
multiple commands are not working in git post-receive

I'm using git with trac. After push I want two thing to be done: Sending email to development team with diff If there is some special phrase in commit message (like "see #1"), then I want the commit message to be placed in trac ticket. The first thing is solved by git-commit-notifier. It works perfectly after I have created post-rece...

Git hook output - where to see/find

I'm trying to get a git commit email hook running using Git on Windows. I'm sure I've got my copy of contrib/hooks/post-receive-email (placed in the project's .git/hooks/post-commit) script messed up, or I'm missing an important node in my config, but I don't know where I would see any error messages. Would they be echoed to stdout when...

Embed a Language interpreter but hook/control variable resolution ?

Sorry, if the topic title does not convey the problem. As part of a project we want to expose an expressive language to the User, mostly for defining simple expressions, but possibly the ability to write procedures as well as any complex calculations they might want to do with the data. Of course, the natural choice would be to expose ...

make sure files are converted CRLF into LF in an update hook- is there a performance hit?

There had been a lot of discussions about the core.autocrlf and core.safecrlf features in the current release and the next release. The question i have here relates to an environment where developers clone from a bare repository. During the clone the autocrlf settings are enabled. But since the developers has full control on their clon...

low level Hooker

I want to make a hook that will act like "event" (and not with agly GetAsyncKeyState) in C# (I want to do it in C++). so, I've made a dll with this content: http://pastebin.com/yEHJKSS7 . well, it doesn't call to Handler Function. by the way, here's how I used the dll: void KeysHandler(int vkKey, int flags) { if(vkKey == VK_ESCAP...

Putting git hooks into repository

Is it considered to be a bad practice - to put .git/hooks into the projects repository (using symlinks, for example). If yes, what is the best way to deliver same hooks to different git users? thanks in advance for any answers. ...

How to hook api calls in another application

I am trying to hook the ExtTextOut and DrawTextExt GDI method calls of another application. I know that I need to Use GetProcAddress to find the address of those methods in gdi32.dll, and overwrite the address in the process I want to hook with the address of my function. Then in my function I do what I need, then call the original fun...

Wordpress: custom the_content filter is removing other filters, ie: wpautop

This is my first time playing with filters, so forgive me if this seems basic. I have done quiet a bit of googling and can't find anything related to my problem, from everything I have been able to find this should be working without an issue. It's my understanding that filters added manually run concurrent with any other filters wordp...

C# Change Global Mouse Cursor

I have a form with a Transparency-key color, where I'm doing a global mouse hook for the right click. Until there everything is okay, but since the form is transparent, the mouse cursor is changing according to what is behind the form. Is there any way to change the global mouse cursor? ...

How to Recognize that an Application Intends to Execute \ Run a File ?!

I need to recognize and fire an event when a file is going to be executed or run by an application. I know I can do it by hooking windows procedures, but I don't know what procedure or event of windows fires. For example, when an autorun file going to execute, my application should recognize it, Like an antivirus application. I'm not su...

Java Keyboard/Mouse activity (even outside of my app)

Hi guys, I need to detect when the mouse or keyboard activity is present. My application runs in the background (tray) and I need to detect this activity even when my app isn't in focus. I don't need to know what keys were pressed, but simply WHEN they are pressed. Can I do this with just Java? I have read some solutions using JNI a...

Global keyboard hook with C++

I've already saw many tutorials and articles about hooking, yet I don't quite understand it. Mainly because every single example uses different solution. I know I will have to implement something that will keep the hook alive. Usually it's some kind of while cycle. Q1: If this loop was in some class with callbacks, will it prevent the t...

C++ How to replace a function but still use the original function in it?

I want to modify the glBindTexture() function to keep track of the previously binded texture ID's. At the moment i just created new function for it, but then i realised that if i use other codes that use glBindTexture: then my whole system might go down to toilet. So how do i do it? Edit: Now when i thought it, checking if i should bin...

What key was pressed? Keyboard hooks

I'm using low level hooks, but I can't determine what key was pressed. Values are the same for every single key. Is here something I'm doing wrong? Hook method void hook() { /** this part is probably not important since I use global WH_KEYBOARD_LL, is that right? */ HWND hwnd = FindWindow(NULL, "Vertices.exe"); HINSTANCE i...

How to specify which SSH key to use within git for git push in order to have gitorious as a mirror?

Hi, I have a project hosted on git.debian.org (alioth) and I'd like to configure a post-receive hook to update a mirror of the repository on http://gitorious.org I suppose I'll have to use git push --mirror gitorious Now, I'll need to have Alioth authorized on gitorious for the push to succeed. How do I do that? I suppose I need to c...

How can I modify a CCK fields display via a module?

Hi. I'm working on a drupal module, and one thing that it needs to do is modify the display of cck file fields automatically (using template files is not an option). For example, this array: $node->field_images[0]['view']; That is what I would like to get into. The 'view' part will output an image based on the display settings for ...

Calling LowLevelKeyboardProcedure in DLL

I've managed to get input hooks working, but now I'm kinda lost with putting them into a library. I have a simple header with INPUTHOOK_EXPORTS defined in the IDE, so the dll exports (Visual Studio). #pragma once #ifdef INPUTHOOK_EXPORTS #define INPUTHOOK_API __declspec(dllexport) #else #define INPUTHOOK_API __declspec(dllimpo...

Provisioning a wordpress user/blog

I have a wordpress blog inside the company where I write blogs. I want the people inside the organization to comment on the blogs. I was able to grok through the authentication inside the company and get the person's username. I want to auto register a user if he/she doesn't already exist in the system based on their username. Can someon...

How to hook syscall table at runtime on PPC Linux ?

Hello All - Subject: PPC Assembly Language - Linux Loadble Kernel Module Detail: How access local TOC area (r2) when called from kernel in syscall table hook? I have written a loadable kernel module for Linux that uses syscall table hooking to intercept system calls and log information about them before passing the call on to the orig...

How can an app hook into text selection system-wide?

I'd like to be able to track text selections across any application -- is there a hook to enable this behavior on Win32? Bonus: Anyone gurus know the equivalent hooks for OS X & Linux? ...