a row of 3 can be formed by adding a third bit. The only way I could think of doing this is to iterate along the rows, checking for a blank space, then checking the bits around it,...

RPG dialogue engine / structure

I've always been interested in the data structures involved in an RPG (Role-Playing Game). In particular, I'm curious about dialogue and events based actions. For example: If I approach an NPC at point x in the game, with items y and quests z, how would I work out what the NPC needs to say? Branching dialogue and responding to player in...

Building game logic with events

Hi! I'm making a game engine in C++. It is supposed to read all its game-level logic from XML files, so I'm in need of a simple, but rock solid way of creating and handling events. So far all i have done is to use an Action class. It's practically equivalent to throwing callbacks around. An example could be an object (a map), that can ch...

Illegal call to non-static member function (C++)?

Hi I'm developing a game which is based around the user controlling a ball which moves between areas on the screen. The 'map' for the screen is defined in the file ThreeDCubeGame.cpp: char m_acMapData[MAP_WIDTH][MAP_HEIGHT]; The ThreeDCubeGame.cpp handles most of the stuff to do with the map, but the player (and keyboard input) is co...

What is a good open source/free game engine for a top-down 2D space fighting game?

I've got some free time coming up over the holidays and am finally going to get around to building/prototyping a video game I've been building in my head for a few years. Now I'm just looking for a game engine that is: Free Nice API Easy to extend The language doesn't really matter. This is really a prototype and I'm comfortable lea...

MUD Programming questions

I used to play a MUD based on the Smaug Codebase. It was highly customized, but was the same at the core. I have the source code for this MUD, and am interested in writing my own (Just for a fun project). I've got some questions though, mostly about design aspects. Maybe someone can give me a hand? What language should I use? Inte...

Alpha Beta Searching and Transposition Tables

I have alpha beta search working and want to implement transposition tables to make it faster. The problem I'm having is the relationship between the entries in the table and the current position being evaluated. The literature I've read so far says you need to store the position type, the score, and some other information. Why do you h...

Where can I get flash games to add on my website?

Hi I am have a web site in Flex. And i want to add a few flash games in it. Can someone tell me what services provide there games to be added. I know has its games on facebook. Can I also add there games on my website? Have a great day. Zeeshan ...

Sending Key Strokes to Quake

I have been trying to write a code in VC++ for sending keys to quake game so that I can automatically move the bot. I have tried to use sendkeys functions but it only works for notepad. I have read earlier posts on this issue but none of them seems to help. It seems I have to use directinput api for this but since I never programmed in D...

Casting a pointer to a sub-class (C++)

Hi I'm developing a game and I need to find a way of getting the value of a certain 'map block' in the game (in char format). I have a class DisplayableObject which takes care of all sprites, and a sub-class ThreeDCubePlayer which takes care of the player object. For ease of rendering/updating everything, all DisplayableObjects are stor...

Real Time Strategy Game Programming Books or Tutorials

I'm coding a simple RTS game as a hobbie, and to learn about pathfinding algorithms, a*, strategies, flocking, etc. I think I'm doing fine so far, but now that I have completed about 50% of the goals I wanted to achieve, I was looking for some tutorials/books to compare what I've been doing so far with the common techniques used in RTS ...

OO design and mirrored/duplicated methods

Hi everyone! I'm having an issue in OO design where I end up with duplicate code in 2 different classes. Here's what's going on: In this example, I want to detect collision between game objects. I have a base CollisionObject that holds common methods (such as checkForCollisionWith) and CollisionObjectBox, CollisionObjectCircle, Collis...

How can I implement scripting in my game?

I'm trying to write a game and implement scripting so that later on in development I won't have to recompile everything when I want to change numbers. My problem is that I don't know how scripts should interface with the game. The scripting language I'm using is angelscript. Right now, I have a state: the intro state, which I'm using a...