Please help, I am struggling with this all the day long.
I have an MVC application and I am having some code in Application_Error (global.asa)
This application uses a dedicated application pool running in Integrated mode.
There is no way to have my Application_Error code fired when I run my application in Integrated mode
If I move ba...
I'm relatively new to using IIS 7. I'm getting confused by the various options that IIS 7 provides.
What does setting authentication mode="Windows" do in the web.config of my site do?
What does enabling Windows authentication in the Authentication module in IIS 7 do?
What is the difference between these two? Does one override ...
In my exception handling file, I set a statuscode to 404 and then render n HTML page, for the error page (think fail-whale).
<cfheader statuscode="404" statustext="Application Exception">
<html><head><title>Error</title></head><body><h1>There was an error yo!</h1></body></html>
This is obviously over simplified, but just to make sure...
How would I go about reading a file from a UNC path, discovering the proper MIME type, and streaming that out to a browser?
It feels to me like I'm re-inventing IIS, and I'll also have to maintain my own MIME type database for each file extension. Does the above request sound reasonable, or is there a better way?
I plan on streaming t...
How can I programatically read IIS's MIME types? I'd like to use them when I stream data to my clients using WCF.
Any tips, or API would be appreciated
Hi All,
I'm currently working on a deployment script that will take my site, export it from svn, remove any testing files etc in it, minify the javascript/css, copy the code to a remote web server, and then switch the physical path of the existing site to the new directory.
So far I have everything working except for switching the phys...
After trying for long time I am not able to run my silverlight 4 business application successfully on my deployment server, where I don't have visual studio 2010 installed.
I have IIS 7.5, OS:windows web server 2008 R2, I installed RIA services, Silverlight 4 etc. I configured IIS it works for normal silverlight websites But this silver...
I am uploading files to IIS 7 using BITS
it works flawlessly and fine except for certain files
when it fails 100% iwth 0x80190194 which is HTTP 404 which amkes no sense to me in terms of remote url not found
I am using the sharpbits library
whats amazing is that some files work and some dont and no its not a size thing the failing file ...
I'm using IIS7 url rewrite module.
Here is my blog link:
After rewrite here is some images paths.
But some images are ok (like google image).
Hi, all:
I am testing my own http module and studying IIS integrated pipeline at same time. In my module, I registered events: RQ_BEGIN_REQUEST, RQ_END_REQUEST, RQ_AUTHENTICATE_REQUEST, RQ_AUTHORIZE_REQUEST
My website has one page require SSL, others don't. When other http:// pages requested, all 4 events are triggered. When this page ...
Hi. I'm using iis7 url rewrite module and make user friendly urls. But in my sitemap this is not like that.
It is like .aspx?id=123&category=dasd
So indexed on search engines and sitemap has different urls. (normally both of them goes to same page) but they are different.
Is it problem or not? or what can I do?
Here is my WebService
[WebService(Namespace = "")]
[WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]
public partial class DataFeeder : System.Web.Services.WebService
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
[ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json)]
I published a site with a web hosting company and when someone hits the URL for the first time they are being prompted to log in using basic authentication. If you hit Cancel the site loads successfully and the user is not prompted again with the dialog box.
I contacted support and they are telling me (in a canned response) that it’s a...
My question is closely related to this question.
Here is a quick synopsis: My app is running in Classic Mode.
I have the following code in Global.asax
protected void Application_Error(Object sender, EventArgs e)
// ... boring stuff...
HttpContext.Current.Server.Transfer("~/MyErrorPage.aspx", true);
We have a web server that is running many web applications. When I took over this server, I noticed that the sites were not precompiled, so in an effort to clean it up, I precompiled the site using the Publish option in VS2008 (and allow the precompiled site to be updatable).
When I deployed the site to the web server, the site stopped...
I've done this a few times in IIS 6 but never on IIS 7 so I'm having a bit of trouble...
To create a website on IIS 7, do I create a website or an application?
Also, what goes on the bindings (host name, ip address)?
I want to point to C:\inetpub\wwwroot\whatever
so far I got to point to C:\ine...
Context: I have an application which handles login/authentication as a root website in IIS7. In this website, I would like to have sub-applications which all use the same HttpModule, which is defined in the root site's dll. At the moment, I obviously get the
"Could not load file or assembly 'CompanyName.Namespace' or one of its depende...
How can I set the ehe .net framework version and the managed pipeline mode programmatically for a IIS 7 programmatic via C#? What a the metabase property names for that?
Hi All,
This should be much simpler than it has proven to be!
I have an ASP.Net web app which uses FORMS authentication to secure part of the site (i.e. the member login area).
Now I simply want to put a traditional/simple browser password popup (directory security) across the whole site because we are testing it and don't want anyone...
How do you back-door authenticate Windows users into a website using forms authentication running on IIS 7.0?