I have to download some images from links.
This links return me a file where is embedded a multipart mime and a tiff image.
I have writed this code but it downloads the file with mime.
How I can remove the mime from this file and have the image returned?
Can I do this with wget or curl?
My code:
def download(url,local):
import ...
Does Qt support textual annotations of images as part of its object library?
So my logic is flawed and I need a better and correct way to resize an image in my c# app
I need a function similar to this setup
public void ResizeImageForWeb(string OriginalFile, string NewFile, int MaxWidth, int MaxHeight, int Quality)
// Resize Code
Basically, I'm a web designer lost trying to programming a desktop app.
I have thumbnails generated in Java, but not sharp enough, why?
I am trying to do a chess game. So I want to move the chess coin picture when the user clicks and drags the coin.
Which class I have to use
At last I am just editing the puzzle code which is given in drag and drop examples. Thereby I am trying to know the functions. But Still I am not getting certain things. I am executing the ...
I am a little forgetful
have made it many times and can not find the code from the last time I made it
how do I get it to resize more than one picture
i do like this
Guid imageName;
imageName = Guid.NewGuid();
string storePath = Server.MapPath("~") + "/MultipleUpload";
if (!Directory.Exists(storePath))
i am beginner in Android app development i am working on a app which lists the videos and images and uploads them from android phone to the windows server,
Button Listvideo = (Button) findViewById(R.id.Listvideo);
help me out with the listing images and videos........................
I currently have code like this in a web based file called 'view_file.php' to grab an image from an internal network.
<img src="put_file.php?type=<?=$TN_TYPE;?>&path=<?=$TN_PATH;?>&filename=<?=$TN_FILENAME;?>" />
The 'put_file.php' script allows access to an internal server that we don't want to expose to the internet. This script che...
Hello all,
I am making use of GD2 and the image functions to take in a string and then convert that into an image using different fonts at different sizes. The function I use is below.
Currently, its pretty quick but not quick enough. The function gets called about 20 times per user and the images generated are always new ones (differe...
I have file upload UI element in which the user will upload images. Here I have to validate the height and width of the image in client side. Is it possible to find the size of the image having only the file path in JS?
Note: If No, is there any other way to find the dimensions in Client side?
I'm having problems with image's on the page. I'm using Javascript to create the elements, and in FireFox it seems the string that I'm using to set the innerHTML is not being parsed correctly. I'll see this when the server page is requested with invalid GET variables. They look like this (from the PHP script's error handler):
GET[] ...
Hi friends,
In android mobile we have an default application Market, under submenu there is functionality called all applications. In this, first it shows only ten records in which it will display defalut image and text, then in back ground it will update images. When we scroll down (i.e., end of list) and it shows loading and then it l...
Image tag inside email message:
<img src="http://www.mydomain.com/image.php?lastest=1">
Part of image.php script:
case 'image/gif': header('Content-type: image/gif');$img=@imagecreatefromgif($image['src']);if($img) {imagegif($img);imagedestroy($img);}
But how i can do the same with this image?
I am trying to build a HTML + Images Signature in Mozilla Thunderbird.
I know that this isn't the most apropriated software to create email signatures... but I can't think of another one that is free.
My image is attatched to the email itself. And it displays good in some Webmail Managers like Hotmail... however... in Gmail this...
Hi, i need to change the resolution of an image programmatically. I'm really noobiedoobie at resolutions and Dpi so i'm not sure how to go about it. I need to change the reolution on the camera image to 300Dpi. My idea is to do the calculations in photoshop and then shrink the image by drawing it in a smaller rect with cgcontext. I's thi...
In the MODx WYSIWYG whenever I click the Image icon to insert an image, followed by browse image it generates the wrong path: /data/12/1/111/99/1111262/user/1169144/htdocs/images/image.jpg instead of assets/images/image.jpg
I have checked my Resource URL and Resource Path and they both look correct. Has anyone ever experienced MODx rewr...
Hi all - this is driving me absolutely nuts. I'm not the most experienced with CSS, so I'm hoping it is something simple.
I'm running Wordpress 2.9.2 with "The Morning After" theme.
I am trying to write a post where I want to display two small pictures, with captions, side-by-side and centered in the middle of the page.
Here is the HT...
With the following code, my browser is returning 'image not created or saved'. I assure you the location of the image exists. So the line within the if statement is returning false for some reason, and yes GD is installed. Any ideas?
if ($img = @imagecreatefromjpeg("/var/www/images/upload/1/1.jpg")) {
die("image was creat...
I want display the images saved in the cell phone in my own application. now I am using MediaStore.Images.Media to do this. I can get the name, size and other information of the images. but i don't know how to get the bitmap? can u help me. thx.
There is a method getBitmap(ContentResolver cr, Uri url), but i don't know how to get the Ur...
I'm loading a grayscale png image and I want to access the underlying pixel data. However after I load get the pixel data via CGImageGetDataProvider, the length of the data returned is longer than expected.
CCGDataProviderRef provider = CGDataProviderCreateWithFilename(cStr);
CGImageRef image = CGImageCreateWithPNGDataProvider(provide...