
designing class hierarchy for typical characters in role playing game

I'm trying to design a simple role playing game which has your typical character types like fighter, wizard, cleric, theif, etc. I need advice on a good way to setup the class hierarchy. My initial attempt was to create a class of type "Character" and make the fighter, wizard, cleric, derived types from "Character". But then I thought...

Need suggestions for developing Scrabble like game in WPF

Hi I want to develop a game like Scrabble in WPF for which I need some suggestions For Visuals: 1. What controls can be utilized to represent a (let's say 9 x 9) matrix? I would need ability to associate each cell with an id to know its state at all times during execution. How can I inject different visual properties to a cell of matr...

Best approach for oldschool 2D zelda-like game

Hello For learning purposes, I would like to code a simple 2D game inspired by Zelda series on the nes/gb. is a nice example. The player could move on a scrollable view, and when hits defined map limits, like a house door, dungeon, or new zo...

How to suppress console output in Python?

I'm using Pygame/SDL's joystick module to get input from a gamepad. Every time I call its get_hat() method it prints to the console. This is problematic since I use the console to help me debug and now it gets flooded with SDL_JoystickGetHat value:0: 60 times every second. Is there a way I can disable this? Either through an option in Py...

How do game events work?

I'v always wondered how this works. Does having more slow down the game? for example how would one represent checking if a car has flipped. It could be seen as: if ( == 180) { do something } The parts that puzzle me is, when would the game check for it? The way I see it, every thing that can happen in the game seems...

Isometric projection : What's wrong with my math?

I have an math problem in Isometric projection. I have reading an article: Axonometric projections - a technical overview. For the Isometric projection part, it give an mathematical formula for conversion 3D point into 2D point for the x part the formula is: x' = ( x − z ) cos(30); But i also check for wiki for Isometric Projection s...

Need help with circle collision and rotation? - Game Physics

Ok so I have bunch of balls: What I'm trying to figure out is how to make these circles: Rotate based on the surfaces they are touching Fix collision penetration when dealing with multiple touching objects. EDIT: This is what I mean by rotation Ball 0 will rotate anti-clockwise as it's leaning on Ball 3 Ball 5 will rotate ...

android OpenGL ES simple Tile generator performance problem

Hello, following this question : Thank to previous replies, and with a major inspiration from , i started to build a simple Tile Generator for my simple 2D zelda-like game project. I can ...

How to create a class to wrap OpenGL drawing for a game

I'm writing a game for school in OpenGL. Since there will be several more similar assignments I want to make a small framework for doing common things in OpenGL. I have made a few simple games before and I usually break it down into an IO class to handle input and drawing to the screen, Game class for the main game loop/logic, and classe...

How do I fix "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError at sun.misc.Unsafe.allocateMemory(Native Method)"?

I'm making a Java application that uses the Slick library to load images. However, on some computers, I get this error when trying to run the program: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError at sun.misc.Unsafe.allocateMemory(Native Method) at java.nio.DirectByteBuffer.<init>( at java...

XNA Game, Full Screen Animation / Video Playback

I have an XNA game (its a slot machine). I have some really cool animations my artist made for me that are more or less 1600x1000 and over 50 frames. For all of the animations so far I have been using sprite sheets. (Where all the frames are in one image file and when its rendered it chooses what part of the image to show). The proble...

Modeling human running on a soccer field

In a soccer game, I am computing a steering force using steering behaviors. This part is ok. However, I am looking for the best way to implement simple 2d human locomotion. For instance, the players should not "steer" (or simply add acceleration computed from steering force) to its current velocity when the cos(angle) between the steeri...

Flash MMO for facebook Architecture

Can someone please help in the architecture of the social multiplayer browser game with flash. I would thankful if there is detailed process for developing these games and guidance. thanks in advance ...

What engine to choose for bowling-like game?

Hi! I wanna write some sort of bowling game on iPhone. I've read about SIO2 and Unity but I want to know developers opinion about what engine fits to my task with minimum efforts. What do you recommend? thx. ...

Moving a unit precisely along a path in x,y coordinates

I am playing around with a strategy game where squads move around a map. Each turn a certain amount of movement is allocated to a squad and if the squad has a destination the points are applied each turn until the destination is reached. Actual distance is used so if a squad moves one position in the x or y direction it uses one point, b...

Grid based puzzle board game block removal algorithm

I have a "samegame" grid represented by a 1D array of integers. 0 to 63 to represent an 8x8 grid. the rules are that same coloured blocks of two or more can be removed by clicking on them. blocks then slide down from above. if a column is empty columns other columns move in from the sides. when someone clicks on the green blocks in t...

Ways to identify which cell was clicked on WPF Grid?

Hi I have a 3x3 matrix grid. If a user on particular cell, how can I identify the cell cordinates after click? Please advise. thanks PJ ...

Playing games over internet with WPF apps?

Hi I am trying to develop a multi player game over the internet. A 2 to 4 players game in WPF. Since I want to make it available via browser also at some point, is "WPF-Browser Application" a good choice? What approach I can follow to maintain the connectivity between players? Peer to peer or do I need to maintain a server in between a...

When I use javascript's document.write command it doesn't seem to display leading spaces. Help please.

This is the code I wrote up to display a Mancala board but it won't display the leading space for some reason. Does anyone know why this is happening? Any help is greatly appreciated. function display(board) { var space = " "; document.write(space); for (var i=0;i<board.length/2;i=i+1) ...

Ogre3d restoreConfig causes app to hang on Ubuntu

Building an app for Ubuntu using Ogre3D, CEGUI, OIS which is now all compiling and running as expected. Having got the basic app running I decided to now build a custom config file which I can store both graphics settings (ie. resolution, fullscreen, etc) as well as other configurable settings I will need in the app down the track. As a...