
jQuery $.hover used for submenus causing "bouncing"

I'm having some trouble with the jQuery hover method. Here's the relevant JavaScript code: $("#navigation > li > ul").hide(); $("#navigation > li").hover( function() { $(this).children("ul").slideDown(125); }, function() { $(this).children("ul").slideUp(125); } ); Here's the corresponding HTML: <ul id...

using .index() inside a hover()

I'm having some trouble with using the .index() inside of a .hover() function. Thanks for any help. $("#myUL li").hover( function () { //this logs a li element as it should $(this).log(); //this reports that it's not a valid function, why? $("#myUL").index(this).log(); //when i do it this way... var foo = $(...

jQuery CSS Hover

I have a CSS menu that sets the parent li's color when hovering over it and it's child ul (submenu). Basically, when you hover over the menu, it changes colour and remains that way until you mouseoff the menu and it's submenu. It looks nice. I've added some jQuery code to change the colour of the menu items when until a certain page is ...

Dropdown wont allow to select child elements

At this url: http://staging.petfooddirect.com:84/ If you go over Repties. and then try to scroll on to the items, it fades out before you can select anything. I have been playing with this all morning and no results. Is it my jQuery selector? I am using the code below in the box. Any suggestions on what I can do? Thank you, Ryan fun...

web chart with hover events

Hello, I am after a library with a Python interface to render nice looking charts with hover events for each point. ChartDirector does what I want, but I would prefer an open source solution. OpenFlashChart looks good, although ideally I would want a non-Flash solution. Any other contenders? ...

help with hover function

Any help would be appreciated... I am trying to create the effect of a colour photo fading through from black and white. The fade in works but its fading the black and white one OUT first which i dont want...id like it to appear as though the colour is coming through. Then once its hovered off of it should revert back to my original gr...

JQuery on hover out get the element the mouse has moved into

I have a navigation system that has a single level drop down on some of the elements. I have got it working just the way I want, except that it's too easy to just fall out the bottom of the nav when mousing along it (it's a second full width line drop down with inline items). What I need is a way to stop the nav from dissapearing when ...

asp.net hover over label

I'm looking for ideas on what I was hoping to implement. I had a asp label that I would like to set a max cap for the amount of visible characters in it (not a character limit on the total characters being inserted into the label but just for whats visible in the label). Then on a mouse hover I would like for it to display all the chara...

Hover FadeIn FadeOut

I am trying to create a hover over action which brings in a coloured image and also once the hover is removed it fades back to its original image. Currently it fades out the image to nothing and then fades the new one in. This will then stay in place regardless of whether i hover off or no. //Loop through the images and print them to t...

Whilst using drag and drop, can I cause a Treeview to Expand the node over which the user hovers?

In brief: Is there any built-in function in .Net 2.0 to Expand TreeNodes when hovered over whilst a Drag and drop operation is in progress? I'm using C# in Visual Studio 2005. In more detail: I've populated a Treeview control with a multi levelled, multinoded tree (think organisational chart or file/folder dialog) and I want to us...

CSS Hover attribute on sub-element rather than entire element

Hopefully this makes sense - my html is as follows html <a href="#" class="someclass">An <span class="sub">Interesting</span> Link</a> where the css is simply color information. What I'd like to do is to make it so when you mouseover the link as a whole only the "sub" information is affected by the hover attribute. While this would b...

Eclipse: Hover broken in debug perspective

Since upgrading Eclipse (Galileo build 20090920-1017), hover in debug no longer displays a variable's value. Instead, hover behaves as if I were in normal Java perspective: I've tried cleaning the project, re-importing it, etc., all to no avail. Anything I'm missing here? ...

Jquery Animate on Hover

I have a text which I want to animate when am having a mouse over it for eg: $(".tabb tr").hover( function(){ $(this).find("td #headie").animate({marginLeft:'9px'},'slow') }, function() { $(this).find("td #headie").animate({marginLeft:'0px'},'slow') }); with this.. when am having mouse over the row.. the table column a...

How can I reveal content and maintain its visibility when mousing to a child element?

I'm asking a question very similar to this one—dare I say identical? An example is currently in the bottom navigation on this page. I'm looking to display the name and link of the next and previous page when a user hovers over their respective icons. I'm pretty sure my solution will entail binding or timers, neither of which I'm seemin...

Help solving jq.imghover1.1 problem when container for images is absolute positioned!!

I'm working in a site with the plugin jq.imghover1.1.js for jquery. The plugin works great almost in any circumstances, but I did a position:absolute for a div that contains the images that will be affected by the plugin and now when the plugin fade the hover images in, they do it far to the right of the original button. The Code: <htm...

How to get hot node coords of TVirtualStringTree?

Hi. I'm trying to paint VirtualStringTree's cell differently when mouse is over it. How can I detect the coords of hot node? I know there's a HotNode property but it returns only Node that is under mouse cursor. I need to get cell coords (X,Y) of that node. ...

MVC, jquery, hoverIntent, Error: Object doesn't support this property or method

I am having one heck of a time with hoverIntent. I keep getting "Error: Object doesn't support this property or method" popping up. If I change .hoverIntent to .hover, it "works". I've tried the regular file and the minified file and neither work. I downloaded them from here I only have 2 scripts on the page. (this is in the MVC ma...

Hover using jQuery

Having a bit of problem debugging my jQuery code... In order to allow hover effects on block elements (such as div) in IE, I want to use jQuery to do the trick instead of css. My jQuery code looks something like: $(document).ready(function() { $("div.foo").mouseover(function(){ $("div.foo h3").addClass("hover"); ...

jQuery Hover Problem - Hover Triggers on Mouse Move

For reference: http://www.favsav.com/-public You'll notice that if you hover over a list item, the meta data slides up. If you leave your mouse still on top, and then move a smidgen to the left or right, it triggers again. There's some other silliness going on if you move around The code is pretty simple: $('li.post').hover(funct...

jquery hover navigation button, fadein div on another div

Hi little stuck on this jquery. I have a banner above my nav bar, which is a list. Ideally, when I hover over a li in the navbar, I would like a "caption" to slide in on top of the banner div. I guess something like: <div id="banner"> <div class="home_caption">This is Home!</div> <div class="about_caption">This is About!</div> </div...