
How to make a onmouseover work in mysql catalog

Hi everyone! I'm having difficulty creating a button on my catalog page, the catalog page returns either 8 15 or 20 products from a mysql database so i use a loop to pull each product out of the database, and i need a addtocart button which uses javascript to create an onmouseover effect the code is as follows echo "<a href=\"catalog...

jQuery hover event firing twice on mouse over

I'm trying to temporarily change the contents of a div on hover, using this jQuery: $(document).ready( function() { var $ratingHtml = ''; $('.userRating').hover( function() { $ratingHtml = $(this).html(); alert($ratingHtml); $(this).html( 'Log in to rate' ); }, function...

add delay to this jquery on hover

I'm using this code: var timeout = 500; var closetimer = 0; var ddmenuitem = 0; function navBar_open() { navBar_canceltimer(); navBar_close(); ddmenuitem = $(this).find('ul').css('visibility', 'visible');} function navBar_close() { if(ddmenuitem) ddmenuitem.css('visibility', 'hidden');} function navBar_timer() { closetime...

CSS Horizontal sub menu - IE 6,7 both dont working, tried with whatever hover.

I'm not expert about css menus. But I know basic system to make css menu. I used this system before and works, but this time it is not working. The site is http://www.uniethos.com. Please check this site This menu works with all other latest Browsers. But not with IE 6 & 7. I know IE6 don't support hover except anchor. So before I was...

Animate opacity on hover (jQuery)

We have a link: <a href="#"> Some text <span style="width: 50px; height: 50px; background: url(image.png); overflow: hidden; opacity: 0;"></span> </a> And we want to change opacity of <span> with some animation, when the link is hovered. How would we do it? ...

hover to trigger tooltip and menu animation

How do I combine actions on events. So a hover will animate the menu and display the tooltip attached to that menu item. I am currenlty using the lavalamp and beautytips plugins. ...

CSS - :hover is slow/laggy in IE7

This is really strange. I've got this site where I have a list menu with a simple :hover effect on each item in the menu. http://w3box.com/mat/ In Firefox it works just fine. But i IE7 atleast there's a lag. I haven't tested it in IE8 but my guess is that it's there as well. Now, I've been trying out veriations to the code to see wh...

Empty div hover event not firing in IE

I have a div with a child div inside it. I'm using jQuery to show / hide the child div whenever a mouse hovers over the parent div (parent div spans the entire bottom of the page. Width: 100% and height 100px). I've used both firebug and ie developer toolbar to confirm that the parent div is on the page. I can hover over the empty paren...

jquery flot - how to find the plot object for the graph I'm hovering over?

Given several flot objects on a page, each with the jquery.flot.crosshair.js plugin enable, how to I figure out which plot object has the labels I want to modify? I am using the example code here: http://people.iola.dk/olau/flot/examples/tracking.html, but I have multiple flot objects per page. Each seems to show the crosshairs just fi...

zeroclipboard hover

Hi guys, I'm trying to implement the flash component used on retailmenot.com and I'm facing some problems with it. After several days of searching and such I succeed on doing the zeroclipboard flash element to go over my multiple coupon codes and when I click on one to open a new url with that link. What I can't do it now, and which I ...

jQuery Image/Hover Preview Causing Choppy Behavior in IE7

Hi everyone, I seem to be having some problems using jQuery to create a simple zoom in IE. In Firefox all is well, but IE is being reported as choppy by most users. I've disabled the code in IE (using jQuery.browser.msie), but would love anyone's help if possible. My jquery source code is below (ignore the upport function). this...

jQuery hover profile?

How to create the effect like trulia when you hover on the avatar? http://www.trulia.com/voices/Home_Buying/Why_are_there_only_homes_listed_under_quot_Recen-164127 ...

How to set a:visited and a:hover programatically in ASP.NET

Hi, can someone tell me how to programatically set a:visited and a:hover programatically? I am dynamically building up some hyperlinks server side and want to know how to specify unique css behaviour for each link. Otherwise i would set them all in a stylesheet. Thanks. ...

Sluggish behaviour with li:hover with Cufon

Edit: Found out that this happens even though Cufon isn't even applied! Edit2: My bad, looks like Cufon is creating the slowless afterall. However, removing the line where I replace the menuwrapper font style with Cufon still results in sluggish behaviour. So it doesn't seem like it's got anything to do with applying cufon to the lists t...

jQuery hover problem with nested lists in ie7

Hey guys, I've got a a left floated UL list for a menu, one option with a nested UL for dropdown, each of which is given it's own nested ul child, which is only displayed on hover. What I'm finding in IE 7 is that if the mouse moves out of the boundries of the parent then the sub-menu disappers, it also seems to be clearing out the link...

css opacity on hover of div

Hi all. I am new to CSS. I just want a div over another div on hover and its transparency should increase. I have done some thing like that <div id="maincontainer"> <div id="picture"><img src="bill.jpg" alt="Bill Gates"></div> <h1>A floating image</h1> <p id="bill"></p> <div id="mem">sfasdf</div> </div> <div id="column1"> <p>Haec disser...

Why doesn't CSS hover work on table rows when the cells inside the rows have class names?

Hi, i am kind of stuck with this problem so any help would be appreciated. I have a table with several rows. each cell within the row belongs to a certain class. I use these class names to colour the cells. Here is one example row from my table: <tr> <td class = "summarypage-odd-column">Theme</td> <td class = "summarypage-odd-c...

jQuery div hover function not working in Firefox

http://cambridgeuplighting.com/testimonials This code works in Safari, IE7, and IE8, but not in FF 3.5.7. The code changes the background of the little background icon when you hover over a div. jQuery(function( $ ){ $('.oneThird').hover(function(){ $(this).find('span.icon').css( {'background-position-y': '-60px'} ); }, function()...

jQuery animated hover blinking out of control

Hey good people of this forum.. I'm using the following code as a hover-function on thumbnails: $(function (){ $('.button').hover(function(){ if($(this).is(":not(animated)")){$(this).animate({opacity: 0.7}, 'fast');}}, function(){ $(this).animate({opacity: 1}, 'fast' ); }); }); the problem is that when i pass over a thumb t...

Suppress Automatic Textbox Selection on Windows Forms Form.Show()

I have an application where I am trying to mimic the "soft description" textboxes like those found for the tags and title locations on this site. The way I've done this is essentially to create my textbox, and depending on what happens when the mouse pointer enters or leaves the control, it updates the content of the textbox to get the ...