
Problems with deltaTicks combined with high speed in a game loop.

My game uses a d = vt calculation for movement of objects where t is the time since the last frame (one frame per loop). I'm using SDL and the gist of the timing calculation is that I create an instance of a Timer class and start it. I call GetSeconds() when it's needed which returns the difference between when the timer was started an...

What is the best language for game programming?

Is it C++, C#, Java, C, OpenGL, ect. I want to do game programming but I don't really know what language to do it. I'm leaning toward C++. ...

Any good free C++ Game Programming PDF

Are there any good and free C++ Game Programming eBooks for beginners? A PDF would be the best format. ...

Calculate fps (frames per second) for iphone app

I am using an opengl es iphone application. What is the most accurate way to calculate the frames per second of my application for performance tuning? ...

How to create a side scroller game in java

I want to create a game where the user can go to the right-most part of the screen, and if they go any further, they will slide into a new view. So basically, if they have 3 monsters chasing them on screen # 1, and they go all the way to the right and keep going, they'll enter screen # 2 where there will be 5 new monsters and a new ter...

Direct-X in C++ Game Programming.

I am reletively new to c++ programming can anyone please tell me how does Direct-X SDK is helpful and how does it works and how can we use it in game programming.I Downloaded it and I found lots of header files and documentation also tells something about game programming. ...

Game programming for windows in C++ or C#.

I just learned the basics of c++ and c#,just the simple basics of the language.And I want to pursue game programming can anyone please tell me where to start off I read somewhere that Direct-X is used for game programming and I downloaded it from Microsoft's website but I just didn't understood it.From where did you people started your g...

Mac dev - Help getting started with 2d games

I want to make some simple 2d games/clones (for Mac), but I have a few questions: Should I use Quartz 2d or OpenGL (I don't plan to try 3d anytime soon) There seems to be a lot of typedef'd things like CGFloat/GLfloat, which should I use? Should I use Objective-C for the game too (classes) or just C? (I assume I'll use Objective-C and ...

Does anyone have any ideas for an assignment in game programming?

Much like the author of Give me an assignment in C, I'm looking to learn game programming and I learn best by doing, but I don't have any good ideas for games to program which will teach me the skills and for whom the graphics are freely available. I have written a basic pacman game but apart from that I haven't done any other games. ...

Making render method virtual?

I'm starting with C++ in more depth while building a simple 2d game engine. In my engine I have (or want to have) an "Abstract" GameEntity class, which carries the methods draw, update, and maybe position (x, y). I will add more stuff while it occurs to me. Classes to inherit from GameEntity would be anything that could be drawn on scre...

Game programming book using OpenGL and DirectX

What is in your opinion the best game programming book using OpenGL and DirectX? ...

Line Drawing Game Help Tutorial for iPhone

I am looking for anyone that can help create some source and a tutorial with me to answer how to create a game like "air control" or "harbor patrol" - just a simple source file where a user can draw using their finger and an object will follow - no need for final collision detection just the simple follow path source. Thanks Matthew PS...

the quake 2 md2 file format (theory)

i am trying to load md2 files in opengl but i noticed that most example programs just use a precompiled list of normals. something like this..... //table of precalculated normals { -0.525731f, 0.000000f, 0.850651f }, { -0.442863f, 0.238856f, 0.864188f }, { -0.295242f, 0.000000f, 0.955423f }, { -0.309017f, 0.500000f, 0.80901...

Mac Dev - How to refresh view for 2d game?

If you see my other question, you'll know that I'm starting to try making simple 2d games on mac. There I was deciding which library to use (OpenGL or Quartz), but no matter what I'll have to use Cocoa to make it a nice Mac application, and for the window and the view (with OpenGL, NSOpenGLView). Obviously for a game, the view will have ...

How to design a timer-based web game (like Cafe World)

I need to design and implement a timer-based game (Flash on client, PHP on server), like Cafe World, i.e. user clicks on a button, waits a few seconds, something happens, and then he can click again. It'll be a simulation of a food production line. There will be N production line elements, each has a separate timer with different durati...

2d game engine for race game built to web-page.

I think Flash/Flex is a good aproach for this case. We need to build some like the following: Is there some free engines to perform it? ...

DTD flash open source engine?

DTD flash flex action script open source engine? I need some open source engine for creating some games like Desktop Tower Defense games Does it exist?) So… What do I need? I need - • Open Source Libs • Tutorials • Blog posts/Articles ...

Code Golf: Perfect Tic-Tac-Toe

Given a tic-tac-toe board as input, where the game may already be started: | | -+-+- |X| -+-+- | | Output a tic-tac-toe board with the best possible move for the player whose next turn it is. You can assume a well-formed board (you won't have just 3 Os): | |O -+-+- |X| -+-+- | | The only acceptable moves here are corners, si...

Random 2d movement (similar to flies) in Unity3d

I want to add random movement to some of my game objects similar to the way flies swarm in Unity3D. I've developed a method using the addforce() method but would like to bypass the physics engine. Any help is appriciated ...

Looking for concept for managing game level views, level selection views, preferences view, storing levels, environment variables.

I'm developing a puzzle game application - watch on youtube - for iPhone, and the actual "in-game" part is almost done. It is a separate Class (subclass of UIView) what initializes with a puzzle clue, puzzle pieces, and is ready to send a message for somebody if the puzzle has solved ("completeness" check invoked on every touchesEnded). ...