
Can ActionScript and Flash handle complex dynamically-loaded modules and architectures?

I'm looking to start learning ActionScript and Flash to write a potentially very complex game engine. I come from a background in relatively advanced software architecture and as such am wondering if a few things (which I consider important for my engine) are possible with Flash: First, I want to modularize my game so that it can be bo...

Algorithm and data structure for solving the game "Globs"/flood fill/"FloodIt"

Suggest an algorithm and data structure for solving the game Globs ( It's pretty fun in a geeky kind of way. (MatrixFrog correctly points out this game is also known as FloodIt, and Smashery gave a solution 3 months ago in the link he cites below. All you dudes suggesting pruning/greedy with o...

Need help deciphering a formula for Projectile Motion

I need to implement a bit of AI to figure out how to hit a target with projectile motion. I found this over at wikipedia: Angle required to hit coordinate Which looks like just the thing I need, especially since I have the added problem launching the projectile from above zero height. However, my maths skills aren't great so it all l...

Lua vs. XML for data storage

Many of us have been indoctrinated in using XML for storing data. It's benefits and drawbacks are generally known, and I surely don't want to discuss them here. However in the project I'm writing in C++, I'm also using Lua. I've been very surprised how well Lua can be used to store and handle data. Yet, this aspect of Lua is less recogni...

Port Forwarding For Online Games/Other Services?

I've noticed recently that I don't have to forward ports for mmorpg's that I play. I'm thinking about working on a game that people can play online and had a question. Why is this the case given its a two way socket connection that is constantly sending data back and forth? Doesn't their server need to get through my firewall in ord...

Is graphic object bitMapData type the same as bitmapData type ??

The title might be a little misleading. Look at my code and I will explain public static function loadTile(tileDir:String = "empty"):void { if(tileDir != "empty") { tPoint = new Point(0,0); tRect = new Rectangle(0,0,30,30); //load in tile sheet image ...

OOP Game Design Theory

I've tried to develop a 2D game with C++ in the past using mere objects, however, in the design process I don't know how and what parts of the engine I should split into smaller objects, what exactly they should do and how to make them interact with each other properly. I'm looking for books, tutorials, papers, anything that explains the...

Develop games with pure actionscript or adobe flash cs4 professional

Hi, I want to develop a simple race car game. A user will see his car from above and can use right and left arrow keys to navigate in the track and between other cars. What is the correct way to develop a game? Do I use pure actionscript with FlashDevelop or the Eclipse plugin? Do I use Flex3? Is it better to use adobe Flash CS4 Profes...

How to properly create Game Objects

I am making sims like game and right now I am trying to figure out how I will structure my objects. Right now I am thinking to create a class called GameObject, the psuedo is below public class GameObject { name:String width:int height:int } This way I could create objects like bushes, trees, and buildings. But...

How to multiply two sprites in SpriteBatch Draw XNA (2D)

I am writing simple hex engine for action-rpg in XNA 3.1. I want to light ground near hero and torches just as they were lighted in Diablo II. I though the best way to do so was to calculate field-of-view, hide any tiles and their's content that player can't see and draw special "Light" texture on top of any light source: Texture that is...

Real time browser game server

I'm mostly looking for setup advise and pointers on how to go about going about this. I'll explain in as much detail as I can think and also note possible approaches that may be plausible. The aim of this is to create a real time browser game, the best method that I have found for my needs would to use "long polling" with ajax, which wi...

How can I avoid mysql query every page load on RPG game? Any ideas?

Hi, I've been doing RPG game recently and every page load I have to use mysql_query (and this query quite big, takes a few tables with inner join) to take information about player. How can I avoid this query sometimes? Of course I can use cache and make query for example every 30 secs, but it won't renew new information instantly. So, an...

Game Engine Development

Is there any reading material you would recommend on the subject of game engine development? Specifically 2D engines. I've read up on SDL and I want to get started programming some games but I find myself a bit overwhelmed by the whole thing and I don't have a clear picture of what needs to be done. I just end up building complex, ineff...

Porting Java SE Game to Java ME

Hey all, I'm learning to program in Java and would like to develop a mobile Chess game for the Blackberry platform. It was recommended to me that, as a beginner, I should build the game for regular desktop use and avoid the more complex mobile development for now. I was told that I can port the game to Java ME once development in SE i...

Finding Something lighter than Sprites!!

I am making a Sim City like game. There are lots of tiles. When I first started. I was just using a tilesheet. I was copying the necessary pieaces from the tilesheet. on to a blank bitMapData. I then took the bitMapData and put it into a bitMap which I then put into a DisplayObject. It worked great! tileSheet:BitMapData <----- data i...

How can we best represent the SDLC process as a board game?

I recently got interested in financial board games and saw how they can be very useful in educating children about certain concepts. It got me thinking whether it was also possible to represent certain aspects of executing a software project via a boardgame and make it fun. Here are a few things that I have come up so far: human reso...

What parts should you implement first and last in your game?

What are the main parts of the game one generally finds in all games (user input, graphics, AI, menus, collision detection, sound, cheats, levels, configuration, etc etc.) I should implement and focus on first and what should I leave for last? ...

Do any of you use Scrum for game development?

Just wondering if any of you use agile with scrum for game development. How much do you deviate from it? I am particularly interested in how much it affects your game design document. To me it seems, contrary to what I have read, you need some kind of GDD, just not as detailed because that would be taken care of by the backlogs. Than...

Is there a middleground between writing raw OpenGL versus using a full-blown game engine?

I'm playing around with OpenGL and I'm finding myself writing code that I feel like I shouldn't have to write. GLU and GLUT are nice but not really what I'm thinking of. Code to load .obj models (vertex and normal vectors) from Blender and render them. Code for collision detection. Code for navigation/camera stuff. Code for simple ter...

How to implement frequency of attack in game?

In a RPG game,suppose there are role A and B. A will conduct x attacks per second B will conduct y attacks per second If we suppose A initiates the attack and the final attacks may be : A A B A B ... How to calculate the sequence of attacks? ...