
Core Data, Bindings, value transformers : crash when saving

Hi, I am trying to store a PNG image in a core data store backed by an sqlite database. Since I intend to use this database on an iPhone I can't store NSImage objects directly. I wanted to use bindings and an NSValueTransformer subclass to handle the transcoding from the NSImage (obtained by an Image well on my GUI) to an NSData contain...

Binary image in Matlab

How can I know if an image read with imread is binary in MATLAB I did this : Img = imread(IMGsrc); T = Img== 1 | Img == 0; If min(min(T)) == ?????? imshow(T); end ????? = ?????? ...

Is there any function for create thumbnail image in php?

Is there any function for create thumbnail image in php ? ...

How to fix Java Image Fetcher error ?

My code looks like this : private static JFileChooser fc; if (fc==null) { fc=new JFileChooser(Image_Dir); fc.addChoosableFileFilter(new Image_Filter()); // Add a custom file filter and disable the default (Accept All) file filter. fc.setAcceptAllFileFilterUsed(false); fc.setAccessory(new Image_Preview(fc)); ...

Easyslider content loading sooner than I would like.

I am using a jquery easyslider on a page and also pulling some rss feeds using php. Pulling the feeds is taking a long time and as a result delaying the load of the easy slider until after the feeds have been pulled in. This can be seen here: I am looking for a way to display a loader image in the space...

Quality for images in LaTeX documents

Hey all, What are some of the pointers that I need to follow if I want to have good quality images in a LaTeX document. These images are mostly screenshots of an software application or flow charts. Below are two such images. Flow Chart Screenshot Thanx Ladislav ...

accessing phone images through content provider in android

Hi, I need a sample code or tutorial for accessing phone images/media through content provider ? I know the following, what next ? ContentResolver cr = mContext.getContentResolver(); Cursor cursor = cr.query(MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, null, null, null, null); ...

regexp to find image path file in an image tag

Hi I'm looking for a regexp that find all images path in an image tag (src) and transform all images path by cid:filename <img src="../images/text.jpg" alt="test" /> to <img src="cid:test" alt="test" /> Thanks for your help Chris ...

image viewer website

i asked to make a website to view images and manage it's actions like max, min, autofit,..... (some thing like picasa but as a web application ) what is the suitable tool for that. JSF, JBoos Seam, dojo, digit ? and if any reference to enhance my skills on that branch will be appreciated. ...

Ajax -jquery image upload to iFrame resize problem

I'm modifiying an ajax like jquery image uploader from / to see image on screen in iframe. I need the image to come in at 100% so I can use jquery resize. filename=name&maxSize=9999999999&maxW=200&fullPath=http://localhost/nyb/uploads/&amp;relPath=../uploads/&amp;colorR=255&amp;colorG=255&amp;c...

Problem making local copy of a webpage

I want to run this chrome experiment locally. I copied the .html and .js files, along with the two .jpgs that the demo uses. However, when I run it off my local drive, Chrome gives this error: light.js:89 - Uncaught Error: SECURITY_ERR: DOM Exception 18 Line 89 returns the image data from the canvas after drawing the image to it. What...

using grails and google app engine to store image as blob and the view dynamically

I am trying to dynamically display an image that I am storing in the google datastore as a Blob. I am not getting any errors but I am getting a broken image on the page that I view. Any help would be awesome! I have the following code in my grails app domain class has the following @PrimaryKey @Persistent(valueStrategy = IdGenerator...

Looking for a good Dynamic Imaging Solution

I work for a small E-Commerce shop and we are looking for a process that will handle resizing our product images dynamically. Currently our designers take high resolution photos, either provided by the manufactures or created in house, and alter them to fit various pages on our site. The designers are constantly resizing, cropping, alte...

Trying to generate proportionally cropped thumbnails at a fixed width/height with PHP GD

I'm trying to create a Thumbnail Generator in PHP with GD that will take an image and reduce it to a fixed width/height. The square it takes from the original image (based on my fixed width/height) will come from the center of the image to give a proportionally correct thumbnail. I'll try to demonstrate that confusing sentence with some...

C# images cropping,splitting,saving

Hi, as stated in subject, i have an image: private Image testing; testing = new Bitmap(@"sampleimg.jpg"); I would like to split it into 3 x 3 matrix meaning 9 images in total and save it.Any tips or tricks to do this simple? I'm using visual studios 2008 and working on smart devices. Tried some ways but i can't get it. This is...

"Unsupported Image Type" exception in only few images...

In my java-swing project. I have one frame in which user can drop the images and save that images in database. Now this work perfectly but their are some images which is not showing. This are images Image 1 , Images 2 which is not supporting .. this are some images which are not reading... and its showing me exception, like javax.imag...

PHP, manipulating images and thumbnails?

I am using php and mysql. I allow my registered users to upload photos, the photos are store in filesystem format, then I will keep the original/max size of : width: 1600px and heigh: 1200px. In the user profile page, I would like to display the image, it maybe one of the 5 types of thumnails: 500x500, 300x300, 200x200, 100x100 or 50x50....

Finding a simple object in a low-quality image

Hi, I want to do this thing in C# (or any other .NET language), not sure how: I have an image I captured from webcam and I want to find a specific simple object in it (let's say a red circle with a black square in it). The red circle can be a bit different from time to time (because of shadows) and the square might be also a bit brighter...

What is the best algorithm to locate a point in an image file?

Hi all, I want to create a mark sheet recognizer. Here is the description: My system uses black and white color scheme. The mark sheet paper has a small black rectangle on each corner and an additional small black rectangle, to determine orientation, near one of the previous rectangles. The paper is scanned to yield an image (in bmp f...

Downloading photos on the client side every 10 seconds on an ajax enabled environment?

There is a web site page which is coded on with using c# and ajax is enabled too. I want a very fast loading web page; which is going to happen with the following architecture; 1- First all data is shown by the text boxes (There are 50 text boxes, it is an application form.) 2- When the web Page is requested and loaded, then I...