
jquery simple menu roll-over (animation queue question)

I have a simple unordered list with listitems as menu item i created the jquery just to have a funny rolover effect beeing: $('#nav ul ul li').hover(function(){ $(this).animate({ marginLeft: "20px", }, 300 ); }, function(){ $(this).animate({ marginLeft: "0px", }, 300 ); }); the problem with this script i...

How to use 'hover' in CSS

I used the code below in order to fulfill this target: When mouse hover on the anchor, the underline comes out, but it failed to work, <a class="hover">click</a> a .hover :hover{ text-decoration:underline; } What's the right version to do this? ...

Qt: mouseMoveEvent and interfer with hoverEnterEvent of child object

Hi! I use QGraphicsView to create a sort of circut editor, which has elements in it, which have connectors. It should be possible to connect those connectors with wires. However I have a problem, while I drag from one connector to another, Qt grabs mouse, and other connectors stop receiving hoverEnterEvent. Btw, on hover connectors resiz...

ASP.NET HoverMenuExtender Lazy Loading

I'm trying to get my hovermenuextenders to do some lazy loading. I have avatars across the site that when hovered over should pull back various things (images, recent posts, post count, etc) For obvious reasons I don't want to do this for all avatars on the page_load. Using the following code I'm able to get the hover event to trigge...

Add border on mouseover

I want to have a table border (which I can set using css, rather than the inline border= attribute) to be set to border: 1px solid black; when I mouseover the table. How do I go about doing this in jQuery. I think it's identical to what's happening to the buttons at the top of this page (Questions, Tags, Users etc) except that is a div ...

Anyone know a mousehover trick/alternative which triggers when scrolling with keyboard

Is there an alternative method or a trick to the hover method which can trigger a function when the cursor moves from one div to another as the user scrolls the page. I have sort of got it working using some javascript (jQuery) on the hover event of the current post div. However, I've noticed the hover event only triggers when the mouse...

JQuery: Hover without un-hover

I'm even stated surprised about jQuery's dumb way to put a hover attribute on an element. Take a look at this sample CSS: div.test { width: 20px; height: 20px; color: #000000; background: #FFFFFF; } div.test:hover { color: #FFFFFF; background: #CC0000; } If we'd like to convert this to jQuery, we have to type the fol...

jquery animation not working on dynamic elements

this may be useful to see where I am coming from. h[link text][1]ttp://stackoverflow.com/questions/1005006/jquery-nested-each-problem Note: jQuery is used instead of the $ idiom because this is what wordpress requires. I am adding divs with elements with this code: jQuery("#list").append(jQuery("<div>").attr("id", "Entry").html(html));...

Why doesn't a:hover work on an anchor without an href attribute?

In my application, I can't get the a:hover css style to work when my anchor tag doesn't have an href attribute. Is there any reason for this? ...

jquery:binding a hover event with ajax loaded content

I'm using jQuery to try and bind some newly loaded <li> elements with .hover() and I'm kind of stuck. At the moment I'm reloading the content in a <ul> with ajax and there's a hover event with .hover(); on the <li>. The hover event works perfectly on the non-ajax-loaded content of course. I know I can use mouseover/mouseout to bind the...

losing css hover with jquery

Css hover is working correctly until one of the menu items is clicked. I believe the problem started with I added this line $("#buttons li a:not(a." + target + ")").css("background-position","0 0"); CSS #buttons {float:left;} #buttons ul {list-style-type:none;cursor:pointer;overflow:hidden;} #buttons ul li {height:195px;width:40p...

How to display HTML using .NET in an interactive way.

What I basically want to do is take some HTML and display it in a way that when you mouse over any element, the application can parse the HTML I'm pointing to. I want to do this with C#/.NET Framework. Using IE is fine in my project and I'll want to basically edit the HTML so that when i hover over a table for instance, the table's bor...

transparent png over jpg problem in IE7

I have jquery hover function which a transparent image will animate up. The following website http://www.okadadesign.no/vitaveritas/ shows a demo. Please hover over a girl's image. In FF, IE8 etc, a magnifying glass which is png-24 comes up, but in IE7, nothing happens. Can anyone help me how to solve this problem? Thanks in advance. ...

How to debug CSS/Javascript hover issues

I often find myself wanting to debug CSS layout issues that involve DOM changes caused by Javascript in reaction to a hover event or different CSS rules applying due to the :hover selector. Normally, I'd use Firebug to inspect the element that's giving me trouble and see what its CSS properties were, and where those properties come from...

Jquery - Outline top element while hovering

Hi, I'm trying to outline the top element being hovered. $(function() { var ElementSelector = null; var SelectedElement = null; $("*:not(div#ElementSelector)").hover ( function() { SelectedElement = ($(this).length > 1 ? $(this).find("*:last") : $(this)); if(ElementSel...

jQuery - How to tell .hover() to wait?

Hello, just a short qustion .. I have a drop down menu. Now when it's slided down to multiple levels, I'd like it to add wait time for like 2 secs, before it disapears, so the user can get back in, when he breaks the .hover() by mistake ... Is it possible? my code for the slide: $('.icon').hover(function() { $('li.icon > ul').sli...

Using JQuery to display database information on a hover

Hi guys, I'm trying to something with JQuery similar to Red Box. I'd like to be able to hover over an entry in a table, and then have a box popup that displays information about that entry pulled from a database. What I have so far is the ability to select specific elements in the table, and alert when I hover over those elements :) So...

jQuery Hide/Show with Slide on Hover... better way to do this?

Basically having some trouble with using Hover to hide or show an item. The idea is simple, on hover show a div. When no longer hovering, hide it. Problem is if the mouse hovers over the div and leaves too quickly, the show/hide div will stay visible. I'm hoping this is something easily remedied and not a typical problem with the h...

jquery hover mouse out

I want a simple slide down / up animation on a mouse over of a link can get the mouse over to work but can't work out how to get the mouseout to do it's thing here's what i have for the hover effect <script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.google.com/jsapi"&gt;&lt;/script&gt; <script type="text/javascript"> google.load("jquery...

Jquery Show Current Page in Navigation Sliding Doors

I'm currently building www.scenes-online.co.uk/test/ I've got this code sliding up and down the links on hover using jquery... <script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.google.com/jsapi"&gt;&lt;/script&gt; <script type="text/javascript"> google.load("jquery", "1.3.2"); //load version 1.3.2 of jQuery google.setOnLoadCallback(fun...