
C#: Creating a graphical screensaver

I am thinking about creating a screen saver. I have the whole thing, its graphics and the back-end kind of ready in my head. But I am not quite sure how to get the graphics out in code. What I would like is a slide show of images with a bit of movement (kind of like the slide show in media center) and some floating text and shapes on to...

Blt() to create a layer effect. Not working. Am I using the wrong logical function or something?

I have one window that is drawn to by various objects to create a layered effect (think of a heads up display where one object draws a compass, the other draws the grid lines, another the altimeter reading etc). So, each object has a black memory bitmap that it draws to. When I call that objects Draw function, the memory bitmap is blitte...

Recommended method to create a "table" using core-animation?

What would be the recommended method to create a "table" like display (columns, rows, header and footer) using core-animation, which I can "build" using animations? I've got my data to hand in an NSDictionary and I've started laying things out, but I feel I'm probably not doing it optimally; I'm creating nested sets of CALayers and wor...

Developing applications expected to run over RDP; any tips ?

Supposing I was developing a fairly graphically intensive application (C++ or C#, graphics API undecided) for which most of the usage will be by remote users over RDP (either terminal server sessions or remote access to a single-user machine). It's obvious that non-essential "eye-candy" effects and animations should be avoided. My ques...

OpenGL: Fastest way to draw a mixture of triangles and quads?

I have a mesh data structure with polygons that can be either triangles and quads. What is the fastest way to draw this using OpenGL? The slow way is to iterate over the structure and for each polygon to make the appropriate glBegin() .. glEnd() with either GL_QUADS or GL_TRIANGLES. I would like to avoid having to do glBegin() .. glEn...

Clearing DrawRectangle in Windows Forms

I am drawing a rectangle, sleeping for a few milliseconds--then I want to clear the rectangle, but I can't figure out how. (The rectangle is sitting over a graphic so I can't simply cover it up with another rectangle) graphics.DrawRectangle(p, innerRectangle) System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(75) ...

what are sparse voxel octrees?

I have reading a lot about the potential use of sparse voxel octrees in future graphics engines. However I have been unable to find technical information on them. I understand what a voxel is, however I dont know what sparse voxel octrees are or how are they any more efficient than the polygonal techniques in use now. Could somebody e...

Java Game Programming: JOGL vs LWJGL?

I am currently writing a Turret Defense style game using the GTGE engine, this engine has the ability to use either JOGL or LWJGL to drive the graphics and so I was wondering, which one should I use? What are the pros/cons of each? What factors should I consider when deciding? ...

What strategies are best for storing art assets in SVN?

We are using SVN very successfully for source code in the traditional way: /branches, /trunk and /tags. We do not use SVN for our art assets, which in a way are like source, but really don't have the same needs as source code. I am referring to not only image files (jpeg, png, etc...) but also PhotoShop files and stock artwork that has...

Handling graphics in OOP style

Hi In an object-oriented programming style does how does one tend to handle graphics? Should each object contain its own graphics information? How does that information get displayed? My experience with making graphical programs is limited, but I have tended to have the objects and the graphics be only loosely related. For instance, i...

iphone: delegate questions (I think)

I've taken some stuff from Apple's QUartzDemo project and am trying to modify it. I want to create a screen with a button that will then call the rest of the stuff to make the rectanlges from that demo. I've created a UIViewController that handles my initial view. It has a start button on it. The start button code is: - (IBAction)st...

pushViewController problem...

I create a UIViewController with a button on it. The button's only job is to create a window for drawing some rectangles. (I've taken some code from "QuartzDemo" from Apple's example applications.) Objective C is really giving me fits... When I try this, nothing happens. Here's the code for the button: - (IBAction)startButtonAct:(i...

How to mask a square image into an image with round corners in the iPhone SDK?

How to mask a square image into an image with round corners? ...

How to use LGPL licensed images in a proprietary application?

The LGPL license is written for code libraries in mind. I want to use a set of LGPL licensed images (icons, mostly) in a proprietary application, and I'm not really sure how the license translates to graphics rather than code. Can I use the images at all? Should I, and where should I, leave any comments as for the source of the images?...

Random number generation without using bit operations

I'm writing a vertex shader at the moment, and I need some random numbers. Vertex shader hardware doesn't have logical/bit operations, so I cannot implement any of the standard random number generators. Is it possible to make a random number generator using only standard arithmetic? the randomness doesn't have to be particularly good! ...

How can I refresh UIImagesViews differently?

I'm hoping someone can steer me in the right direction. I need to be able to update images on the screen one at a time after a button is pressed. It appears that they only get updated at the end of the cycle which is not how I need it to work. I created a little example to show what I am doing. Basically I have 3 images on the screen...

Java create anaglyph (red/blue image)

I'm writing a Java game engine ( and I've been experimenting with generating "3d" images with depth that you can see with those red/blue glasses. I'm using Java2D for graphics. I've created something that works, but is very slow (by manually copying pixel values and stuff like that). What I need to is take two ...

Creating iPhone UI elements

I've found a bunch of iPhone objects inside interface builder, but I assumed there would be a standard pack of icons, gradients etc to make things more applelike. How should I create these graphics, simply using pngs or are there special drawing tools shapes I can use inside interface builder? ...

Generating a 3d captcha [pic]

I would like to write a python script that would generate a 3d captcha like this one: Can you please tell me which graphics librarys I can use? Thanks! Source: ...

Maintain margins for drawing after window resize.

I'm writing an application draws in another application's window (this is under OS X with Cocoa, but the question is general enough that I hope it won't be bogged down by operating system / framework issues), and I'm running into a problem which seems like it should have a simple answer, but it's driving me absolutely insane. Here's th...