
WPF - Rotate and Save Image -both for the View and to Disk

Hello, I have a View that contains an image control. <Image x:Name="img" Height="100" Margin="5" Source="{Binding Path=ImageFullPath Converter={StaticResource ImagePathConverter}}"/> The binding uses a converter does nothing interesting except set BitmapCacheOption to "OnLoad", so...

Remove GIF image background to match Original background in GWT ?!

So I have an image (GIF) with a blueish background and a circle (which i want to keep), I would like to remove the blueish background and ( or show the origin color of the back ground it sites on or make the background of the image totally transparent. ) Thank you . This is GWT 1.6 ...

javascript. Select part of an image

Scenario. I want to identify things in an image by 'drawing' a rectangle round them. E.g. to select a face in a crowd. A sign in a street etc. How to use the mouse events to a) mousedown to start select area Grow a 'rectangle' to follow the mouse movements. b) mouseup to end selection. Retrieve the xy, xy of the box for use in furthe...

CodeIgniter Images

Hi, Using CodeIgniter, I am trying to place several images onto my view page as follows ... <?php foreach($results_found as $item): ?> <tr> <td><?php echo base_url();?>images/$item->img.jpg</td>? <td><?php echo $item->title ?></td> </tr> ... but all this displays is the url for the images. I've stored the names of the image...

how to convert avi file to an jpg's images array using .net

how to convert avi file to an jpg's images array using .net , i need to develop a task that will take the avi file and save it as jpg images on another folder ...

How to get QWebKit to display image?

Okay, I have a Qt executable in the same directory as a file logo.png. I call the following: QString msg("<html><body><img src='logo.png' /></body></html>"); webView->setHtml(msg); where webview is the QWebKit pointer However, when I execute the program, the image does not display. I am executing the program from the directory that...

.net 3.5 word.document: how to add image from byte[]

How can one use a byte[] that represents an image to add a picture into an instance of a word.document? I got as far as putting that byte[] into a stream, and the stream to an Image class instance. what should I do next? *without using the clipboard.paste, and without saving into an image file first. ...

Using Microsoft Chart Control in ASP.NET MVC Returns a Blank Image

Using the answer Generating the Image from a Controller from this post, I created a controller action to return a chart image as seen below (the X and Y values are just there as test data): public FileContentResult HistoryChart() { Chart chart = new Chart(); string[] currencies = { "ZAR", "USD", "GBP", "JPY" }; ...

image protection in rails

Hello, I am looking for ways to protect my product images and I don't know if there's anything out there better than what I've already found: disable right click, use a transparent image in front of your picture and watermarking. Obviously none of them is perfect but I was curious if someone came up with a better solution to this proble...

Automatically change div on mouseover and on timer

I'm a bit o a noob so any help would be great... What I need to do is have it so that the div associated to a specific li can change on hover as well as automatically change on a timer so that it scrolls through the option. here is my code: <script type="text/javascript"> $(function () { $("#switches li").mouseover(functio...

Paperclip Resize to fit a rectangular box

I have a rectangular image for example 30x800 pixels How I can scale it with paperclip to preserve the aspect ratio to a 100x100 pixel image with borders filling the empty area ? an example : ...

Blackberry - ListField with images from filesystem

I use the following code to retrieve image from the phone or SDCard and I use that image in to my ListField. It gives the output but it takes very Long time to produce the screen. How to solve this problem ?? Can any one help me?? Thanks in advance!!! String text = fileholder.getFileName(); try{ String path="file:///"+fileholder.getPat...

Publishing Website

When we publish web application, images store in physical folder are not displaying on actual runtime. How to solve this problem? ...

Smooth mousover images inside scaled Flex App?

I have a flex app I am scaling using systemManager.stage.scaleMode=StageScaleMode.NO_BORDER; for the most part it works well except for my bitmap data (mostly png's from the designers). I can set the mx:image tags to smoothBitmapContent=true and that works great for everything except my mouseover objects. When I do a mouseover, the so...

Flash Lite 2 Split Image

Can flash lite 2(as2) split an image in to multiple movie clips? For example, get an image and split it in half to to mc's. ...

Android: Programmatically animate between images in Gallery widget

I'd like to programmatically move between images in the Gallery widget, with animation. I can change the currently displaying image using the setSelection(int position) method, however that does not animate. Then there's setSelection(int position, bool animate) but the extra boolean on the end there doesn't appear to do anything. In th...

Android Dev.: How to populate gallery by image URL?

I'm trying to build a gallery where the images within will be pulled from the images URL from a website. i.e. Instead of doing R.drawable.xxxx.jpg, you use a url to represent the image. Is this possible? If so, can you show me an example in code? Thanks ...

Getting Occasional Errors Returned Instead of PHP Images

I have a script that colors the requested country on a world map with GD and PHP. The PHP requests are called with checkboxes. It kind of looks like if you call the PHP scripts too fast then it returns an "Xed out" error image. Is there a way to queue the PHP requests with setTimeout or something else, so a new checking event never fa...

[FLEX 3] Placing images into a Collage Canvas

I've got an array of different sized images. I want to place these images on a canvas in a sort of automated collage. Does anyone have an idea of how to work the logic behind this concept? All my images have heights divisible by 36 pixels and widths divisible by 9 pixels. They have mouseDown functions that allow you to drag and drop. ...

Silverlight - how to render image from non-visible data bound user control?

Hello! I have such situation - I'd like to build timeline control. So I have UserControl and ItemsControl on it (every row represents some person). The ItemsControl contains another ItemsControl as ItemsControl.ItemTemplate - it shows e.g. events for the person arranged by event's date. So it looks as some kind of grid with dates as a...