I am trying to retrive the filname of the image file from a file path in my code.
My filepath: c:\mydocuments\pictures\image.jpg
which method can i use in c# to get he filename of the above mentioned path.
Like String file = image.jpg
I have used the system.drawing to get he path, but it returns null.
my code:
string file = Sy...
Is there any decent way in PHP to get the mime type?
I have been searching extensively the past few hours and it seems like there are three main ways, which each way having problems:
This is deprecated, alot of the times not installed, and if installed will sometimes not find the mime.magic file.
Wasn't i...
I have a list of 179 thumbnail images that I am trying to apply a jQuery lightbox tool to an unorder list of hyper-links.
The problem I have is, the jQuery isnt firing until the images have finished downloading, each image is around 23K so on their own, not so big, but as a group this equates to around 4MB.
There is a delay on IE ...
What I am trying to do (under 10.6)....
I have an image (jpeg) that includes an icon in the image file (that is you see an icon based on the image in the file, as opposed to a generic jpeg icon in file open dialogs in a program). I wish to edit the exif metadata, save it back to the image in a new file. Ideally I would like to save th...
I'm serving up images from my servlet. The response content type is image/jpeg. I find that images requested from my servlet are not cached. How do I get them to be cached like file image requests normally are? I tried setting Cache-Control: public but to no avail.
Hi Guys,
I'm working with an image processing project where I'm trying to locate features on a .bmp image. I'm writing the whole source code in C.
The algorithm I'm developing is going to search for some features, if a desired feature was found by the algorithm then it is going to create a point (x co-ord, y co-ord), now I want to overl...
I'm trying to detect whether an image exists on a remote server. However, I've tried several methods and can't get any of them to work.
Right now I'm trying to use this:
if (!CheckImageExists("http://img2.netcarshow.com/ABT-Audi_R8_2008_1024x768_wallpaper_01.jpg")) {
print_r("DOES NOT EXIST");
} else {
print_r("DOES EXIST");
Currently, the functioning prototype has everything it needs to work: A semi-transparent window for easy resizing on the place you want to record, multiple threads to manage screen shot taking, etc., but one last task I need it to do has eluded me for months. I need to convert all of the images I dumped in a folder I made called temp (...
Here is my current code:
$image = 'img.jpg';
$source = imagecreatefromjpeg($image);
list($origWidth, $origHeight) = getimagesize($image);
$imgH = 75;
$imgW = $origWidth / $origHeight * $imgH;
$thumb = imagecreatetruecolor($imgW, $imgH);
imagecopyresampled($thumb, $source, 0, 0, 0, 0, $imgW, $imgH, $origWidth, $origHeight);
Is there any possible to print a specific image from webpages without popup window or new window?
Suppose i have four images in my application. Just i need to print second image only.
And also i want to implement large page like some textarea, some text box, more images etc...
So many code available with pop up window or new window...
I try to read an image from sdcard (in emulator) and then create a Bitmap image with the
method. I set the options:
options.inPrefferedConfig = Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888
options.inDither = false
Then I extract the pixels into a ByteBuffer.
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(width*heigh...
is there a way to load the full binary of an image in javascript?
what i want to do is to allow the user to preview an image before uploading it.
ie the user selects an image on his local drive (C:\image.jpg) , view it, and decides to upload or cancel.
i tried to set the source to the image path, but it didn't work since it is outside t...
I am getting a XML File to generate a preview, in a format like this:
<LABEL>Preview 16x16</LABEL>
Hi Guys,
I have created thumbnail view using Three20 bundle. I have successfully loaded and displayed the images in the view. Now i want to clear the cache images because everytime it shows only the previously cached image and not the updated or latest image. All images are retrieved from the RSS feed.
Please help me out.
Instead of using UIImageWirteToSavedAlbum, is it safe to write your image to /private/var/mobile/Media/DCIM/100APPLE/ directly?
Hi there.
I am writing an application where users are required to show their photo, however as my server resources are very limited I can not let them upload it to the server.
So I have three major questions:
1. How to properly validate photo URL? At least I can validate with regexp, however I need to check for file ending:
I am using OS X 1.6 snow leopard and I successfully got PIL installed. I am able to open terminal and type import Image without any errors.
However, When using app engine I get Image error still saying that PIL is not installed. I am wondering if any of you have an thoughts as to how I can resolve this issue.
So I was using yslow for firefox and my page weight was way high. My page has a main product image and then maybe 10 thumbnails. If you click a thumbnail, the image opens up in a popup done through jquery. The problem is, yslow is listing even the targets of the thumbnails as part of the page weight, so I guess for some reason the images...
Hi folks,
what's the proper way to display an image (bitmap) stored in sqlserver 2008 database as an varbinary(max) datatype in CrystalReports for .NET?
I have added a 'blobfieldobject' item in crystal reports & it is bound to a datatable with the column of type 'varbinary(max)' but the image won't show up instead a dark background is ...
I'm in search of and useful source of knowledge on Optical/Intelligent Character Recognition, Image and Pattern recognition.
Any books, papers, websites and whatever.