
How to reduce the impact of attack frequency in a game?

The goal is to make the frequency not so dominating. Suppose A has an attack frequency of 100,and B's is 2. But I don't want to see such a big difference. I want to reduce the difference,how? The goal is that A is at most 5 times faster than B,not 100/2=50. But should make sure A is faster than B. So I need a mechanism to achieve t...

game programming in C#: sprite collision

Hi everyone, I have a C# snippet code about sprite collision in C# game programming, hope you guys will help me to clarify it. I dont understand method IsCollided, especially the calculation of d1 and d2 to determine whether the sprites collide or not, the meaning and the use of Matrix Invert() and Multiphy in this case as well as the u...

Need advice on how to save all stock changes for rpg game in mysql.

I've been creating rpg game and now I'm doing stock-market for my players that they could buy and sell shares. Stock prices are random and stock prices changes every 20 minutes. So, every change I have to save in mysql in one field because I want to show players graph of last month's changes. For example. first stock price is 100$, then,...

Right click on JButton

Hi guys, I am trying to write a Minesweeper clone in Java for fun. I have a grid of JButtons whose labels I will change to represent the danger count, flags, etc. My problem is, I don't know how to get a right click on a JButton to depress the button. I've done the following: button.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter(){ public ...

Game Development: Flex or Flash IDE?

Which would be more comprehensive for game development? ...

python games problem

hi, I have made a mine sweeper game which fully works except for one key point, which is: Allow the player to place flags on cells to mark mine locations and to remove flags. if a cell is marked with a flag the player can not activate it by clicking on it. Now I don't know how to do this flag requirement. ...

use flash action script to develop online games

For short: can you tell me some great resource to study if I want to develop online games using flash technology? Including 3D games. ...

How do you structure a java program?

For quite awhile I have been trying to make a simple "game" in Java that is really just an applet with a square and a grid. What I want it to do in the end is the user clicks and the square will move to where the user clicked rounded to the nearest grid square. The problem is I am a self taught beginner and I am having a hard time figu...

Snake Game Design Question

I'm trying to make a snake game with additional functionality where snake can eat different types of food some of the foods will give it special powers for some time. like that For designing diff. food i'm making a food interface. And all types of food implement it. So that using only Food's ref. i can create any type of food. The only...

Objective C Path drawing to link buttons

Hi all, Does anyone have any idea on how to make a path drawing to "link" up two buttons like the iphone game Airline Conqueror? ...

can JGame do fullscreen with dual monitors?

When I run my Java game (based on the JGame framework) in fullscreen mode with dual monitors, it only shows on one. Has anyone worked around this before? ...

Quake3 on linux with SDL

Hi, I'm porting Quake3 on linux using quake3 open source. I used ioquake3, but It uses SDL library. Do you know how to compile the quake3 without SDL and OpenAL with ioquake3? Or anyone have the quake source which is not included the linbrary? And I don't want to compile using perl scrip, neither. I want to compile with only makefil...

displaying an image in swing

I'm developing a Snake game. Instead of showing moving rectangle, I'm planning to show a picture and want to move it with keystrokes. but I can't do it with Jlabel. since labels are static in position. Is there any way to display them as a image only?? thanx. ...

Defining Game Object Behaviors in XML

I'm sure that there is a design pattern solution to my problem, but I can't seem to decide what a workable approach is. I know what I want, I'm just having trouble making the connections... I'll explain: I'm working on a game. I have GameObjects. I have GameBehaviors. The properties of my GameObjects are defined in an XML file which has...

sprite collision in game programming

When detecting collision between sprites using color alpha component, should I carry out in world space or in view (local) space, which one is more preferred? Any link or suggested book to this kind of topic is highly appreciated. Thank :) ...

What helpful tactics have you employed to keep your development team on-track?

I realize that this is a subjective question, so I've marked it as a community wiki. I think that it is pretty specific to programming teams, though, so I've posted it here as opposed to somewhere else. I'm leading a small game development team (four people) as a side project. We are a disjoint team, with everyone in different places, b...

Storing Factory Pattern Products

Right now, I've got a switch statement which is being used to create objects based on a string. There are three types of objects which extend an abstract generic object. I should really be using a factory pattern, which I'm figuring out right now. My issue is thus: I appreciate the flexibility of the factory pattern, but right now I'm st...

How to create Mortal Kombat game in c#?

Where do I start for this game? I do have xna studio. But I do not know the flow to create such a good game. EDIT:: I do have a good hands on c#/ development. I am totally new for game development. Ok, i appreciate your answers/comments, but can you tell me which studio is the best for c# game development, or where do i start ...

From which book should i start game development in c#?

I am newbie in game development. I do have a good knowledge of c#. from where I should start to learn game development in c#? Also let me know tools/studios/technologies and of course a very good book to start with. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks! ...

2D Rotation Array

I need help converting this code from this thread: to PHP arrays. int [,] newArray = new int[4,4]; for (int i=3;i>=0;--i) { for (int j=0;j<4;++j) { newArray[j,3-i] = array[i,j]; } } Also, will this code work if the blocks are off-center? ...