
Platform/API for applications (games) to do trading and auctions between players/users.

Are there any products/services that let games developers provide real-time trading and/or auction services to their users/players. E.g. Let the developer define what assets can be traded and the end-user application interacts with the service. I'm looking for anything from platforms as complex as real-life trading systems through to a...

Read-Write UDP connected sockets?

We are trying to get two programs to communicate with each other in a game-like fashion. They maintain a TCP connection with a central server for "control" type information, which that central server ensures both clients receive. The two clients then communicate with a udp server using sendto() and recvfrom() which just sends the infor...

How does minimax work?

Here's the case. I'm trying to make a Chess engine. Not that I believe that I can make anything better than what's already out there, but I want to see how it works. I've made some of the important parts, such as board representation and the evaluation function. The evaluation function seems to produce decent results, so now I need to im...

pixel collision detection for flash

I was told the pixel detection is costly for regular windows games. Is this the same for flash ?? Or would pixel detection be lighter compared to other detections flash has to offer. Flash has the getPixel32 method which makes it easy for detecting pixels. If I am bliting my game, would it be wise to use getPixel32 for collision detectio...

Best practices for blitting in flash as3

I am creating a blit game and as of right now, the only thing that is blitting is the world itself (i.e. roads, fences). i was planning on displaying my character as a sprite and any interactive objects that it comes by as sprites as well. PickUps, Houses, Enemies. I was wanting to know what are the best practices when it comes to this. ...

Synthesizing a realistic bounce sound for maze tilt marble game

In considering the design of marble-in-maze games where you tilt the table to get the ball to the end of the maze without going down one of the holes, I wonder whether anyone here has considered the modelling of the sound of the ball hitting the walls... The ball doesn't always make the same sound. This other question covers the rollin...

robocode engine: how to design (write) the runtime engine -- the robot world

IBM has (had) a free learn-Java program called RoboCode, in which custom robots could be written that would then do battle in a 2D space. I would like to write the environment that supports such robots, but don't know what pattern or design to use. Each robot is a thread. Each thread is given a certain (indeterminate) amount of run-ti...

JInput "no jinput-dx8 in java.library.path" Error

Hi I'm trying to make a game in java that gives users the option to a joystick or gamepad to control movement. So I found something called "JInput" that is suppose to make it easy to detect all connected game controllers. The problem is that when I run it in Eclipse I get the following error: "java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no jinput-...

Examples of networked Flash games

Maybe I am asking the wrong questions, because I don't see any sample projects out there. I know Flash developers have done Kiosks and renovated arcade games. "Come on, we see Flash everywhere." Is there a sample project I could be pointed towards, it would be an ass-saver. Can I prepare my swf files like an image gallery and receive XM...

Chess game in javascript

Is there any Chess game API , purely written in javascipt ? No Flash! Anybody know the algorithm(in general) used in Chess games ? ...

Should I develop desktop games using AIR?

I develop flash based games and currently we supply our games as projector files to our clients. Should I make the jump to AIR? ...

2 objects following each other but distance pulls them apart

Basically I am making a game where the enemy comes after the hero when He is in sight. What I do to achieve this is var distx = hero.px - px; var disty = - py; moveX += distx * .00005; moveY += disty * .00005; Now I had to multiply it by .00005 because anything higher, makes him come up on the hero pretty quick. I want the ...

How to calculate the slope of a point on a terrain data (e.g. Digital Elevation Matrix)

I want to implement a 3D car racing game and I need to approximate the magnitude and the direction of the slope of any arbitrary point on a terrain. Terrain Data Format: - heights[ ][ ]: 2D array of floats (representing heights in meters) - unit: horizontal unit distance between (i, j) - (i, j+1) and between (i, j) - (i+1, j) in meters ...

Box2D Walls - same code: the left one works, the right one doesn't

I'm making a simple Box2D game ( ), where you start off as a triangle and bounce off bigger shapes to gain sides. I'm having a bizarre bug with my walls... both are created from the same class, yet the left one works and the right doesn't. If I only add the right one, then it works, but for some reason adding...

Ogre3D Basic Framework issue on Ubuntu

I have been trying to learn to use Ogre3D and have gotten to the stage where I want to start something more serious than the examples it comes with so I found and copied the Basic Ogre Framework I am using Ubuntu 9.10, but have compiled Ogre 1.7 from the Ogre3D website, I am using the Netbeans 6.8 IDE with the c++ plugin. The Basic Ogr...

Perspective correct texture mapping; z distance calculation might be wrong

Hi, I'm making a software rasterizer, and I've run into a bit of a snag: I can't seem to get perspective-correct texture mapping to work. My algorithm is to first sort the coordinates to plot by y. This returns a highest, lowest and center point. I then walk across the scanlines using the delta's: // ordering by y is put here order[0...

Implementing z-axis in a 2D side-scroller

Hello, I'm making a side scroller similar to Castle Crashers and right now I'm using SAT for collision detection. That works great, but I want to simulate level "depth" by allowing objects to move up and down on the screen, basically along a z-axis (like this screenshot

Does Import effect your file size AS3

This might be a silly a question. But I am just curious to know if the amount of classes you import into your flash class, affect the size of the class, the size swf file, or the amount of memory allocated. If so, does this affect take place before or after you initiate the class. thanks ...

ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller.

In my game, I encapsulate my addChild so that I can have an array of all the objects that are on stage for later garbage collection. this is how I do so public function addGameChild(object:gameObject,isDisplay:Boolean = true):void { if(isDisplay) addChild(object); gameStage.push(object); ...

Linking Objects to list for manual editing later (Game Engine/Framework - Entity management part)

First of all hello, this is my first time here. I'm young coder (15) and this is my second attempt to make a game (actually whole reusable game engine AND framework, not sure how to call it, maybe GDK?), while making it much more organized this time. IMPORTANT NOTE: I'm using XNA framework, so the game engine is not purely low level Dir...