
Sum image intensities in GPU

I have an application where I need take the average intensity of an image for around 1 million images. It "feels" like a job for a GPU fragment shader, but fragment shaders are for per-pixel local computations, while image averaging is a global operation. An image sum will suffice, since it only differs from the average by a constant...

Most Efficient Way to Create Thumbnails?

I have a huge volume of thumbnailing to do. Currently, I am using ImageMagick, but it's proving too inefficient (it's too slow, uses too much CPU/memory, etc.). I have started to evaluate GraphicsMagick, which I expected to get "wow" results from. I didn't get them. Can someone take a quick look at my benchmark script (does simple speed...

Android handling out of memory exception on image processing

Hi all, This is the sequence part of this question: so the problem is: if the image size is too big - it'll got an exception (out of memory exception) what i want is, to handle even if the handset got the lower spec hardware, it doesn't go to that exception (but it...

Automatically update images

I'd like to implement a functionality in an app of mine, but I don't know how to go about it. What I want is this: I have a model class that uses imagekit to save its images, and I'd like to have the users being able to update the images easily for the vehicles without having to edit each respective vehicle record. How they'll do thi...

Creating a gridview of images' thumbnails that expands when tapped in Android

I would like to create a gridview of images, in which, these images will be downloaded based on a web service response. The thumbnails of images will be displayed in a gridview, similar to how iPhone displays photos. User can tap on the image and the corresponding full-res image will be shown, sized to fit within the android phone. Up...

How to discover the area chart data if we only have the image?

The area chart (image) has a few data series, which are charted with different colors. We know the image size and co-ordinates of each lable on x-Axis, is it possible to discover the series of y-Axis by image recongition? Can anybody shed some light? ...

How do I handle errors when converting a byte array to image?

This is a C# Winforms App in .NET 4.0. I receive a byte array from a web server which is supposed to be a JPG image. I convert this array to an image as follows: // byte[] ImageData ... bool ValidImage = false; try { MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(ImageData); Bitmap FinalImage = new Bitmap(ms); ValidImage = true; } catc...

Why isn't this inverse Fourier transform giving the correct results?

I want to invert the Fourier transform of an image in MATLAB, but the result is not the original image (as it should be). There is obviously some implementation detail that I don't know about that's causing the issue. Here's the code: img = imread('img.jpg'); fft = fft2(img); inv = ifft2(fft); imshow(inv); ...

Displaying php generated image on a page

I have a function i use in modifying my images, and i want to display thos images on my page alongside other page content. PHP Image Function : <?php function dynamicImage($nw, $nh, $source, $stype, $dest) { $size = getimagesize($source); $w = $size[0]; $h = $size[1]; switch($stype) { case...

Measuring the average thickness of traces in an image

Here's the problem: I have a number of binary images composed by traces of different thickness. Below there are two images to illustrate the problem: First Image - size: 711 x 643 px Second Image - size: 930 x 951 px What I need is to measure the average thickness (in pixels) of the traces in the images. In fact, the average thick...

Recombining two halves of an image in MATLAB

Hi. There is this assignment in which the first part involves dividing 3 images(RGB) A,B,C equally into A1,A2 ;B1,B2; C1,C2 Then we have to use (a) bitxor and (b)circular shift operation.The rule for bitxor is A1 bitxor B1 and A2 bitxor C2 and similarly for circular shift. Then merge the two results to obtain a mixed image. The last par...

Converting images on the ipad, or server side

I'm working on an ipad application that needs to work with images; it uses four different versions of each image in different situations (each has its own resolution and image quality). The options I have to get the images in the app are: 1) Download only the original image. Convert the image into several formats on the ipad. CPU/mem c...

Queues implementation benchmark

I'm starting development of a series of image processing algorithms, some of them with intensive use of queues. Do you guys know a good benchmark for those data structures? To narrow the scope, I'm using C mostly, but I can use C++, stl and any library. I've got a few hits on data structure libraries, such as GLib and C-Generic-Library,...

Open-source implementations of a photoshop-like quick select algorithm?

Are there any open-source implementations of an graph-cut algorithm similar to that used for Photoshop's quick select tool? I'm researching for a personal project of making a GIMP tool\plugin similar to PS's tool, but I'm wondering if it's been done before. ...

How to highlight a word in an image?

I'd like to be able to highlight a word in an image of a document when the user searches for that word. Exactly like Google Books does here. As far as I know, Tesseract and other open source OCR programs don't support this sort of function, so does anyone have any ideas how it might be done? ...

Image created programmatically?

This is a beautiful image. I'm wondering how it can be generated programmatically with an image-processing library like imagemagick or gd? My general idea is that the frame itself could be defined separately, but is there way to fill that frame with letters in the same way they're doing it...

How to correct RGB color taken with camera ?

Hi everyone, I had this question in my mind lately: I have taken a photo of a picture in my computer's display using my phone's camera (2MP) then transferred the picture to my computer. What i have noticed is that the individual pixel (RGB) values of the photographed image are different from the original picture (which is obvious !) but...

Image Gallery tie in with database?

I'm developing an image gallery for one of my customers, they want a very minimal, simple and easy user experience. The image gallery must contain a title and description of each image, we have created a app to upload the images and set titles and descriptions this is stored in a mySQL database. We're developing this site with php. Befo...

why are images returning filesize = 0 when being uploaded?

I have a php form that uploads files, and all files work good the limit size is set at 7340032 bytes (7Mbs) and it works ok, however when I try to upload an image larger than 500kbs when I echo the values of the first if: if(isset($_POST['upload']) && $_FILES['userfile']['size'] > 0){ it says the image size is 0 everytime, why would t...

Sanselan vs Java-Image-io

Which better of these two libraries Sanselan or Java Advanced Imaging API? ...