
Jquery Hover Problem

I have one item that has a hover method attached to it, and when you hover it displays another div on top of it... unfortunately once the upper div displays it redoes the actions (since i added the same class for it to actually stick around) $(document).ready(function(){ $(".cartHover").hover( function () { $("#unique...

IE6 CSS Hover issues with menu

Hi folks, I have a CSS hover menu which works in all browsers except... surprise -- IE6! #menu_right ul li:hover ul { visibility: visible; } This ul is hidden initially, obviously. When I hover over its parent li, it should show up... but it doesn't. To try to pinpoint the problem, I've tried making the ul initially visible and had...

JQuery Show hide class on hover

Hello, I am relatively new to JQuery and I would like to be able to show a menu on mouseover. Here is the html <td class ="comment_div"> <?php echo("$comment_data['comment']); ?> <br/> <span class="comment_actions"> Approve | Delete | Spam | Edit</span> </td> Then the JQuery $("comment_div").hover( function()...

Fade out jQuery menu after delay

I'm working on a jQuery drop-down menu that fades in when you hover on the top-level items. I want to set it so that when you move the mouse away the menu doesn't disappear instantly. I have this code: $(document).ready(function(){ $('ul#menu > li').hover( // mouseover function(){ $(this).find('>ul').fadeIn('fast'); ...

html, div, css - hover action and background image changing

Hi, I have such code: <div id="footer"> <a href="http:/tra-ta-ta.com"> <div id="logo"></div> </a> </div> #logo { position: relative; width: 100px; height: 18px; float: right; background-image: url('../images/logo_def.png'); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; } #logo a:h...

CSS: Hover one element, effect for multiple elements??

Hi, this is my first question here! :) I'm looking for method for my hovering issue. <div class="section"> <div class="image"><img src="myImage.jpg" /></div> <div class="layer">Lorem Ipsum</div> </div> Now, both classes (image and layer) has borders, both have different color for normal and hover. Is there way to make so if I hove...

How do I change the visibility of a hyperlink when the mouse moves over it?

How can I make a link visible only when one hovers over the link? ...

PngFix + :hover

Anyone seen or used a good script, jQuery or native, that lets you do PNG fix on hover? ...

Simple jQuery Hover Menu

This looks really bloated, can it be rewritten any better/more compact: $("#cart-summary").hover( function () { $('.flycart').slideDown('fast'); } ); $(".flycart").hover( function () {}, // mousein function not required function () { // hide menu on mouseout $('.flycart').slideUp('fast'); ...

How to get a hover/mouseover effect to stay selected?

Hi! I'm very much a beginner when it comes to Javascript and would appreciate any help you can give! I'm creating a feature box on my home page where three headlines will share one picture spot. I've found a script that changes the image when the headlines are rolled over, but it's hard to tell when the page opens that the first headline...

How to increase default hover duration of <a> title attribute (tooltip)

Is there a way to increase the duration of a tool tip displayed using the title attribute of an html tag? Currently in IE it appears to only have about a 5 second duration and then disappears. ...

Optimize jQuery hover code to perform better (smoother animation)

Lately I've been spending some time reading about jQuery optimization tips which has certainly helped increase the performance of my scripts. However, I've got this featured news section on my site, which on mouse hover slides more information into place, and this section doesn't perform very well in any browser except Safari (and proba...

jquery: nested tags and hover() not working in IE

hello folks! i have a construction like this: <div id="container"> <span> <span></span> </span> <span> <span></span> </span> </div> i need to catch the mouseout event of the container, so i made jquery do this: $("#container").hover('',function(){ alert("Out"); }); In Firefox / Opera, it only fires the mouseout-function...

How to turn off the Javadoc hover in Eclipse (or selectively enable it)?

A fellow developer dislikes the Eclipse hovering Javadoc and would like to disable it (one option), or, better yet, only selectively enable it (other option). He's using Eclipse 3.3. Is this possible? ...

jQuery tooltip image preview not working

Hey experts, I have a simple image gallery that I've paginated, and I want to to use a hover effect on roll over like the one in use at istockphoto.com, for previewing the images without having to leave the page. This jQuery tooltip plugin looks simple, straightforward, and well-written, so I implemented on my site. The plugin is here:...

change content of div on hover, jQuery

Hi there... help :=) I have a menu <li> that when hovered slides a panel down which contains a submenu. (fixed) Now I need to fill that submenu with content that changes depending on which of the menu items is hovered.(fixed) last problem: I can only make the content-change happen if .click is used instead of .hover ... - is there an ...

JQuery: Creating boxed text that shows on top of a div on hover

Let's say that I have a div that is called mainDiv, and it contains a <p> element with some text inside. I want to create another element (a <p> or a <div> or something else maybe?) inside the same div that is displayed when you hover over the first <p> element, and is hidden soon after you move your mouse away from the first element. Pr...

Javascript - JQuery - OnHover NOT OnClick - Modifying a plugin

If you look at the right, there is a thumbnail gallery. I need to change the action from 'on click' to 'on hover'. I'm not a javascript developer and changing scripts at this point will be futile (too many hours modifying this one...for other reasons). If you could help me find a way to change the action from 'on click' to 'on hover', I...

JQuery hover effect problem

Hi everyone , I have created a simple JQuery script with hovering effect on some links. The script works fine as you can see here : Test Sample ... (Please test it on any browser other than IE) But if i hover fast on the links, you will notice the image icons do not disappear as required. I have tried everything to fix this but i can't...

jQuery hover callback function problem

I'm trying to get an image to stay opaque when clicked on, along with a fade in/out function on hover. When clicked it will remove one class and add a 'selected' class to the element. Problem is that altough the original class is removed, the callback still executes as if the class is still in the element. Thus, if you click on it, it ch...