
Single Responsibility Principle(SRP) and class structure of my rpg looks "weird"

I'm making a role playing game just for fun and to learn more about the SOLID principles. One of the first things I'm focusing on is SRP. I have a "Character" class that represents a character in the game. It has things like Name, Health, Mana, AbilityScores, etc. Now, normally I would also put methods in my Character class so it would ...

Techniques to Reduce Complexity in Game Programming

In my spare time I program games as a hobby, different sorts of things and currently nothing very complex. Things likes 2d shooters, Tile-Based games, Puzzle Games, etc... However as the development of these games goes on I find it becomes hard to manage the complexity of different subsystems within the games, things like Interface, Wo...

Very basic question about the structure of my iPhone game

I'm making an iPhone game in which I have two main views, the planning stage and the action stage. Both of these will have different graphics etc, but I'll obviously need to pass information between them. I've pretty much finished programming the planning stage, and I know how to switch between views, but I'm a little fuzzy on how exactl...

Counting digits in a float

I am following some beginner tutorials for OpenGL in c++ but as I started off as a c# programmer it has made me take a lot of things for granted. So my problem occurred when I was debug printing my FPS reading to the output. I think the method was something like DebugPrintString off the top of my head which took a char* and basically i w...

Algorithm for a strategy game

This is a question I have been toying with for a week or so, proposed by a colleague: Imagine a game played on a 36x36 grid. The goal of the game is to create four corners of a square of any size (eg., 2x2, 3x3, 4x4, and so on). The first player places a game-piece anywhere except the center four grid spaces. After the first move, p...

Game development - handling collisions with sloped terrain

I'm trying to figure out how to handle collisions with a player trying to move over sloped terrain. For example, consider if a player is at the bottom of a half-pipe and wants to go left: At first the player is on the flat and can go directly left At some point the player starts going up a slope, and so needs to go up and left in orde...

Recommend a Java / Android Game Library - card, board, etc.?

Hi all! My dev team and I are looking to do a game in Android, instead of iPhone for our next sprint iteration. We've been tweaking with GeekGameBoard (which we love), and I was wondering if anyone could recommend a similar game library for Java / Android-esque. We're not looking for OpenGL We're looking for Board Game / Card Game (e...

How to force a derived class to include certain properties with default value

I have a class structure for a role playing game which looks like this... public abstract class Item { public abstract string Name { get; set; } } public abstract class Armor : Item { public override string Name { get; set; } } public class Helmet : Armor { public override string Name { get; set; } } Basically, I am trying ...

Where do I start to implement a massively-multiplayer game on the Iphone ?

I have a card game on the iphone and I really would like to take it to the next step by allowing players to interact with each other in real-time environment. My questions: Do I need a web server ? Is there a third party specifically for iphone multiplayer games that I can use to host the game? I would probably need a database - what ...


Is it possible to make a mmorpg for the iPhone using PHP and MySQL(1,000+ players)? I was thinking of using MySQL to store all of the player information (name,username,pass,location,position). Then I would make that data accessible through php(pass a location to the php page and it returns all the player info for that area). Would PHP an...

Choosing an Open Source Hosting Service/License

I am starting a game design project with a group of three other students. We would like to use some open source hosting service for version control, a wiki, etc. I have looked at threads like these (,

Collisions in a real world application.

Here's my problem. I'm creating a game and I'm wondering about how to do the collisions. I have several case to analyze and to find the best solution for. I'll say it beforehand, I'm not using any third party physics library, but I'm gonna do it in house. (as this is an educational project, I don't have schedules and I want to learn) ...

WPF<->XNA - how to combine these two technologies?

I've read on few places already, that it's possible to combine XNA and WPF. What I personally need is a game/map editor, which would actually be the game itself (would have the engine running in background), because map system writes serialized versions of objects to XML, which are later loaded. My problem is that I want an standard app...

Javascript game / Server communication / Answer validation

I have a quiz-like javascript game and it is supposed to be fast-paced. The user needs to answer as many questions as he can in a short time. He is presented with a Yes/No question, the answer is sent to the server, validated there and a feedback (correct/incorrect) is shown back to him. I use Javascript and AJAX. The problem is the del...

Programming for the iPod with Clicking Wheel

Hello, some years ago I bought a brand new iPod Video (now known as iPod Classic) with an hard drive of 30GB. Now, after it has been unused for ages, I decided to replace its built-in battery and do something good out of it. Unfortunately, although there are some games for it in the iTunes Store, some of which really good, I can't find...

XNA: If classes hold the structure, what holds the instances? XML?

Let's say I have my class Level: public class Level { public Vector2 dogStart; public List<Pickup> pickups; public string backgroundAsset; public Level() { pickups = new List<Pickup>(); } } How do I store/load instances of the Level class? XML files? Do I create class LevelOne, class LevelTwo, etc. and...

Multi player game over internet using WPF/Silverlight.

Hi What is the generic way to maintain state in multi-players game over internet, which can be played on GUI of WPF or Silverlight? One player might be on WPF gui and others might be on Silverlight GUI. P2P, HTTP server or some other technique? please advise. thanks, AJ ...

How do I design classes in my role playing game to allow multi-classing?

I am programming a game as an exercise and I've run into a design problem. My role playing game will have the typical classes like Fighter, Wizard, Theif, Cleric. How do I design my classes so that players can multi-class? For example, one player might start off as a Fighter (and gain the related skills fighters have), then multi-class t...

Android Opengl ES tiling engine, smooth scrolling

Hello, Following this : I got a simple 2D tiles generator working, im reading an int map[100][100] filled with either 1's or 0's and draw tiles according to their tile id, 0 is water, 1 grass. Im using some basic Numpad control handler, using a c...

How to move around an image with javascript?

i'm developing a simple web quiz. Using javascript, i would like to create an effect that displays a small image (1UP) that wanders around the "game deck" when users reach a specific level or score; user could gain an extra life simply clicking on it in time. Do you know any Jquery plugin or javascript snippet to achieve an effect like t...