
PHP: Set Varible to Get Value

I am creating a game web site using PHP and I want to just use one page for the game rather than have a bunch. I want to have the info entered like this: `?swf=[path to .swf]&name=[name of game]&description=[Description of Game]&instruction=[Instructions for game]`` The problem is that if there is no data entered in the URL it returns ...

FMOD sound library - syncpoints driving me nuts!

Can someone with FMOD experience please stop me from losing it. I cannot get these syncpoints to behave. I have some game music that consists of two pieces, an intro and a loop. They are separate sounds, and after the intro finishes, it begins the loop section which repeats forever. I set a syncpoint at the end of the intro to fire off t...

Multithreading in XNA game

Where can I use multithreading in a simple 2D XNA game? Any suggestions would be appreciated ...

What is the best way to implement scrollable maps (like Google Maps) in Microsoft Silverlight?

Problem Overview I am working on a game application and need to be able to implement scrollable maps in Silverlight similar to those found in Google Maps. However, I am unsure as to how to implement this effectively. The following paragraphs provide much additional detail. Any ideas or guidance is greatly appreciated! Problem Detail I...

What data structure should I use for a snake game?

I have some homework for my school and I have to make a snake game, like Nokia's, in Delphi. I wonder which solution is the best. I want my snake be a class and the body is an array of points (parent class) or a linked list of points. What's the best? An array or a linked list? ...

Detect nearby identical objects

Hi. So I write a game once in while. Just for fun, so that I can learn new things. I have been able to make a working "Breakout" and "SpaceInvaders" game so far. So I know how to handle collision handling etc. Now I would like to make a "Bubble Shooter" copy. I hope you guys know the game. I am having an issue about one aspect of th...

Keeping sync in multiplayer RTS game that uses floating point arithmetic

I'm writing a 2D space RTS game in C#. Single player works. Now I want to add some multiplayer functionality. I googled for it and it seems there is only one way to have thousands of units continuously moving without a powerful net connection: send only the commands through the network while running the same simulation at every player. ...

What programming language is good for a beginner and for a hobby?

Possible Duplicates: What is the easiest language to start with? What programming language should I choose for an independent study language? Well as the title says what language is good for a beginner and for a hobby? I'll probably be making some games or desktop apps with a gui most likely. I'll be working in Windows and Li...

Procedural skydome

Does anybody know how to or where I can find info related on how to do a procedural skydome? Any help is welcome. ...

Best way for simple game-loop in Javascript?

Is there a simple way to make a game loop in JavaScript? something like... onTimerTick() { // update game state } ...

How does 3D collision / object detection work?

I'v always wondered this. In a game like GTA where there are 10s of thousands of objects, how does the game know as soon as you're on a health pack? There can't possibly be an event listener for each object? Iterating isn't good either? I'm just wondering how it's actually done. ...

Object Oriented application problems in game development.

I'll be as direct as I can concerning this problem, because there must be something I'm totally missing coming from a structured programming background. Say I have a Player class. This Player class does things like changing its position in a game world. I call this method warp() which takes a Position class instance as a parameter to mo...

Are there common methods for hashing an input file to a fixed set of values?

Let's say I'm trying to generate a monster for use in a roleplaying game from an arbitrary piece of input data. Think Barcode Battler or a more-recent iPod game whose name escapes me. It seems to me like the most straightforward way to generate a monster would be to use a hash function on the input data (say, an MP3 file) and use that h...

Take screenshot of DirectX full-screen application

This boggles me. DirectX bypasses everything and talks directly to the device driver, thus GDI and other usual methods won't work - unless Aero is disabled (or unavailable), all that appears is a black rectangle at the top left of the screen. I have tried what other have suggested on several forums, using DirectX to get the back buffer ...

natural 'water' flow through web of nodes.

Hopefully this will be clear enough. I have a 2d map made of tiles, and I want "water" to travel through this map. It comes out of a pipe onto a specific tile, and then needs to fill up, like water, all the tiles to reach a certain other tile. I currently have the map inputted into the game with each tile being a node and each node ha...

Java: Concurrency for a game

I'm writing a simulation of Bananagrams for fun. I want to use concurrency but I'm not entirely sure how. I have a main method in a Game class. Each of the player threads works towards a solution. At certain points, a player will "peel". During this operation, every player is dealt a new tile. One of the player threads must notify the G...

Building a stick fighting game, Silverlight or Flash?

what are the pros and cons of each? ...

How to use on_mouse_motion to move around a lable via pyglet?

How can one move a label around in the hello world example using the on_mouse_motion function? The docs aren't clicking for me. on_mouse-motion ...

Render and scroll through multiline paragraphs using pyglet and ScrollableTextLayout

How can one display and scroll through a multi-line strings (contain "\n") via pyglet using the features of ScrollableTextLayout? STL crops what is display, and seems to be the most efficient way to implement scrolling. However I have no idea as to how to use it. The docs do not elucidate much to me. SomeText: string = "Some multilin...

Java 2D game graphics

Next semester we have a module in making Java applications in a team. The requirement of the module is to make a game. Over the Christmas holidays I've been doing a little practice, but I can't figure out the best way to draw graphics. I'm using the Java Graphics2D object to paint shapes on screen, and calling repaint() 30 times a secon...