
KATO Resource Script Compiler

Hi, I'm new to Iphone game dev, Is there any thing called Kato Resource Script Compiler, used in iPhone game development or any other game development platforms, Thank you in advance. ...

Bitmap compare method on the iPhone (unity3d)

Hi. What would be the best method to compare 2 bitmaps and get the correlation between the 2 (0 being completely different and 1 being exactly the same) in Unity3d on the iPhone? I am using C# since documentation says that using Boo or UnityScript will increase the size of the application. What I need is something similar to the fingerp...

Optimizing a pinhole camera rendering system

Hello, I'm making a software rasterizer for school, and I'm using an unusual rendering method instead of traditional matrix calculations. It's based on a pinhole camera. I have a few points in 3D space, and I convert them to 2D screen coordinates by taking the distance between it and the camera and normalizing it Vec3 ray_to_camera = (...

How do you make maps in Flash CS4 and then use them in iPhone games?

I was watching a video showing an ngmoco rolando2 level designer. He seemed to be using flash CS4 to make the maps. Would anyone know how I would go about doing this? Just in case you need to know, I am an intermediate programmer, I know both Java and Objective-C pretty well. ...

Using UITextField without Interface Builder

I am makeing my first simple iPhone game. When player achieve a new high score there is a need to ask player's name. Is it possible to accomplish a simple view where is a label "Please give your name" and UITextField for name input without using Interface Builder. So how can I progmatically set up this kind of simple view and also get ri...

Is it possible to block/deny a cast conversion in Java?

I have the code of a simple game, where an AgentInterface must be implemented in order to create an agent controller for one of the characters in the game. GameState is a class the implements GameStateInterface, and an object that implements this interface can be passed to the agent, so the agent can read and analyze the data from game s...

AS3: Game development

Hi! I am looking a game framework for flex/AS3. I want to use it to create simple 2d games, such as tower defense, etc. Maybe someone can suggest something? ...

Game Development & Artificial Intelligence With PHP

Hello All, A friend of mine told me that it is possible to even create games with PHP. Is that really possible? Can we implement artificial intelligence using PHP? Looking for your ideas. Thanks ...

TicTacToe AI Making Incorrect Decisions

A little background: as a way to learn multinode trees in C++, I decided to generate all possible TicTacToe boards and store them in a tree such that the branch beginning at a node are all boards that can follow from that node, and the children of a node are boards that follow in one move. After that, I thought it would be fun to write ...

How to get started with game programming using VC++,C++,DirectX quickly?

Hi I am working in VC++ and I am quite interested in game programming and I have few queries. 1).What one must know before starting game programming ? 2).Can anybody give me info @ resources like tutorial ,links ,etc. which would help me to start as fast as possible ? 3).Also give me info @ some good books on game programming ? Any h...

How to implement collision effects in a game ?

I building a game with QT. Every objects on my GraphicsScene inherits from GraphicsPixmapItem (Player, Obstacles, bombs...). I would like to implment collision effects. For example when the player gets hover a bonus he can pick it. With the QT framework I can get the collidings items but I don't know which type they are as there isn't i...

Simple, efficient weak pointer that is set to NULL when target memory is deallocated

Is there a simple, efficient weak/guarded pointer? I need multiple pointers to the same object that are all automatically set to NULL when the object is deleted. There is one "master" pointer that is always used to delete the object, but there can be several other pointers that reference the same object. Here are some solutions that don...

How to implement AI for Puyo Puyo game?

Can someone give me some pointers on how I should implement the artificial intelligence (human vs. computer gameplay) for a Puyo Puyo game? Is this project even worth pursuing? The point of the game is to form chains of 4 or more beans of the same color that trigger other chains. The longer your chain is, the more points you get. My de...

Does clipRect parameter of the BitmapData.draw method really clips the source?

The documentation says that clipRect parameter of the BitmapData.draw method sets clipping for the source. Reading this I wrote an AnimatedObject class for my potential flash game. This class draws a frame from a .png animation strip, and doesn't work with Flash scene hierarchy. var frame : Number; public function onDraw(backBuffer : ...

Faster math algorithm sacrificing accuracy

Hi, I am developing a game that calls so many math functions for physics and rendering. "Fast inverse sqrt" used in Quake3 is known to be faster than sqrt() and its background is beautiful. Do you know any other algorithm that is faster than usual one with acceptable accuracy loss? ...

Destroy a movie Clip and everything in it

I am making a game with flash as3. I create a movieclip that contains all of the games content within it. I pretty much encapsulated the game within this one movie clip. after the game is over I remove the movieclip off the screen. but yet, all the other movieclips within the main movieclip still keep playing. I could create a deconstr...

Facebook Game Function, Optimizin a Call, and Loading Bar

I am attempting to make a Facebook game and trying to replicate a common function that I usually find in many other Facebook game (a call to my website and illusionary image that is a loading bar). I am not familiar with Ajax or Javascript so please bare with me. The function should do the following: User clicks on Button Animated Gi...

Synchronizing time between simple python-socket-based server and clients

I have the beginnings of a small multiplayer game that I'm writing in python as a learning exercise. Currently the server runs at 10 fps, while the clients run at whatever rate they like. This works well to conserve bandwidth, but unless the client tells the server when its input happened, all input gets quantized to 100ms intervals. How...

Online Game Development

Hi, I have currently been programming for about two years as a student. I have experience with programming languages like Java and C++. I want to take an independent shift and try to develop a simple flash game, similar to the kinds you find on My question is; How do I get started doing this, what language/tools shou...

javascript game framework

Nowadays with <canvas>, it is easy to find all kind of cool stuff around the net. Like emulators, demos, games, just visual stuff, etc. But it seems that everyone is programming using the basic primitives of canvas. There exist any framework working over <canvas> or utility library? ...