
Links not appearing in IE or Opera.

I have tested my website on Safari and Firefox on both PC and Mac and the links work fine. However, my links show up as just plain text on Internet Explorer and Opera. What am I doing wrong? This is my header where my links are contained. It is on several of my pages. The original website is t h e p i c k l e . t k I spaced inbetween all...

Jquery: When Hover on Menu Item, Display Text

Hi, I'm new to JQuery, but wish to use it in a site that I'm building. When the user mouses over an item in the menu with li class hovertriggerssubhead, I want to display some text below it, located in the div (nested inside the li) with id NavSubhead. I have looked at several examples of this, namely in the cookbook in the FAQ of the J...

Xcode Developer Documentation Link Hover Jumps To Top

I don't know how I got into this state, but the Xcode documentation window has been exhibiting this strange behavior of "jumping to top" whenever I hover over a link in one of the doc files. For example, I'll be scrolling down to, say, the methods of a Class Reference, and as soon as I hover over one of them, the doc window jumps right ...

jQuery - How to do hover on code that has been added using prepend

I have added some code using prepend as you can see. Each of these items (the table cells) has a class called "predicate". When the user hovers over these I want to replace "predicate" with "predicate-over". I thought I had what I need below but it doesn't seem to work. <script> $(document).ready(function() { $("#leo-smart").hover( ...

problems with jQuery mouseover for better looking css menu

I have a horizontal menu on my site using nice-menus in drupal. When you hover over an li element, a background image is set for the link that displays. The problem I'm having is that this image disappears when you hover over a parent menu item's children. The image that is disappearing is set using this css style: ul.nice-menu li ...

jquery hover and nested lists.

I really need someone's help. this is what i'm trying to do to .. http://www.chohoh.com/pcs/hoverthing.html now I need to change the font to #fff on the 'month, day and info' when you hover over the element. people keep giving me hints. "child" i've googled (child, jquery, hover) and I'm not finding anything related to what i'm lookin...

Jquery Hover is delayed

http://wesbos.com/tf/shutterflow/?cat=3 when one hovers over an image .cover is faded in. I use jquery to change the opacity because CSS doesn't work in IE for this purpose. My code is: $(document).ready( function() { $('.slide').hover( function() { $(".cover").animate({ opacity: 0.7 },300 ).fadeIn('300...

jQuery hover event with nested elements

Hi there, I've currently got your basic, run-of-the-mill menu tree as follows: <ul id="nav"> <li> <a href="#">home</a> <div class="controls">Some controls go here</div> <ul> <li> <a href="#">item 1</a> <div class="controls">Some controls go here</div> </li> <li> <a href="#">item 2</a> <div class="controls">Some co...

sIFR - getting a:hover to work in navigation list

Hi, I am currently struggling with sIFR and a:hover. My problem site is hosted at http://irene.huditsch.info I have the following HTML code: <body id="irene-huditsch-info"> <div id="header"> <h1>Irene Huditsch</h1> <div id="top-nav"> <ul> <li id="impressum"> <a href="impressum.html" rel="index">Imp...

keeping higher menus highlighted in suckerfish vertical

I've seen this question asked but I can't seem to apply the answers to my own menu. My suckerfish menu basically is this (http://htmldog.com/articles/suckerfish/dropdowns/example/vertical.html), I've made some of my own adjustments color-wise/font-wise/and clearing the border from the table. How can I make it so that when you move throug...

How can I combine the jQuery datepicker plugin and hover event?

I am not aware of an easy way to perform a function when hovering over a day with the jQuery UI datepicker so I am trying to do a work around by assigning a class and then calling a hover function: $('.someDate').hover(function() { alert(this) } ); This does not work how I would like it though because it returns [object HTML TableCell...

cfg.hover error with jQuery hoverIntent plugin

I am attempting to use the hoverIntent plugin to delay some animation effects on progress bars. However, for some reason hoverIntent doesn't seem to be functioning at all. I have the following in my page header (all paths have been verified): <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.2/jquery....

WPF how to make a navigation control

Hi, being new to WPF this is a complex problem for me. What i want is a "panel" at the bottom approx. 50px in height. On that panel i want e.g. 3 imagebuttons (an arbitrary number) centered in the bar. And when i hover each of the buttons they should grow in size by e.g. 10 px so it looks cool. Most important, how to make the bar and the...

Change background of image maps on mouse hover

Hi, Iam new to CSS and Javascript. In my website I have an image as the navigation bar and have created hotspots to link them to different pages. The problem is since the text is a part of the image, I cannot change the style of the text on hover. Whereas I want the text/the hotspot to stand out on mouseover, so I learn the background c...

Hovering <a> in CSS without href

I need a picture to change upon hovering over it. I got that working in CSS by changing the z-index upon hovering over it. However, I don't want anyone to click on it. Thus, I have removed the href from the tag. I have heard that this is a problem for IE6, however I have read that such is within the specifications of even XHTML, which i...

using jquery, how to change an image when hovering links?

I have a list of links (a text menu), and I need to change an image in other area when each link is hovered... the images need to be showed in the same place, lets say a 100x100 area at right... any idea to achieve this? can each link have the src of the images? no idea how to do it :( ...

Jquery toggle background?

Hello, here is my html <div id="entry"> week <span></span> <p>DKK</p> <input type="radio" name="red<% Response.Write(counter); %>" id="radio2" value="75" /> </div> I have bunch of these div entry generated by while loop so I want to achieve this : WHEN input inside entry is clicked I want background image of entry div to change, but i...

JQuery color animations not firing reliably

I'm having a problem using the jquery hover events. I've created a reduction of the problem. You can find a working demonstration here. I can reproduce this after moving the mouse around in IE, FF, Opera, and Chrome. I'm using queued animations in my mouseover event. Roughly 1% of the time, the color of the td elements is left as #...

How can I make an img and text link both link to the same place and both become active on hover independent of which one i am hovering over?

I would like to be able to have hovering over the image invoke the hover property on the text link too that is next to it. I have a image preview of a video and the video name written next to it as text string. I'd like to make it so i can hover on the picture and make the text still change color like a hover effect without having to ...

How to create hover effect on StaticBitmap in wxpython?

Hi, I want to create hover effect on StaticBitmap - If the cursor of mouse is over the the bitmap, shows one image, if not, shows second image. It's trivial program (works perfectly with a button). However, StaticBitmap doesn't emit EVT_WINDOW_ENTER, EVT_WINDOW_LEAVE events. I can work with EVT_MOTION. If images are switched when the c...