
c# any cool graphing libraries to graph performance data?

Any one know of a tutorial or library or something that i could use to help me accomplish rendering a X-Y GRAPH for performance data or just data in general. My goal is to have a final result looking something similar to This Chart rendered by RRD. So just to clarify i just want to render these type of images i don't want rich serv...

How to remove insert image button from Yahoo Rich text editor

Hey Guys, I am using ThickBox 3.1 one one page. Now, there is one problem, i am using one form to open thickbox on the button click event. And i am using yahoo text editor on that form. And in the yahoo rich text editor there is one link of image insert.. but i don't know why its not opening. on click of it. the image insert dialog ...

Problem in Rendering images in UIImageView in iPhone programming.

Hello, I've a UIViewController and a UIImageView, on UIImageView i want to flip between 2 images, which i'm not able to achieve. This is the code i've written, plz correct me if i'm wrong. UIViewController* VC = [[UIViewController alloc]init]; VC.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor redColor]; UIImageView* imgView = [[UIImageView alloc]ini...

How do I show and position an Image initialized in the codebehind on my page?

Hello. I have created a simple method to check if an image has been approved and finally returns it as an control. But how do i call and show it on the page? I've tried something like this in the aspx-file: <% SendImage("DKBygMiniLogo.gif", "True"); %> Here is the simple method: protected Image SendImage(object Image, object Approve...

Image Source binded to missing file

How can I display a default image when the binded path file is missing? <Image Source="{Binding DisplayedBook.ImagePath}" /> My solution: Used a converter, which check if the image exists and returns the appropriate path. ...

Problem loading images from DOM

I have problem in loading images using jquery. My program is such that it inserts as well as deletes from the same form. When I delete an image and inserts the image and after loading the jquery function the deleted image is shown. I have found inconstency in dom and actual location. The browser loads the images from dom not from actual...

jQuery animate on an image replacement

Hey All Hope you can advise I would like to add some simple fade in out of an image replacement which I have hooked into a select, $("#vehicle").change(function(){ var selected = $(this).val(); $("#selectedVehicle").attr('src', '/assets/images/mini/'+selected+'.png'); }); <img id="selectedVehicle" src="/assets/v2/image...

Speed of interpolation algorithms, C# and C++ working together.

Hello. I need fast implementation of popular interpolation algorithms. I figured it out that C# in such simple algorithms will be much slower than C++ so i think of writing some native code and using it in my C# GUI. First of all i run some tests and few operations on 1024x1024x3 matrix took 32ms in C# and 4ms in C++ and that's what i ...

Java: Detecting image format, resize (scale) and save as JPEG

This is the code I have, it actually works, not perfectly but it does, the problem is that the resized thumbnails are not pasting on the white Drawn rectangle, breaking the images aspect ratio, here is the code, could someone suggest me a fix for it, please? Thank you import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.I...

Mouseover - mouseout - Javascript

what i'm trying to do: When a user hovers over an image, a little x (image) should appear in the top right corner. If the user clicks on this little x the image should be deleted and when the user does a mouseout the little x should dissapear. I've tried several things: html structure is an ul with li's and an image in it Javascript: ...

How can I create an Image in GDI+ from a Base64-Encoded string in C++?

I have an application, currently written in C#, which can take a Base64-encoded string and turn it into an Image (a TIFF image in this case), and vice versa. In C# this is actually pretty simple. private byte[] ImageToByteArray(Image img) { MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); img.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging...

Use XML Layout to contain a simple drawing

I would like to create a simple drawing (lines, circles, squares, etc...) but I'm having difficulty figuring out the best way to do this. The drawing would need to be scaled to fit the display since the size is indirectly specified by the user (like in a CAD application). Also, I don't want to take up the entire display, leaving room f...

How to Improve my php image resizer to support alpha png and transparent GIFs

Hi, I use this function to resize images but i end up with ugly creepy image with a black background if it's a transparent GIF or PNG with alpha, however it works perfectly for jpg and normal png. function cropImage($nw, $nh, $source, $stype, $dest) { $size = getimagesize($source); $w = $size[0]; $h = $size[1]; sw...

Row image changes in listview in android?

Hi, I am developing an android application where I need to manipulate the background image of the rows in listview on certain conditions. Initially when the listview is loaded all works properly. But when I scroll down to the listview and come up again the background image changes. Can someone tell me the reason why its happening so? H...

iphone sdk conditional in switch function

I'm trying to make a random image appear on the press of a button. So it generates a random number, and the switch algorithm swaps the chosen image with the one in the imgview. but I want a switch in the settings app to toggle which set of images to use. I know pretty much how to do's just that it doesn't work. I'm missing some ...

Generating 2 random images from an array.

I am writing a Silverlight application. How do I generate 2 pictures from an array of images and display it on my screen? This is what I have now. private void PopulateCards(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { List<string> Level2 = new List<string> { "1", "2", "3" }; List<string> randomizedImageList = GetRandomList(Level2); ...

Is there any pure Perl module to create images and to place text in the image?

I am looking for the pure Perl module for creation of the image file. I went through internet and found some modules GD, Imager, Prima-1.28 but these are all contains 'C' (.c) file and (.h) files. ...

how to insert jpg/png into scene in opengl?

Is it possible to load an image file into opengl? We are developing a realistic scene of a robot in both linux and VC++. What libraies and methods are available to insert an image? also link good examples and references. ...

Hiding text under an image for SEO purposes

I am going to use a large image on my page with a bunch of text on it. The reason I am including body text on an image is because the text will be rotated, and there currently isn't any GREAT solution for rotating text seamlessly across all browsers. On this image, there is a lot of text, and I want it to be indexed by search engines. (...

iPhone Image Resources, ICO vs PNG, app bundle filesize

My application has a collection of around 1940 icons that are used throughout. They're currently in ICO and new images provided to me come in ICO format too. I have noticed that they contain a 16x16 and 32x32 representation of each icon in one file. Each file is roughly 4KB in filesize (as reported by finder, but ls reports that they v...