
Is there a better way to create this game loop? (C++/Windows)

I'm working on a Windows game, and I have this: bool game_cont; LRESULT WINAPI WinProc(HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch(msg) { case WM_QUIT: case WM_CLOSE: case WM_DESTROY: game_cont = false; break; } return DefWindowProc(hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam); } int WINAPI WinMain(/*lots of paramete...

Basic skills to work as an optimiser in the gaming industry

I'm curious about a certain job title, that of "senior developer with a specialty in optimisation." It's not the actual title but that's essentially what it would be. What would this mean in the gaming industry in terms of knowledge and skills? I would assume basic stuff like B-trees Path finding Algorithmic analysis Memory management ...

Is there a visual scripting library or toolkit that I can plug into my app?

Visual scripting is a great way for technically inclined non-programmers to articulate their ideas to a computer program. The abstract concepts of looping and visualizing decisions can be applied to a lot of different areas. In game development in particular, visual scripting languages like Unreal's Kismet can be used to direct gamep...

3-d game programming

what programming language/languages do they use to produce games lik Bioware's Dragon Age Origins and some other 3-d games like Call of Duty? If I would like to do 3d-game programming, where do I start? Are there even simple tutorials for this? I would like to do 3-d game programming for PC games:) ...

Javascript (or similar) gaming scripts for C# XNA

Lately I am preparing myself to develop yet another game in XNA C#. The last time I worked on a game in XNA C#, I ran into this problem of having to add maps and customizable data into the game. Each time I want to add in new content or change some values to the game character or something, I had to rebuild the whole game or what - whi...

Using Observer pattern over a network for board game

I am looking to make a networked board game based on Risk in C++. My idea was to have a central server which hosts a game lobby where users can connect and make/join games. The Observer pattern seems attractive in this case, since I could host all the game model/logic on the server, and the clients would just be observers to this and dis...

Requirements for a game

I'm writing an iPhone game and I am trying to write some requirements documents. I have never written requirements before so I got the book Software Requirements. I have not finished it yet, but I forsee some issues, as this book is targeted towards a business. My main question is I am the only person involved with this game and I fee...

Farseer Physics XNA Geom 'Tripping'

Hello, I have an issue similar to I have a rectangle player geom, and many rectangle tile geoms lined up next to each other. Occasionally when the player geom is crossing between them he seems to clip onto the corners of the tile geom and as a result rotate over. Even ...

HaXe simple flash preloader

Is there a simple way to have a preloader that just traces the percentage and then goes on to the main game? Just as simple as possible, so that I can add in the progress bar/logo animation after. I tried the thing at mindless-labs, but its really complicated, it seems kind of hackerish, I don't really understand what it's doing and it u...

Logic / Probability Question: Picking from a bag

I'm coding a board game where there is a bag of possible pieces. Each turn, players remove randomly selected pieces from the bag according to certain rules. For my implementation, it may be easier to divide up the bag initially into pools for one or more players. These pools would be randomly selected, but now different players would be...

Why do I get an error when I try to access a public function of a class? (Actionscript 3)

Hi, I'm currently building the damage mechanic for my game. Two classes handle this, the 'hurt' class, and the 'collision' class. The hurt class passes an instance of itself to the 'hurtCollision' method of the collision class, so that the collision class can detect a collision between the player and that instance of hurt (which is a di...

What does it take to port a classic game to a new platform?

I'm thinking about starting a crazy enough hobby project that would span across several years and would include disassembling & OpenGL programming. Having almost finished my 3rd Android app, I must say that I love the platform and will program for it. Now, let's take the classic Carmageddon game as a porting candidate. The question bo...

Dependency Injection framework suitable for as3 games and regular rich media sites

Hi all, Doing a bit of research on dependency injection frameworks for AS3 to retain loose-coupling of classes and boost our re-usability of code. I've been looking heavily at RobotLegs. There's a whole lot I still don't understand about the framework but it seems ideal for our regular Rich Media apps but has anyone used this framework f...

Fundamentals of Game Programming in C

During the last 2 months I've been trying to learn the basics of game programming. So I coded a few simple games in Java to learn the fundamentals, such as Tetris, Checkers and Pac-Man. Now I want to learn/improve my skills in C, so I have this idea of writing those games in C to learn more about memory management, no OOP, etc. I have d...

Simulated time in a game loop using c++

I am building a 3d game from scratch in C++ using OpenGL and SDL on linux as a hobby and to learn more about this area of programming. Wondering about the best way to simulate time while the game is running. Obviously I have a loop that looks something like: void main_loop() { while(!quit) { handle_events(); D...

Passing coordinates from a java client to a java server

Firstly I know coordinates is probably the wrong terminology? I'd assume i'd simply be passing the x and y variables, but coordinates describe it better I feel. Now I need to have a Server which can be accessed by 2 clients, it is a racing game and it requires each client to be able to maneuver a racecar simultaniously, each using a dif...

JavaScript: Trigger a function when two divs touch / overlap.

The title explains it really. How to do this? Both divs are of differing size. Both divs are moving (I'm making a little Jquery game). If one hits the other, I want stuff to happen. Thanks ...

Vista Minesweeper Gameover uncover algorithm

I'm trying to make a vista minesweeper clone. Right now my uncover algorithm is the cascade algorithm. It kind of looks like a square that gets bigger and bigger. I noticed in vista mnesweeper, when its gameover, it iterates through the game in a circular manner to uncover the mines. Does anyone know what this algorithm is called? Thank...

OpenSource library to make OpenGL ES GUIs on the iPhone?

I'm looking for some kind of OpenSource library that allows me to make OpenGL GUIs on the iPhone ( for example the game menu , and some in-game pieces of interface like a player inventory ). Does anyone know if some sort of library/middleware exists for this ? A very big commercial example of this ( not for the iPhone ) would be: Scal...

iPhone game copyright and licensing

Do iPhone games which replicate the exact functionality and rules of popular proprietary board games need special permission (copyright, trademark, etc) from the relevant companies (Mattel, Hasbro, Parker Brother, etc) before being submitted into the App Store for approval? ...