
What is the best way to draw objects and deal with them?.

Hi, I want to draw on my PictureBox and then deal with those drawings that i created. is it a good way to store their points in an array and deal with this array??. Or the better way is to make them objects and deal with these objects?.And if so could you please put me on the head of way to make that??. Thank you my really teachers. ...

How can I tell if a point is nearby a certain line ?

Hi there, I asked "How can I tell if a point belongs to a certain line?" before and I found a suitable answer so thank you very much. Now, I would like to know how to tell if a certain point is close to my line. ...

GDI+: how do you render a Graphics object to a bitmap on a background thread?

I'd like to use GDI+ to render an image on a background thread. I found this example on how to rotate an image using GDI+, which is the operation I'd like to do. private void RotationMenu_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { Graphics g = this.CreateGraphics(); g.Clear(this.BackColor); Bitmap curBitmap = new Bitmap(@"ro...

How do I center a rotated image using GDI+?

I'm trying to center a rotated image into a destination buffer using GDI+. The source buffer and the destination buffer are different sizes. The source buffer is the size of the image data: (width, height). The destination buffer is the size of the rectangle required to fit the entire rotated image: (rotatedWidth, rotatedHeight). This ...

Calculating the bounding points for the area of a "Pie Segment" and "sub areas"

Background: I was recently playing around with GDI+ to draw a "Disc" displaying a sweeping color change through 360 degrees. (I dug up some HSL to RGB code to loop through HSL(1,1,1) -> HSL(360,1,1)) Regarding the disc, I first drew a full solid circle using the above, and then a second circle in Grey over the center to give the follow...

How to render a gradient in memory using GDI(+)

Hi, I am trying to render an Image object in memory with the dimensions 1x16. This image is used as a tiled background. The gradient itself should have 3 colors in a non-linear fashion. Pixel 1 to 6: Gradient Color 1 to Color 2 Pixel 7 to 16: Gradient Color 3 to Color 4 ...

Winforms: How to speed up Invalidate()?

I'm developing a retained mode drawing application in GDI+. The application can draw simple shapes to a canvas and perform basic editing. The math that does this is optimized to the last byte and is not an issue. I'm drawing on a panel that is using the built-in Controlstyles.DoubleBuffer. Now, my problem arises if I run my app maximize...

Drawing On GDI+ Graphics Object a Bitmap using StretchDIBits for Scaling

I am drawing bitmap images on graphics object using DrawImage method But the Images are in large number so it is taking too much time for Drawing. I have read in this forum that using StretchDIBits takes less time for Drawing. I am scaling the image by calling Drawimage but i want any other efficent method. I have a Vector of Bitmap* ...

TreeView Drawing

Is there a really quick and easy way to draw a TreeView in a GDI Graphics Object (its TreeNode Collection) in a way such as ? It could be a component do buy or any that is for free. Thanks ...

How to Get a image file type using GDI+ in c++?

Some jpeg image is stored with .bmp ext. I want to use gdi+ to get the real type of the image file, how can I do this? Many thanks! ...

Creating a transparent corner PNG in .net

As part of a UI .net library I need to create corner PNG images to align to the corners of a DIV in order to give it rounded corners. I thought I could create a dynamic corner by doing the following: Create a bitmap (Let's say 25 x 25) Fill the background Green (The colour outside of the DIV we are creating these for) Call FillEllipse...

overlay a jpeg image with rich text using cute editor and GDI+

I am attempting to create and store a jpeg image on the fly with dynamic rich text. The rich text is comes from user input into the cute editor for This particular editor can output either xHTML or rtf and some others. I'm using GDI+ to open a default background jpeg and overlaying it with the rich text from cute. I haven't ...

How to ship gdiplus.dll but not have Windows use it?

i have an application that has a dependancy on gdiplus. i need the application to also run on Windows 2000. i want to include GDIPlus in the application directory, so that Windows 2000 computers will function, but if the machine is Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, etc, i want it to use the version of GDIPlus that ships, and is upda...

Digitally signed redistributable version of GDI Plus?

i'm trying to find one of the latest versions of GDIPlus. The redistributable version i'm using from 2001 still contains the security vulnerabilities that wouldn't be discovered for another 5 years. gdiplus.dll File version: 5.1.3097.0 Date modified: 8/23/2001 4:25 PM The only download i can find on Microsoft is not digitally signed....

Instruct Window's fusion loader to use system dll first?

i need to deploy an application with a DLL in the application's directory for users on Windows 2000. The dll was shipped with Windows XP an later as a system dll. Windows XP was also when Microsoft introduced the Fusion loader, to resolve assembly dependancies. Is it possible to instruct to not use the version of the dll in my folder,...

Build Action for large set of images?

I'm in Visual Studio 2008 and I have a project that loads lots of images. I want the images to be deployed to the local instance of the software running. The trouble is that I tried using the images as a resource, but there are apparently too many(200 to 300) because I get strange build errors like GDI+ exceptions and Out of Memory Exc...

How can I take a screenshot and save it as JPEG on Windows?

I'm trying to find a (somewhat) easy way to take a screenshot on window and save the resulting HBITMAP as a JPEG. The tricky part here is that since the code is in C I can't use GDI+ and since the code is a module for a bigger program I can't neither use an external lib (like libjpeg). This code takes a screenshot and returns a HBITMAP....

Measure a String without using a Graphics object?

I am using pixels as the unit for my font. In one place, I am performing a hit test to check if the user has clicked within the bounding rectangle of some text on screen. I need to use something like MeasureString for this. Unfortunately, the code doing the hit test is deep within a library which does not have access to a Graphics object...

(C#) How to get the point to pixel relationship for my screen?

Hello. From what I've understood the relationship point to pixel will depend on the screen resolution. So how can I calcule it at run-time in c#? Thanks ...

(C#) How to draw an "a" with Tahoma with height = 6

Hello I've been trying to do this, but for some reason this is just giving me weird results: int bpp = Screen.PrimaryScreen.BitsPerPixel; string fontName = "Tahoma"; Font font = new Font(fontName, 10 * bpp, GraphicsUnit.Point); Bitmap bm = new Bitmap(20 * bpp, 20 * bpp); Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bm); TextRenderer.DrawText(g, "a"...