
Set a:hover based on class

I have the following HTML: <div class="menu"> <a class="main-nav-item" href="home">home</a> <a class="main-nav-item-current" href="business">business</a> <a class="main-nav-item" href="about-me">about me</a> </div> In CSS, I want to set the a:hover for these menu items to a particular color. So I write: .menu a:hover { ...

Set back again the current menu link to "active" once navigation through menu stops

Ok, maybe you can't understand much from the title, so I'll try to explain it a bit more in here. Basically I have a navigation, like this: <ul class="primaryNav"> <li class="nav1"><a href="#" class="inactive" title="About us">About us</a></li> <li class="nav2"><a href="#" class="inactive" title="Our world">Our world</a></li> ...

jquery hover() mouseOut event not firing when mouse is moved quickly over link

Hi guys need your help on hover mouse out event not firing Problem i basically have simple link list and when you hover over it it appends a div (loading data in this div from xml) and on hover out it removes the div, but it only happens when mouse moves slowly over the links as soon as mouse moves more fast then usual over the links ...

JQuery Combining Focus and Hover Events

Hey I am having a bit of trouble combining the HOVER and FOCUS events with jquery. This is what I had originally: $("input,textarea").focus(function () { $(this).parent().siblings('div.exp').removeClass('hide'); $(this).parent().siblings('div.exp').addClass('show'); }); $("input,textarea").blur(function (){ $(this).par...

jQuery adding and removing 'active' classes plus hover

I have a definition list with thumbnails. They are 50% opacity with a 'thumb' class. When hovered 100% opacity. When clicked 100% opacity plus change 'thumb' to 'thumbactive' class So far my crappy code works, only thing is I can not get the tn on 100% on click. dl { width: 700px; } dt { clear: left; float: right; widt...

Hover Item with JQuery

Is there a way to hover item using javascript? I don't want to create another class, I just want to hover item with javascript when my mouse pointer is not over this item. For example I have 5 items with the same class and I want to call hover on all of them when one of them is actually hovered. Thanks. ...

Kill Event when hover off in Jquery

I've seen this somewhere before but I can't seem to find the little snippet. If I have a div that sets opacity (or animates up) on hover, but I hover off that div before its done animating, I want it to toggle back. Otherwise I hover over it a few times and I have 10+ seconds of animation/flashing to wait for. Here is my code: $("a.pr...

Thumbnails fadein fadeout specific div fade issues

I am using this code to hide and show a div based on which thumbnail you rollover; $(document).ready(function(){ $('div.infodiv').hide(); $(".website_thumbs a").hover( function(){ var name = $(this).attr("name"); $(".infodiv").stop(); $("."+name).fadeIn(); }, function(){ var name = $(...

jquery hover working on one div, not the other.

I have two divs as follows: <div class="car-service" id="browse-all-button"> <p>CAR SERVICE</p> <span>56" Race Ramps</span> <span>67" Race Ramps XTs</span> <span>XTenders</span> <span>40" Sport Ramps</span> <span>Roll-Ups</span> <span>Portable Pit Stop</span> </div> <div class="trailer-hauling" id="browse-all-button"> <p>TRAILER HAUL...

customizing flex MenuBar or removing the hover effect

Is there a way to disable the hover effects? I don't want flex to highlight the entire component for both link buttons and menu bar. On the menubar, I applied a backgroundSkin, so having flex highlight the whole menubar when the user hovers their mouse on top quitely destroys the design. ...

jQuery hover still triggering out

Hello I have following problem. I'm working on simple jquery tooltip and now I have to deal with some strange behavior of jQuery. Everytime when I mouseover the element, events for mouse over and mouse out are triggered both - so the tooltip disappears (but if I keep hand over, it does a lot of blinks in one sec). There's my code. va...

jQuery accomodating both HOVER and FOCUS together (mouse and keyboard)

I'm building a mega menu where I want to be able to trigger the menu via both a hover (using the mouse) and focus (such as tabbing to it via the keyboard). This is what I'm presently doing: $(".megaMenu-trigger").focus(function (){$(this).hover()}); $(".megaMenu-trigger").hover(function(){ // do the stuff }); This works, but am w...

Jquery Unable to Hover append html

Hi there, I am appending HTML into the DOM via jquery.append - my script is as follows (please excuse the crappy code) myDiv = $("<div class='bottomright' title="+msgID+">"+msgTitle+msgContent+ "</div>").appendTo(document.body).fadeOut(0).slideDown('fast'); shown.push(msgID); is there a different way to address either the hover or th...

jQuery Flicker/Flash Animation

Does anyone know of a neat jQuery effect that will make an image randomly flicker or flash? Most of the posts on here are "how to stop flickering" etc, so it's pretty hard to find anything about actually making the image flicker ON PURPOSE. ...

jQuery Hover Flickers for Image Caption

Hi. I have some rotating images with hidden captions that I'd like to expose with jQuery when someone hovers. Each image + caption is like this: <img src="images/picture.jpg" id="feature-1-image" /> <p id="feature-1-caption" class="feature_caption">1: Here is the caption</p> The caption is set to display: none; and placed on top of ...

Jquery Image lost on fade, help!

I Recently launched my portfolio page, and I used a jquery plugin to sort my portfolio entries based on their classes. Please view it Here You will notice that when you rollover each image, it enlarges and a case study link shows up. That is how it should look. When you press on the logos & branding button (up top) it functions perfectl...

Open info window if user hovers longer than x milliseconds

What I'm trying to do is very simple: open the marker's info window only if the user has hovered on the marker for longer than x millisecond. I can't find how to do this anywhere. I would appreciate a little code snippet to show me how to set this up! ...

Triggering :hover on second element when hovering on first

I've got this test page going on: http://joshuacody.net/qworky/ Warning: Tons of CSS3. This will only look right in Safari or Chrome. Firefox will be tolerable. All else will be lost. Essentially, when I hover on someone's name, I'd like it to trigger the hover state on their image as well. It's working now, but I feel the solution is ...

jquery hover problems

I'm trying to change a website's logo (logoName.png) to other images (logoHome.png, logoEvents.png, etc.) when the user hovers over buttons on the navigation menu (#home, #events, etc.) with the script below. This works fine when the timings are set to 0 and everything happens instantaneously, but when I slow things down it's not doing ...

JQuery Hover Tip

I am trying to modify the following script to show/hide the Tip only when the "?" is hovered on and not the entire "li" Block The HTML: <ul class="tips"> <li> <a href="#" class="tooltip">?</a> Feature 1 <div class="tip"> <h4>Tip Title 1</h4> <h4>Tip Q</h4> <p>Tip A</p> </div> </li> <li> <a href="#" class="to...