
JQuery Help with Hover/Fade/Animate Image

Hi guys I would like to create a javascript/jquery so that when I hover an item, 2 or 3 classes are called as a hovering image, since there will be a "left", "middle", and "right" image. The left and right will be fixed width, but the middle must grow according to the size of the remaining width. I tried using the lavalamp effect, how...

CSS Hover ParentChild Items

I'm trying to setup a CSS style to highlight a table cell in a nested table when the table is hovered over. See sample code below..... <html> <head> <style type='text/css'> table { border: solid 1px black; } table.Content:hover td.ContentIndent { background-color: #AAAAAA; } </st...

jQuery - Modifying an element's hover css

Hello all, I am creating a customize site page that dynamically changes the current page so that you can see a preview of what you are changing. Everything is working pretty well, except that the code I'm using apparently can't handle pseudo-classes such as :hover and :visited. The code is very simple, I am basically doing the followin...

JQuery Navigation Menu Animation with Wordpress Page List

So I am using Jquery to display a pop up menu on my current site. The html is a wordpress wp_list_pages output for all you wordpress types out there. For all you non-wordpress types, this means that wordpress will output nested ul & li elements in accordance with page architecture on wordpress. Bottom line, I want the jquery code to be w...

better way of jquery mouseover?

I am trying to create an effect where if you hover over an img, the color of text will change below it. And also, when you mouseout, the color will change back to its original color. The page is: http://vitaminjdesign.com/work.html My code is: if(window.jQuery){jQuery(function(){ (function(){ jQuery('div#one img').bind('mo...

How can I make a hover info bubble appear on mouseover in WPF?

I want to make bubble of text appear when the mouse is over a TextBlock. The following code is the closest I can get but it just injects text into TextBox.Text itself and changes the color. I want to have a e.g. Border/StackPanel/TextBlock above the original textblock floating on a different layer during mouseover. How can I make a hov...

Change image source by hovering on a label

Hi, I have multiple labels on a bar my web page and I want when I hover on that label, image in other div should change based on the label being hovered. Any help would be highly appreciared. Sjain ...

converting css hover to jquery hover

Hi. I am building a website with hover effects. See http://vitaminjdesign.com/index.html and look at the services section in the bottom right. I am using :hover to change the background color. I want to use jquery to acheive the same result with an elegant fade. Here is my html: <div class="iconrow"> <a href="#"><img src="images/icon...

jQuery: is mouse still over the element?

Hello, I would like to be able to detect if the mouse is still over the element in the following scenario: If mouseover then sleep for a few seconds. Once done sleeping check of the mouse is still over the same element. If true then do something. How can I achieve #2? Thank you. ...

jquery hover image fade swap

I have been searching online for awhile, trying to find the best way to write a jquery script that does this simple task: swapping an image on hover with an elegant fade effect. I have found many solutions (some way to cumbersome and clunky), and narrowed it down to what I see as the two best: http://designwoop.com/2009/08/image-hover-e...

maintain hover menu on mouseover in jquery

I have a table with some customer data. I am using jquery hover to show the actions(Edit, Delete, View) for the customer. Below is the html: <table id="hovertable" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td> Row 1 Column 1 </td> <td> Row 1 Column 2 </td> <t...

jQuery hover and fadeTo effect is slow in IE 8

I've been developing my website in both Firefox and IE 8. There's an image hover effect on the main page (as well as in the photography and drawing sections). You can see the code in the source at http://www.dgendill.com. In Firefox, the effect works perfect. In IE 8, it works, but it's much, much slower. Here's what I've tried to i...

jQuery: Get ids from class

Hi, I have a lot of div's and I want to fade this one who is hovered. How i can get the id of the hovered div? Is there anyway to do that except calling function(and sendind the id) with "onmouseover"? Thanks! ...

A little help with basic sprite stuff

Hi, I'm a design student and I'm at the end of my Web design I course. I'm working on my final site, but I'm having trouble with sprites (something we went over in one class, which I followed, but now I can't seem to figure it out). It's the first time I'm trying to use sprites for a site I'm making for the class. Anyway, I've looked ove...

css hover breaks page layout in IE WHY?

I am using a CSS style hover on some image links on my page. When a user hovers over an image, it's background position changes, providing a highlight effect. When I hover over the image in i.e.6 my page gets pushed down by 40px. Why is this? ...

CSS menu issue in Safari and Chrome. Submenu disappears on hover unless you're really fast!

When you hover over the top level links, the submenu appears as it should, but when you move the cursor down over the sub menu, it disappears sometime immediately and sometimes after the 3rd or 4th submenu link depending on how precise or fast you are! It works fine in firefox, ie7 and ie8 and validates for css and xhtml transitional. Pl...

how to achieve a similar hover effect in this website

how do you achieve the effects when you hover the links at top(HOME,ABOUT , JOBS) which you can see in http://www.webdesignerwall.com/ , can someone give me a hint ? or any? please all answers are appreciated :) ...

CSS Sprites showing broken image icon over image, but hover still works.

I can't figure this out..hopefully someone else can. I have an image button . The hover effect works fine. However, I have the IE broken image icon over the button image. Lookie here: Funky Image Funky Image Hover As you can see...they both work except for that annoying broken image. Here's my CSS: .donate-btn{ background: transp...

Change Submit button image with hover

Hi all. I have the following in an html form using method Post. <input type="submit" title="" class="myclass" value="" /> and: .myclass { background: url(../images/image1.png) no-repeat; border: none; width: 165px; height: 59px; } Basically, I need my form information to be posted using an image1.png button, and when hovered, i...

Set Statusbar Text on Mouse Hover - Works for controls but not MenuItems

I devised the following code for displaying a control's Tag property on mouseover. The code works fine for standard controls such as Labels and TextBoxes but I cannot get it to work for my MenuItems (more specifically ToolStripMenuItems). Could y'all please take a look at my code and tell me what I did wrong? Thanks in advance! public v...