
Graphics module for python

Hi everybody, I'm pretty new on python and I'm looking for a good graphics module, especially to draw histograms, pie charts and stuff like that. What would you recommend to me ? ...

Simple graphic display or display widget for Java

We're giving a demo in about a week of a program which calculates a couple of moving averages. It would be much cooler if we could display these averages graphically, like perfmon, instead of printing to the console. I'm looking for the fastest, easiest way to get this dynamic line-graph display onto a GUI ), the less programming require...

How to generate images on the fly in ASP.NET

Hi to all! As the title says, how can generate (and display) images on the fly for simple charting, resizing etc? Thanks ...

Blocking Graphics.drawImage

I'm using Graphics2D.drawImage to draw an image into a BufferedImage. Then I Use ImageIO.write() to output this to a PNG. Often I don't see certain images that I painted this way. I assume this is because drawImage is an asynchronous operation and I need to wait for it to complete. I've tried implementing an ImageObserver but without s...

Save an animated gif from an actionscripted animation

Is it possible to save a .fla file as an animated gif from an actionscripted animation? I know you can do it from a tweened animation quite easily, but haven't been able to figure out a way to do it from a scripted one. ...

Geometrical Arc to Bezier Curve

When drawing an Arc in 2D, using a Bezier Curve approximation, how does one calculate the two control points given that you have a center point of a circle, a start and end angle and a radius? ...

Developing 2D in 3D with orthographic projection and stretched model

I was wondering if there is any benefit to using an orthographic projection camera, to make a 2D game with 3D models (as opposed to making sprites and using 2D). Also, on a related note when I use orthographic projection, my 3d-model is stretched. Does anyone know why this is happening? I know that aspect ratio only influences the persp...

How to load an image server-side in ASP.NET?

Hi, I'm trying to load an image that is in the root dir of my project: Dim b As Bitmap = New Bitmap("img.bmp") but it doesn't seem to find the file. I've tried various combinations like ~img.gif, /img.gif, \img.gif, ~/img.gif etc, but none seems to work. How to access the "current directory on server" in ASP.NET? Thanks ...

C# graph drawing library?

I'm looking for a (free) library which allows me to draw a CFG (control flow graph). Something like yFiles, but free or preferably open source? Ideally this library would allow the user to navigate the graph (and modify it), i.e. the graph isn't just a static a priori rendered bitmap. Ideas? Update: Glee in combination with the mentione...

How-to draw a circle on a changing background

There is a timer on the form and in its Tick event there is this line of code: this.BackColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#" + ColorCodesBack[_index]); CurrentColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#" + ColorCodesFore[_index]); SolidBrush sb = new SolidBrush(CurrentColor); g.FillEllipse(sb, this.Width/2 -200...

.NET programmable graphics matching?

Does anyone know of a .NET programmable/usable API for reading an image file, and comparing it to an existing set of images? e.g. I have three pictures of the letters A, B, and C. I then copy the picture of A, and modify it so that it is flipped 180 degrees. I'd like to be able to have a piece of software that detects that it is a mat...

Where can I get freely available audio, graphics, and other resources for games?

I've done a google search of this topic, but so far haven't found anything satisfactory. From your experience, what's the best place to get game resources, like sprites, backgrounds, sound effects, music, etc.? To be more specific, I'm looking for more of sound effects and music, which I'm currently lacking more than graphics. However...

Blind deconvolution algorithm question

I was studying deconvolution, and stumbled upon Richardson-Lucy deconvolution, I was thinking of writing a simple program to do post-processing using this method, does anybody know where I can find complete implementable algorithms or source code that I can study and play around with? Preferably in C++ language or matlab. I have r...

COLLADA FX SID resolution

The rules for resolving SIDs in COLLADA, and COLLADA FX SIDs in particular, are not very clear. With regard to COLLADA FX SIDs in particular, how do I know at which element to start the search for a particular SID? Consider, for example, the "texture" atttibute of a <texture> element: <effect id="Scene_Material_fx"> <profile_COMM...

Polygon math

Given a list of points that form a simple 2d polygon oriented in 3d space and a normal for that polygon, what is a good way to determine which points are specific 'corner' points? For example, which point is at the lower left, or the lower right, or the top most point? The polygon may be oriented in any 3d orientation, so I'm pretty sur...

(.NET/C#/winforms) Artifacting when drawing on a Form with Graphics

My objective is to move visual elements drawn using methods of a Graphics object across a Form with no flicker or artifacting (in .NET 3.5). I can successfully achieve flickerless movement by either using automatic double buffering (setting the Form's DoubleBuffered property to true) or implementing a back-buffer myself. I am however s...

Java Graphics cannot change Font

Hello, I am trying to do a custom painting using the Graphics object. I want to paint the text in word-wrap style, so i used some example code i found somewhere on this page. My problem is that i cannot change the font-size in any way. Please help me, I attached the executable source code below. Thanks Chris import java.awt.Color; i...

Application Screen capture and rendering

I'm trying to write a simple app that will do a screen capture of an application and then rendering that capture in the 'main' application (ie, the application that took the screen capture). I've figured out how to get the window handle and get the application's screen capture, but I'm having trouble rendering the captured screen in th...

What percentage of Windows boxes have OpenGL support

I've been thinking about starting a new graphics project and I want to use Java. Java has wrappers for all of the relevant GL functionality but I wonder how many people, including casual users, actually have decent GL drivers installed. By decent, I mean somewhat stable and fairly new (GL 1.5 support would probably do although the GLSL...

Is a closed polygonal mesh flipped?

I have a 3d modeling application. Right now I'm drawing the meshes double-sided, but I'd like to switch to single sided when the object is closed. If the polygonal mesh is closed (no boundary edges/completely periodic), it seems like I should always be able to determine if the object is currently flipped, and automatically correct. Be...