
Process hooking problem!

Hello minds,I have a piece of code where if I run a particular application,it will hook its process and injects my dll into the process space of that application.I will explain my problem with an example..Atfirst if I run MyApplication.exe,my code will hook the process of MyApplication.exe and inject MyDll.dll into MyApplication.exe proc...

What is the value of HSHELL_FLASH?

What is the value of HSHELL_FLASH ...

Global Hook Keylogger problem

It logs the keys to textbox currently so its safe. PROBLEM The problem is when i run this at virtual machine, or my friends laptop, it hangs after pressing certain amount of keys(random).It runs perfectly fine in mine. http://i34.tinypic.com/29o1im8.jpg class GlobalKeyboardHook { #region Definition of Structures, Constants and D...

Calling 'git pull' from a git post-update hook

I have a central git repo set up using gitolite. I want to set up a hook such that whenever a user pushes to the repo, it performs a pull elsewhere followed by some automated testing. So far, I only want to it perform the pull. In the hooks directory I created the following script names post-update: #!/bin/sh cd /home/git/www/epica...

how to abort or continue to publish a wordpress post

Hi I would like to know how can i add a filter when i publish a wordpress post. and if the has satisfied some conditions stated inside the filter it will continue to publish the post if not, it will abort from publishing the post and prompting the user that some conditions were not met? Edit Lets just say that the process inside wou...

Delete file event for .NET

I want to get an event Before a file is being deleted? How can I do it? ...

Different ways to ask Windows to write data to disk

Usually, when an application writes to one of it's files on disk, the file modified timestamp changes. Sometimes, and in my case it is an application written in ProvideX (a Business Basic derivative i believe) doing the writing, the modified timestamp does not change after a write. A program like MyTrigger will not pick up on the write...

HookProc param - null

Hello, I've made a mouse low level hook and it works fine except one problem: the procedure's param. here's my code: http://pastebin.com/X2198UTb My HookProc located in the middle of the code under my comment. Is it a problem or it should be like that? if it should be like that - how can I know which window should get the right click?...

how to load DLL-function SetWindowsHookEx on Delphi Prism

How to load (and use) DLL-function SetWindowsHookEx in Delphi Prism? Where to find the definition or the value of WH_KEYBOARD_LL? And how may I write LRESULT WINAPI KeyboardProc(int, WPARAM, LPARAM); in Delphi Prism? ...

Can I hook functions in linked libraries?

Using EasyHook I have successfully hooked both exported functions and known vtable functions for various C++ classes. In all these cases target programs have used DLLs. Provided I know the address of a function's entry point, is it possible to do the same when a library has been linked into the target program as opposed to being a separ...

How to hook download in Chrome extension?

I need to write a Chrome extension that gets notified everytime a download is initiated or about to begin. The extension also needs to be able to prevent the download from continuing. I tried searching everywhere for ways to do this... but I wasn't getting anywhere. How would I go about doing this? Is there some function I can call to ...

Get list of changesets in a changegroup (mercurial python hook)

I want a mercurial hook that will run JSLint/PyChecker/etc on all files that are modified. However, I do not have control over all hg clients, and want this to run on push to the master repository (which I have control), so a pretxnchangegroup hook on the master seems best. How can I get a list of all changesets that are in the changegr...

How do I run a git hook when pulling changes or on the initial clone?

I'm having a hard time getting a hook to run either on initial clone (this does not seem possible since the hooks don't get cloned anyhow) or on a simple pull. I'm using git to manage a number of config files, and I need to maintain proper file ownership and perms. In my main repo, I have commit hooks set to call the "setgitperms.pl" s...

Should a call to SVNSYNC be blocking or not in a post-commit hook?

Hi I've set up mirroring of my repository and it works nicely but I've had an issue recently. The target repository was left with an unreleased lock somehow - from what I read this may be caused by an abort to the svnsync operation and I suspect it may be because in my post-commit hook I'm executing svnsync in blocking mode rather then...

How can I update a revision number in a not modified file for every commit having also this file committed ?

I have a revision.txt file in my SVN project. Basically I want that this file is updated automatically when I call svn ci with the revision number the working copy will have after the commit. For example: revision.txt contains "10" I make some change to my working copy (other files, not revision.txt) svn ci launch hook script read ...

Drupal - Overriding a existing module's hook ?

I need to override the 'node' module's 'node_search' hook in my custom module named 'tester'. I am trying to write the hook in tester.module with the name - tester_node_search, but it just would not work. I have searched a lot over the internet but am not able to find any concrete solution. Can somebody please help... ...

SDK for in-game overlays

What little information I managed to dig out on developing in-game overlays (similar to what Steam does) mentions having to intercept calls graphics API's frame swapping function, and hook my own drawing routine in it. This appears to be what Mumble (a gaming VoIP) is doing. Since I've never done anything that involves hooking, and sinc...

Hooking into Forms redrawing

I'm looking for a way to overlay the graphical output of a third-party application with some lines, arcs etc. The applications accepts a handle of a window in which it will then display its output. Using VC++ I put together a Windows Forms app in Visual Studio that draws (non-static) stuff in the onPaint-method of a form. Passing this f...

kohana 2 hooks mobile redirect

I placed a mobile hook in the hook directory to look for mobile devices and redirect to the appropriate controller. My question is if I want to put a link on the mobile pages to have the option to view the full site. How would by pass the hook. What is the correct way for this to be accomplished.. ...

GIT CRLF to LF - git parent repo on UNIX and clones on both windows and unix.

This question is somewhat similar to my other question, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3455772/make-sure-files-are-converted-crlf-into-lf-in-an-update-hook-is-there-a-performa So here is what am looking for with the below architecture. 1. MY parent repository (bare and data) is on a UNIX machine. 2. I can clone my repository in a UN...