
Google Maps street view

I am trying to show the street view in a jquery dialog box with a width of 500. What I have is a marker that can be clicked on the map. Once it is clicked I have this myPano.setLocationAndPOV(overlay); set in the markers click event. It works fine on the first click of the marker. However, on the second click for some reason it resizes t...

Google profiles search api

Does anybody know if the google search api support search for google profiles. I looked through the google code pages but could not find it. I only found an api for getting the profile data when you know the username and got permission, but could not find search option ...

Google is changing its referrer URLs from /search into /url. Any known issues?


Is it safe to convert a mysqlpp::sql_blob to a std::string?

I'm grabbing some binary data out of my MySQL database. It comes out as a mysqlpp::sql_blob type. It just so happens that this BLOB is a serialized Google Protobuf. I need to de-serialize it so that I can access it normally. This gives a compile error, since ParseFromString() is not intended for mysqlpp:sql_blob types: protobuf.Pars...

Google Federated Login (OpenID+Oauth) for Hosted Apps - changing end points?

I'm trying to integrate the Google Federated Login with a premier apps account, but I'm having some problems. When I send the request to: with all the parameters (see below), I get back both a request_token and list of attributes asked for by Attribute Exchange. This is perfect, as we need the email...

How to insert repeated message in google protocol buffer file

How to insert repeated message in google protocol buffer file ...

Grabbing Google Directions gadget from Ajax call

I am trying to throw together a website using Ajax for the first time, to finally get with the times and figure it out. So far it is nothing but HTML pages and a bit of JS. Using some basic AJAX script I found online, I have the main index.htm which has a title, navigation, and content divs. The Ajax calls grab other content includes (wh...

search text only using Java

Hi, I am using ajax google API to search a string against google. It is returning me all HTML files which have all tags including text. If I want to get text only, what should I use? My program is in Java. Regards Manjot ...

If a URL contains a quote how do you specify the rel=canonical value?

Say the path of your URL is: /thisisa"quote/helloworld/ Then how do you create the rel=canonical URL? Is this kosher? <link rel="canonical" href="/thisisa&amp;quot;/helloworld/" /> UPDATE To clarify, I'm getting a form submission, I need to convert part of the query string into the URL. So the steps are: .htaccess does the redi...

Google Earth and Windows application

I have a C++ Windows application continually updating lat, long and altitude. I would like my application to incorporate Google Earth to visually "track it". Any advice or pointing in the right direction would be appreciated. Thanks. ...

Google SEO and hidden elements

Will google ignore words that are inside the elements that are set to "display: none" in css? Example: <div id="under_meny" style="display:none;">About Us | Contact Us</div> It looks maybe a bit strange that I want to hide a menu like that, but there is a submenu. And will the user to activate it. But I do not want it to go beyond SE...

Getting more than one twitter 's user tweets location and then mapping it onto Google Maps

Hello, I'm trying to create a mashup of a set list of tweets onto a Google Map. The code is in here. My problem is I don't know how to combine the user's location using the set.location function on their tweets (knowing that it's not going to be very fine grained, it just corresponds to what the user enters in their profile) onto a Goog...

API/XMLfor Google Search Results?

Technically, I know how to download pages, and use parsers to parse them. However, I'd like to know if there is an API or a simple XML format that I can use to parse their results. ...

iphone : embed a fully integrated customized (Google) map in a native app

Hi, 1) Is it possible to send GPS coordinates, a name and hyperlink to a kind of Google map API so that it shows a map, some places with a name and whenever a user clicks on a place would go to a URL ? 2) If so, is it possible to attach this map as a view so that a user can make use of the navigator bar of the native application at any...

Google search algorithm for wrongly spelled search keywords?

I wondered how Google find the exact word ,even if we mistyped it in search box. I want to know if such open source algorithm is available.?. Thanks you. ...

How can I write a Google Wave rich client?

I am not sure my question makes any sense. Google Wave is using HTML 5 and such. But if I have a desktop (say winforms) application, can I leverage google Wave for collaboration/discussion? Does it even make sense? If so, what's the API? ...

Which Language Google Uses For Web Applications

Hello, I want to know one thing, which language Google uses for web application development, because i was discussing with my friends about this and they say that Google uses Python for web applications, but which is it? Best Regards. ...

Which GWT book to buy? Most seem to be for versions 1.4

I was thinking about getting GWT in Practice by Robert Cooper, or Google Web Toolkit Applications by Ryan Dewsbury However those are from May 08 and Dec 07. Both would be written for 1.4 - I was looking through the release notes to see what's changed since then: Nothing seems to have changed from 1.6 to 1.7

Alternative to google visualisation api

Is there a good (&free) alternative to goggle's visualization api? Some thing to provides support for drawing 3d charts using js and/or SVG , that also doesn't require installing new plugins on the clients browser ? ...

Google Finds My BackUp Web Site? What Can I Do About It?

Couple of days ago we Totally revamped our web site. Since the whole structure is changed, when we put our new web site online, we redirected the URL(URL is the same between old site and new) to our backup site, whose URL is http/;backup.***.com. Search engines do not know this site exists, and I do not want they know. The whole process ...