
What causes Audio output to stutter?

There is a very common software bug that causes about 1 second of audio to be played a few times in succession, creating a kind of stutter. I notice this most often when playing video games. I know this is not architecture specific, I have seen it happen in consoles, in old PC's and it just happened 5 minutes ago when I booted wi...

Resolution independence in Android SurfaceView

I am currently starting a game engine in Android, first forray onto the platform and have the basics in place however i am unsure of the best way to approach resolution independence when using SurfaceView to draw graphics. Looking for pointers as to how to keep the game / sprites etc all looking the same independent of the screen, obvi...

iPhone network game programming

I'm interested in writing an iPhone game which uses the network to allow users on different iPhones to play against each other. I'm looking for an example of a game with source code which does this. I need some simple examples and documentation. Where should I look? I'm brand new to iPhone programming. Thank you! ...

Conways's Game of life array problems

I'm writing a Conway's life game for school. In the program I am having trouble with the arrays taking the values I am assigning them. At one point in the program they print out the value assigned to them (1) yet at the end of the program when I need to print the array to show the iterations of the game it shows an incredibly low number....

decreasing gravity in udk?

I am trying to create a mod in udk by adding jetpacks, so I need the players to jump very high, I can't figure out how to do this in unreal script. Can someone explain how to do this or point me to a good tutorial. thanks ...

2D vector modelling for game development

Making my Asteroids clone (in C) I've rather fallen in love with vector-based entities, but I've simply coded them in as x,y-point arrays. That's been fine for something like Asteroids, but what should I do if I want to make more complex 2D models? I note that there is an awful lot of 3D modelling software out there, as well as ample tu...

What is the best way to do 2D animation?

I'm writing a 2D animation class, and I've got TGA pictures in which the player animation is stored. These pictures are 8x8 tiles (so on each row there are 8 frames of a moving character) However, I don't have a clue on how to animate this in code. I was thinking about updating it by moving the u-v coordinates each frame and returning ...

move a displayobject based on another objects rotation

Ive probably ran into some code like this before. just cant remember where. I have 2 display objects on my stage. One is rotating and the other is positioned 90 degrees from the rotating object. As the object rotates, the other object adjusts its x and y positioning from the rotating object.. If this doesnt make sense, then let me expla...

Worms style destructible terrain

Hi, I want to prototype an idea for a game I have. The idea for this game is that the player will dig through the ground, creating tunnels and finding treasure. I'm looking to create 'worms style' terrain, with collision detection for the player wandering and jumping around the tunnels. Examples of this type of dynamic terrain can be se...

testing flash movies performance agaisnt range or computers and browsers

I am half way done with making my first flash web game. I put alot of work into it and dont really know how great the performance will be on browsers and range of different types of computers. This is my first time working with flash in general. I was wondering if there is any tools to test my game out against browsers and hardware. The ...

Architecture for a farmville/yoville/cafe world type game?

I'm thinking of building a game along the lines of Farmville - items, events, time management system etc. Options I am thinking of: 1) Flash UI frontend that uses AMFPHP to get all data for the view from a PHP powered backend. 2) Actionscript to power the whole game Any input is appreciated. My concern with Actionscript is scaling, my ...

webgame with simultaneous players

I have seen many webbrowser based games with players playing simultaneously. Usually after waiting some time you can join a room where everyone is playing or you can play against one other player. All those games use Flash. How they achieve that? It would be very complex to accomplice without Flash? There are any toolkit (rails, etc) o...

Creating a simple hierarchy structure in Maya using mel/python

So I want to create a very simple structure out of group and locator nodes in Maya which will then be exported for use in my game level. e.g. Group_Root group_parent - group1 - locator1 - group2 - locator2 - group3 There is only one Group_Root in the file, there are many group_parents ( each uniquely named ...

Match the pairs search algorithm?

I found an interesting pairs matching game at The rule is simple, you have to find and connect two identical pokemon but the path between them is not blocked and the direction can't not be changed 3 times. Let's see an example: I've think alot about the algorithm to check if the path between any 2 selected pokemo...

Fastest cross-platform A* implementation?

With so many implementations available, what is the fastest executing (least CPU intensive, smallest binary), cross-platform (Linux, Mac, Windows, iPhone) A* implementation for C++ using a small grid? Implementations Google returns: (Most links on that site are dead.)

generate a window for ascii game

Hello all Im trying to write an ascii game for an assignment. The program must be written entirely in c, no c++. How can i get the program to open a window capable of rendering ascii art? I want to create a window of a certain size, that is capable of printing in multiple colors. A simple console window is insufficient. Also, on a rela...

Algorithm for creating unique bingo faces

Hi, Does anyone know of an algorithm that can generate unique bingo card faces? I'm looking to implement this algorithm in C#. Thanks, ...

Pausing Game when someone calls/SMS you.

I want to implement this function on my apps but i cant seem to figure out how to use this line of codes. - (void)applicationWillResignActive:(UIApplication *)application { //our app is going to loose focus since there is an incoming call [self pauseGame]; } - (void)applicationDidBecomeActive:(UIApplication *)application{ //the user...

First time ever creating a Terrain

First night at taking a look at different ways to create Terrain. I'm wanting to work on a racing project and was wondering if there was a way to create a 3D race track some how. We plan on using C++, and are also using PhysX and openGL. Where should I be looking for creating Terrain? Also, does anyone know of some good Tutorials/Tips ...

XMPP C# Interaction

I am trying to connect via c# and via javascript to an xmpp server (currently ejabberd). Im having a little trouble conceptualizing how the connections will exists. Backstory: I have a game engine that will take input from the user and send some kind of response back to them. The user may be a windows app, a web app, all needing to con...